My Crazy Housemate

I like her....a lot

I like her....a lot

3"Mr Williams, can you please tell us what you learnt in today's lecture?" Mrs Pine, one of the accounting teacher asked Jeremy who quickly turned his head to look at her in confusion.      3

As usual of students, they all turned their heads to look at him. His eyes moved from the teacher to Chloe who was smirking at him.     

He looked away in embarrasement and smiled at Mrs Pine before pulling his ear.     

"You.... were talking about taxation."     

"Of course, we were obviously going to talk about that since it is the course title" She said with a scowl making the other students laugh.     

"You should always pay attention in class instead of stealing glances at those who pay attention in class." She advised before turning her attention towards Kelvin who was staring daggers at Jeremy for reasons best known to him.     

"Mr Hank, can you please tell Mr Williams a bit of what he missed from today's lecture?" The teacher asked Kelvin who looked away from Jeremy to face her.     

"Everyone else understands already. I don't think it's necessary wasting my time trying to explain things to him." Kelvin sneered making Chloe and Mia look at him with a frown.     

"Are you sure that's it? Or you just don't know what to say?" Jeremy said with a smirk as he looked pointedly at Kelvin who had balled his fists.     

"And what's that nonsense supposed to mean?" Kelvin asked darkly making the whole class watch them curiously.     

"You know you always find the perfect excuse to avoid answering questions in class. It makes me wonder whether you have a book filled with excuses at home."     

"Enough you two!" The teacher barked at the both of them when Kelvin was about to say something. Since Kelvin's aunt who doted on him, owned the school, he just kept behaving the way he liked but there was nothing anyone could do about it     

Kelvin glared at Jeremy who kept a straight face. Everyone who looked at them noticed the tension between them.     

"Why did you do that in front of the teacher?" Mia asked Jeremy who was sitting beside her immediately the teacher left.     

"I wanted to put him in his place." He replied indifferently.     

"You should pay attention in class instead of looking at her." Mia scolded before looking at Chloe's direction.     

"What's up with you both anyway?" Mia asked curiously. They had both been hanging out often. She had been really surprised to see that Chloe had followed Jeremy to James' party.     

"I should be asking you that. What's up wuth you? You even wore a skirt!" He said while raising a brow at her and turned to give her his full attention.     

"What do you mean?" Mia asked before placing her books inside her bag as she tried to concentrate on anything else but at what he was saying.     

Leo had offered to drop her off at school but she had declined. She had told him she didn't want him to because she wouldn't be comfortable so he had just nodded and let her leave the house. When she arrived at school, she was so embarrassed as many eyes looked at her while some guys whistled. Deep down inside her, she actually liked the attention but she wasn't used to it so it made her shy and uncomfortable.      

"Are you both in a secret relationship?"     

"Who?" Mia raised her head to ask curiously. Was he talking about Leo or Benjamin?     

"Chloe's brother. He obviously likes you."     

"How did you know?" She asked with interest and saw him squint.     

"You are in love with him, aren't you?" He asked in a whisper.     

Mia opened her mouth to deny it but instead, she kept shut and looked away.     

"Wow! That's a really big jump from Benjamin to him. But I can tell you, I'm a good judge of character and I think Leo is a better guy for you."     

"You don't even know him." Mia hissed.     

"But I know he is far better than Benjamin." He said in a firm voice. "So why aren't you both dating? He likes you, you like him. What else?" He asked in confusion.      

Mia pouted and sighed again.     

"I don't… I don't know. He treats me well but… I don't know." She answered with a confused shrug.     

Jeremy looked at her sadly and thought of what to say to her seeing how sad she looked but before he could speak, Kelvin appeared in front of them.     

"Outside." Kelvin said coldly before heading towards the door while expecting Jeremy to do same.     

The whole class was paying attention. He looked around and stopped at Chloe who was looking at her textbook.     

"He's asking for a fight. You should ignore him." Mia advised him.     

"Of course, he won't dare fight in the school premises. Excuse me." He said with a small smile before he stood up and also left the class room.     

Immediately he went through the door, Chloe raised her head to look at his back before turning to look at Mia.     

She thought about speaking with Mia and after a while, she moved over to sit beside Mia making their classmates look at them curiously.     


"What is it?" Jeremy asked Kelvin with an unpleasant look as they rounded a corner which student rarely passed.     

"What do you think you are doing hanging around Chloe everytime?" Kelvin asked angrily.     

Chloe had told him to act like they didn't know each other at school so he didn't know how Kelvin knew he was hanging out with Chloe. Except he had seen them come to school together or… his friend, Benjamin must have told him since he had seen them together at the party. That bastard!     

"Aren't you a little coward?" Jeremy asked with a taunting laugh. "You can't even get her to like you yet you are bothered about the guys beside her?"     

"Does she know?" Kelvin asked casually with his hands inside his pockets. He was trying desperately to contain his temper.     

"What's she supposed to know?" Jeremy asked in mild confusion.     

"That you are doing all of this because of me and hanging around her just to spite me."     

"Hahaha. You must have really gone crazy." He said with a sarcastic laugh.     

"You know I've always liked her. Stay away from her."      

"I don't care about what you feel for her. Stop bothering me. Unless you want me to expose what a dummy you really are." He threatened making Kelvin's eyes darken.     

"One word from me and she'll never want you close to her again. You know I can do that right? Even your useless scholarship.... You can lose it within the blink of an eye if I mean to make your life miserable."     

"So typical of a coward like you. Besides, you think I like this stupid school?" Jeremy asked with a scoff before stepping forward to look Kelvin in the eyes.     

"I do not like being threatened. So I'll let it go today. And always remember…. Speak to me with respect. I am older than you." He said with a dark gaze before turning to return to his class while Kelvin stood there fuming with anger as his chest kept heaving up and down.     


Leo sat opposite his friend who was a psychologist, inside his office as they made small talks and exchanged pleasantries.      

"I really can't believe you were in the country for this long without bothering to come see me." Charles said in disbelief. Charles was two years older than Leo. He was the most matured of the group of friends and apart from Richard,  Charles was someone Leo could call his best friend even though they rarely spoke.     

"Sorry.. just got caught up with some stuff. I see you are doing well." Leo said with a proud smile as he looked around his office which looked really different from the last time he visited.     

"Of course, a lot of people have problems and those problems brings me money." He said as he flashed Leo a smile.     

"Wow! I don't know how to feel hearing you say that. You seem to be happy that I have a problem."     

Charles narrowed his eyes to look at him before putting on his professtional face..     

"You didn't come just to say hello to me right?"     


"Did you meet someone?" He asked with his curious eyes on Leo.     

Leo hesitated for a minute before he raised his shoulder..      

"Well, theres a girl." He admitted.     


"Can you stop?" Leo asked, looking embarrassed from his friend's reaction.     

"Sorry.. go on." Charles said with a smile. This was just too exciting for him. He knew Leo had been more like a womaniser in the past 2 years and he had swore he was never going to fall. He wondered who the girl was that had been able to break down his wall and change him. He imagined she was a goddess from a really wealthy family. That was Leo's type.     

"I like her… a lot." He confessed as he stared blankly. "I think I may be in love with her." He pulled his hair and stood up.     

"This is crazy. I've only known her for a month. I didn't even like her at first and she is Chloe's classmate!"  He said and began to pace around.     

"Do you regret falling for her?" Charles asked quietly. Although he was slightly surprised the girl was a young girl who was still in college since he had always imagined Leo's type to be very different from that.... Someone like his ex girlfriend.     

If he was speaking with other patients, he would have taken out his pen and note to jot down but now, he was speaking to him as a friend so he didn't bother with that.     

Leo shook his head. "I don't regret it one bit. But I'm scared."     

"I think I am either going to hurt her or she's going to hurt me. I.. do not want to experience such heartbreak again.. It's a scary feeling." He said with obvious fear in his eyes which made his friend pity him.      

There were people in the world who wanted to love freely but they couldn't and Leo King was one of them.      

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