My Crazy Housemate

Showered with a beer?

Showered with a beer?

1Mira's eyes slowly fluttered open and quickly closed back when light entered into her eyes.      2

She groaned as her head ached fiercely and tried to sit up. When she managed to sit on the bed, she slowly opened her eyes again and this time, the ache in her head wasn't as terrible as the first time.     

Beside her, she saw a little stool and on top of it, there was a bottle of water and a bottle of pills.     

James must have left it there. The thought of James made her quickly turn to check beside her on the bed but she didn't see James. His side of the bed looked like he hadn't slept there.     

She tried to remember what had happened last night and when the memory began to return, she gasped and looked down at her body but she wasn't naked.     

She was wearing one of James' shirt and one of the shorts which he had bought for her to wear whenever she was sleeping over at his place.     

"Oh my god!" She gasped and used a hand to cover her mouth as her eyes bulged out.     

How could she have stripped in front of him?     

But that was the least of her problems because she suddenly remembered their naked bodies pressed together, she could still vividly remember how fast her heart had been beating.     

He had been slowly touching her belly and she remembered him begging her to stop him.     

She tried to remember what she told him but she remembered she hadn't said a word. Her brain had been foggy then and she hadn't pushed him away nor encouraged him.     

They had both remained that way for a while and just when she thought he was going to go further, he stopped a abruptly and withdrew his hand.     

"I could talk to Mrs Bills for you." He offered with a husky voice as he moved away from her.     

She had been a bit startled, not knowing what her mother had to do with all of this and seeing how quiet she was, James continued...     

"I mean the divorce.. to let her know how you feel about it because I am pretty sure you wouldn't want to listen to them talk."     

It was as if he was struggling to speak and she could hear how he was trying to control his breathing. Mira didn't turn at all.     

She was still lying at her side, clutching the duvet which was covering their bodies, and after a moment's quietness, she rolled to the end of the bed where she had been lying down earlier.     

"I… I'll talk to... my par-ents." She said nervously.     

James sat up from the bed and she could tell he was dressing up. A little while passed and he asked, "You are still under the duvet right?"     


He moved over to where the light switch was located and flicked it on while Mira closed her eyes tightly.     

She heard him open his wardrobe door and began to search around for something. He walked to her side where she was closing her eyes and clutching the duvet around her body tightly then he dropped something on her bed.     

"You should wear this. I'll be downstairs, not sure when I'll be coming up here so lock the door from inside." He said before leaving the room in a hurry.     

Mira's heart continued to beat very fast after he left. It didn't take long before she dozed off. Looking at James' side, she was sure he didn't return last night.     

"This is so embarrassing!" She said with her hands covering her face now. How was she going to face him? What was she going to say to him? If James hadn't stopped, she was pretty sure she wouldn't have stopped him. What was going to happen to their friendship now?     

She didn't have an answer to these questions but she definitely knew what to do in another aspect, she wasn't going to sleep here anymore, or at least, in his room.     

She swallowed the pills quickly and hoped it would work faster as she picked up her phone. A gasp escaped her lips seeing it was past 11 in the morning and she had a couple of missed calls from her parents and Mia.     

She walked to the door slowly which she hadn't locked last night because she was too weak to stand up, and after taking a deep breath, she opened it.      

She slowly began to take the stairs down, trying so hard not to make a single noise. She knew she couldn't avoid him, even if she did now, she was going to eventually bump into him later.     

She stood in her tracks and her heart stopped beating when she saw James' back. He was using a mop to clean the floor and wore an headset.     

It was as if he sensed she was behind because he suddenly turned around and instantly, the atmosphere was filled with awkwardness.     

"Good— morning. Did you find the drugs?" He asked with a straight face.     

"Yea. Thanks." She replied with a stiff smile and began to wonder what next to say.     

"How long have you been on this? Where are the maids?" She asked.     

James looked at her quietly as he tried to figure out whether she knew what had happened the previous night or not.      

"We are out of some food supplies so I offered to do this while they went grocery shopping. Your Breakfast is on the table. You should eat."     

He said more comfortably this time.     

"And Peter and Rachel?"     

"Rachel is inside her room, still knocked out while Peter went to school."     

"Ohh.."  It reminded Mira that it was Monday morning and she would soon be returning to school once her holidays are over.     

They both stared at each other quietly before James broke the silence..  "Your mother called me. I let her know you were still asleep and would call her when you are awake."     

Talking about her mother brought sadness to her eyes. She only nodded before turning to look towards the dining.     

"I'll go have breakfast. I'm starving." She turned and was about to leave when he spoke again in a quiet voice this time.     

"I'm sorry about last night Mira." He said and saw her freeze but she didn't turn.      

He guessed that had only happened because he had a lot to drink last night. God knows last night had been a struggle for him. The voices in his head kept messing with him until he made up his mind he was just going to fall into the temptation.     

But then, he remembered Mira's smiling face and how she always jumped on him and kissed his cheeks playfully. He remembered how she always said he was her best friend in the world and nothing would ever come between them. He also remembered how he always comforted her after a break up and how she also returned the favour.     

He knew just a few minutes of allowing his lust take over was going to ruin their friendship and he didn't want that. So just before his hand went higher, he stopped and pulled his hand away.     

And he was proud of that decision.     

When he left the room that night, he came down and began to pick up the littered items until his eyes was heavy and he slept off on the couch just as the clock approached 6 in the morning. It was only a few minutes past 8 when his eyes opened again and he began to wake the others to return to their homes. Since then, he had been awake and trying to clear his mind by engaging himself with some chores.     

Mira had thought he wasn't going to mention it so now, it was even more awkward for her.      

She could have easily claimed to not remember what happened but she decided against it. She was going to face this head on and deal with it.     

"It's fine. You do not have to apologize."     

"I wasn't talking about the bathroom incident. You know that right?"     

"I remembered…. It's okay." She finally turned to face him.     

"I just… do not want you to hate me because of that." He said with his eyes down in guilt.     

"I know I messed up but I'm still hoping it wouldn't ruin our friendship. Your friendship is more important to me than anything else in this world." He lifted his head so she would see the sincerity in his eyes.     

Mira smiled at him. This time, it wasn't stiff or forced. It was a small genuine smile.     

"Thank you. Your friendship also means a whole lot to me." She said making him smile and heave a deep sigh of relief before placing a hand on his chest.     

He was greatly relieved she had forgiven him so easily.     

"Friends hug?" He asked before dropping the mop to spread his arms wide.     

Mira shrugged before going to hug him.     

"Oh jeez.. go take your bath." He cringed before pushing her away playfully.     

"Did you drink the beer with your hair or showered with it?" He teased making her squint to look at him.     

"You asked for the hug so you have to hug me." She said before trying to forcefully hug him but he ducked.     

"Come here!" She demanded and tried to hug him but he quickly moved away and soon, she was chasing him round the house while they were scampered around, laughing like two kids.     

"Ahh.. my ankle." Mira wailed and raised one leg to grab her ankle. "I just sprained in because of you." She complained bitterly.     

"Really? Where?" James hurried to check her ankle and immediately he got closer, she wrapped him in a bear hug while he realised she had just played him.     

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