My Crazy Housemate

Feels weird to live normally

Feels weird to live normally

4They had just returned from the party, standing in front of her room's door and was about to kiss when Tara barked. But that hadn't stopped them.      0

Leo had slowly lowered his head until their lips touched then he withdrew, looked into her eyes and sealed their lips again. This time, he kissed her passionately with his hands on her waist while she wrapped her hands around his neck and stretched to meet him. They had both kissed fiercely until they both could no longer breathe and pulled away from each other. She smiled and was about kissing him again when he suddenly gave her a weird smile.      

She paused and quickly let go of him. "You are not Leo." She said in fear as she stepped back.      

He didn't answer and only smirked making her confirm it really wasn't him. "Louis?" She called out with a gasp and when he tried to touch her, she screamed.....     

And woke up from her dream with a start.     

She placed a hand on her chest where her heart was beating very fast as she tried to steady her breathing. "What a scary dream." She murmured before touching her forehead.     

Contrary to her dream, things had happened quite differently last night.     

The first thing she remembered was the sight of Leo chasing Tara all over the house. She almost giggled but she felt too weak to do so now.     

After Tara interrupted them, Leo hadn't moved away. He turned to look at Mia who was now a bit unconfortable with Tara present and when he noticed she was still scared of Tara, he turned to look at Tara.     

"Go away!" He ordered the door through gritted teeth but she barked again and sat down.     

"I said move!" He said in a sterner voive this time but Tara just cocked her head to the side and didn't move away making him sigh in frustration.     

It was already past midnight. Wasn't Tara supposed to be sleeping instead of interrupting them?     

Mia looked at him quietly and bit her lip. She looked a bit embarrassed and it was obvious in her cheeks which were red.     

"I.. have to—"     

He quickly turned his head when Mia began to talk and didn't wait for her to complete her sentence before he cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead quickly, then he left her and ran after Tara who took off immediately she saw him coming after her.     

Mia was a bit stunned for a few minutes before she quickly ran into her room and locked the door.      

She didn't understand her relationship with Leo but she was just going to let things flow naturally.     

Mia jumped from the bed when she saw the time. She had woke up before but it had been so early. She tried to call Mira to know how they were and when neither Mira nor James picked the call, she slept off, hoping she would only sleep for an hour but she had been sleeping for over two and a half hours despite the fact that she had not drank a lot last night. Her head wasn't aching too much, all thanks to Leo who jad advised her not to drink because it may affect her in the morning. Meanwhile, Leo had asked her not to drink because he knew how crazy she got after drinking.     

She had a class in two hours so she rushed into the bathroom to freshen up while her belly cried for food.     

After coming out of the bathroom, she began to look for what to wear. A week ago, her problem had been the fact that she didn't have good clothes to wear. Now, she had a lot of pretty and expensive clothes but wasn't confident to wear them.     

She raised a red pencil skirt and looked at it weirdly. "Should I do this nor not?" She asked herself as she observed it closely.     

After a moment of hesitation, she wore the skirt and a black turtleneck shirt which was perfectly tucked inside the skirt.     

She looked at her new shoes and smiled before picking a black loafers.     

Next, she moved to the mirror. For the first time since she entered the university, she wore make up.     

She actually didn't care about how anyone else was going to react to her new looks, she was only curious to see a certain person's reaction.     

She picked up an handbag but shook her head when she looked at the mirror.     

She wasn't a handbag person. She preferred her backpack so she carried her old backpack instead and tied her hair in a ponytail.     

After she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror and instead of a smile, a tear escaped her eye instead. She quickly cleaned it and began to head towards the door but more tears began to drop as she left her room.     

Just then, she bumped into Leo who was coming out of the kitchen and he looked really startled to see her.     

"Wow! You... look…" He paused not knowing the best words to use to describe her. She looked totally different and pretty. If someone had showed him a picture of Mia looking this way the first time he saw her, he wouldn't have believed they were the same person.     

 She tried to hide her face but his keen eyes had already noticed the tears in her eyes.     

"What's wrong?" He asked in panic.     

Before she knew it, he was standing in front of her and raising her chin to look at her face. "Why are you crying?" He asked with a curious frown.     

If there was one thing he had come to realise lately, it was the fact that he hated seeing her cry. Even when he hadn't liked her, her cries had broken his heart, talk more of now that he liked her.     

"Nothing." She answered while blinking rapidly as she tried to turn her face away.     

"Don't be silly. These are tears.." He said and used his thumb to clean it off so he wouldn't ruin the eyeliner she had drew terribly. Thankfully, it wasn't so obvious she had done a bad job.     

"What's wrong? Is it your mother? Is it school? Are you hungry?" He asked in confusion and cupped her cheeks while tears continued to drop from her eyes.     

Mia pouted sadly and shook her head.     

"I…" She sniffed and he continued to look at her red face patiently as he waited for her to say whatever was wrong with her.     

"I looked at the mirror… and I saw my reflection. I looked… so.... so different…"     

"Different? How different?" He asked with confusion written all over his face.     

"I looked so pretty. I almost didn't recognise myself" She said in between sobs making him raise a brow at her.     

"You... are crying because you are pretty?" He asked in surprise.     

This was new. She always surprised him.     

When she nodded innocently, he tried not to scoff in amusement.      

"I have never looked this pretty to school before. I only ever think about paying up the family's debts and never cared to wear nice clothes to school despite how people kept looking at me like I did not belong there. It all feels... weird that I'm eventually going to live a normal life now." She said in a broken voice making him feel really sad for her.     

"You've always been pretty. And you really do not have any talent in using make up." He said in amusement making her feel very embarrassed while also wanting to laugh. Her make up had looked perfect to her.      

"It's okay Mia Lucas. You don't have to worry about all of that anymore. I told you, I want you to be free now. So just go to school and act like every other college girl and tonight, we'll go meet your mother and Mr Timothy. I already called his number which you gave me yesterday so we're going to his office with the lawyer tonight." He assured her with a small smile as he used his hand to gently clean off the eyeliner which was extending far more than necessary.     

Mia nodded and more tears began to flow from her eyes. She didn't know what she ever did to deserve this kindness from him. She was really grateful and knew without him, she would probably have still been really depressed and taking those anti-depressant drugs while also taking up many part time jobs just to send money back home.     

"Thank you. Thank you so much. Leo King." She said with more tears forming in her eyes.     

"Come on, stop doing this.. you are going to make me cry." He said as he pulled her into a gentle hug and began to pat the back of her head gently.     

She liked the hug. But she reminded herself she was going to fail academically if she let herself get carried away.     

"I... have to go to class now." She said reluctantly while pushing away the urge to hug him back.     

"You have about an hour more." He reminded her and tightened his hands around her.     

His heard was beating really fast. As much as he wanted her close, a part of him wanted to push her away. He made a mental note to book an appointment with his Psychologist.      

"How do you always keep in touch with my classes when the timetable keeps changing every–– ooh!" She stopped her questions when she suddenly remembered Chloe.     

"Ooh…" He echoed in a mock gesture before chuckling.      

"I made pancakes. You should eat before you leave. And.. we also need to fix your make up." He said and finally broke the hug.     

"It's not that bad, is it?" She asked in embarrassment while touching her face.      

He looked at her quietly before nodding. "It is."     

Mia pouted sadly before stomping back to her room.     

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