My Crazy Housemate

Perfect moment....

Perfect moment....

3Richard had been smiling like an idiot when he saw Leo carry Mia out like his bride. But it was shortlived when he realised Leo had actually left the venue with Mia…. How was he going to go home? They had come together in one car!     1

"That evil bastard!" He cussed silently before turning to look at Mira who was grinning from ear to ear. At last… it worked! She thought excitedly. She would have gone to jump on James and happily hug him that this was finally a success but that was something she couldn't do now. She shut her eyes as she remembered the embarrassing situation between them inside his bathroom. How was she going to sleep with him on the same bed?     

The atmosphere in the room was still kind of awkward. Benjamin stepped down from the stage and tried not to look at anyone. Had he come to this party to be embarrassed repeatedly? He had been able to confirm that there was something going on between Leo and Mia watching them tonight.     

He had thought he would be able to have his way with Mia tonight but all his plan had failed.     

He looked at one of the girls in the room who was glaring at him unhappily. She had expected him to pick her instead. So the kiss they had both shared at the back earlier had meant nothing to him? She frowned in displeasure but was happy the handsome guy had carried that girl away.     

"That was a smooth move." Jeremy said to himself with a pleased smile. If Leo hadn't stepped up, he would have done so.     

Chloe said nothing but looked at the tag he was holding. 'Number 8' she took note. Her tag was number 11.     

James who was standing beside his younger sister, Rachel ( not wanting any guy to approach her) let his eyes drift to a certain corner and his eyes caught the sight of Richard whispering something to Mira who was smiling. He saw this and quickly turned to look at the stage.     

What was suddenly wrong with him? He asked himself in frustration.     

"Number 7?" Frank called from the stage and everyone waited for Number 7 to raise his or her hand.     

In this particular game, all genders picked from the same tag bucket so there was no Male and Female sharing the same number.      

"Number 7.. that's you." Rachel reminded the distracted James before nudging him to go up the stage.     

"Just kiss Mira.. isn't she your best buddy here?" Frank suggested loudly when James hesitated making James' heart skip.     

Most of them there supported the idea. They knew James didn't have a girlfriend and Mira was his closest friend followed by Mia. A lot of them had even placed bets that they would end up dating but nothing was happening between them.     

Mira looked around awkwardly before looking back at James who was staring at her. He quickly broke the eye contact and laughed forcefully before pointing at the blond girl who had been trying to get his attention since the party started.     

The girl happily joined him on the stage and smiled brightly. At last!      

James would have causally chosen Mira but now, he wasn't sure he wanted to take that step. He had just seen her naked a few hours back… he couldn't kiss her now. Especially when it was going to be the first kiss they would both share.     

Mira watched with a frown as they both kissed. The girl seemed pretty into it while James was casual with his eyes widely open. He locked eyes with her over the blonds lips and none broke the eye contact this time.     


"Let's leave." Chloe said to Jeremy and began to head towards the door.     

"What? No.. why?" Jeremy asked as he hurried after her. He had been waiting for this moment and now she wanted to take it away from him     

"If you want to stay, stay. But I'm leaving." She said and quickly hurried out.     

"So where are we going to?" He asked as he followed her with a sad pout. They were also supposed to have another round of the truth or dare but now she wanted them to leave so early.     

"To the office." She said without breaking her stride.     

"Office?" He asked In surprise before checking his phone. It was already past 12.     

"Just drop me off at the mall and go home."     

"Why? Aren't you going to sleep?" He asked in confusion.     

"I have some work to do so I'll sleep there when I'm done." She said before throwing her car keys to him.     


Throughout the drive, Leo and Mia didn't say a word. Benjamin had called her repeatedly but she hadn't picked the call. After a while, she decided to send him a text apologizing and saying she would call him later.     

She closed her eyes and didn't open them again until they arrived.     

She didn't say a word and just got down when he pulled up in front of his apartment. She was mad at him for embarrassing her and was also still embarrassed after their conversation earlier. She knew she was supposed to thank him for the money he passed to her but she wasn't sure she could talk to him tonight. She quickly opened the door and hurried inside while he followed her. It was also quite awkward for him but he knew he had to say something so just before she opened her room's door, he called her name making her hand hang on the doorknob.     

"Would you have allowed him kiss you?" He asked which startled her so she turned to look at him.     

"That… shouldn't concern you right?" She asked back. She had told him she liked him but he simply stared back like he was mute. So why was he talking to her now? She turned to open her door when he spoke again..     

"I was jealous." He confessed, surprising Mia who turned around to look at him again. She was surprised to see he was even closer to her than before.     

"Jealous? Of?" She asked in a confused but quiet voice as she looked at his eyes which were trying to communicate something to her that she couldn't read.     

"I didn't want him to touch you…" He took a step.     

"I didn't want him to kiss you." He said as he walked even closer to her making her breath hitch up.     

"Uhm.... I..." She looked around not knowing what else to say.     

"You.. said one time that.. I am your little sister. So.. I don't think you should be jealous of me kissing someone el---"     

"You know that's not true." He cut in and moved even closer that she had to strain her neck to look up at him.     

"We've already gone past that stage." He said in a whisper.     

"Look.. maybe you are saying all of this because of what I said earlier but you should remember I said I didn't want anything from you. We can just continue to be the way we have be--- ah!" She gasped and jumped when he suddenly touched her face.     

" are you.. doing?" She asked with wide eyes as her heart began to beat really fast. What was so special about his touch that always made her feel like she had just been electrocuted?     

Leo's heart was also beating rapidly as he spoke..     

"I didn't like seeing you with him Mia Lucas." He said in a barely audible voice as he looked at her face. He remembered when he arrived with Richard to drive Mia over there and saw her looking all stunning like a goddess. He had tried not to react too much because of Richard's presence. He just couldn't understand how she kept getting prettier everyday.     

"I don't want you to dance with him."     

"You.. can't tell me what to do." She said and tried to push his hand away from her face but even her gesture showed she really didn't want him to go away.     

"You always listen to your friends so why don't you listen to me."     

"You are not my friend okay!?" She said and quickly snapped her mouth shut when she realised what she had just said.     

"Really?" He asked with a raised brow.     

"So what am I to you then?"     

"Stop teasing me. You are making me uncomfortable." She said and quickly pushed him.     

"Stop doing that thing you are doing to make me like you.. you are scaring me." She said sounding tensed.     

He would have chuckled if they weren't both serious right now.     

She tried to hurry inside her room but he took the opportunity to hold her in a back hug and as expected, her body jumped in surprise.     

"Alright.. I'm sorry Mia."     

Mia tried to think of other things other than what was going on right now but it wasn't working.. especially with his scent which filled her nostrils.     

"I am scared." She confessed. She truly was. She didn't want to make any mistakes in her life and she had a premonition that she was going to be making a big mistake if she associated herself with him.     

He gently turned her around to face him and the look in her eyes showed she really was scared.     

"I know.." He said in understanding. "Me too."     

He was also was scared.     

They looked into each others eyes and the atmosphere suddenly changed. He began to lower his head slowly to do the one thing he had wanted to do for days.      

Mia's heart began to beat even faster but she wouldn't lie to herself and say she didn't also want the same thing.     

Her eyes gently closed and Leo knew nothing would ruin this moment right now. They were both two scared people taking a worthy risk.     

And just as his eyes closed and their lips were about to meet, Tara barked loudly making them both jump apart.     

Leo looked at Tara and closed his eyes as he began to think of the best way to kill an adorable dog without feeling guilty.     

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