My Crazy Housemate

Angry Chloe

Angry Chloe

3"It has nothing to do with you." Chloe told David with a dark glare. "I just came here today to let you know I have moved on. If you keep bothering me, I would have to other choice but to get you arrested. I mean it." She warned before turning to leave.      2

"Gaby is sick." He suddenly said in a loud voice which stopped her in her tracks.      

"She is really sick and needs to be taken to the hospital. Please.... Chlo–"     

"See? I knew this was it! You want money. Because of money you always make up useless stories. Well, you can go work hard and take her to the hospital. Do not involve me. We are over. And I am never going to let you enslave me again." She said angrily before moving to her car to open the passenger's seat's door.      

"What is wrong with you? Why did you come out? I told you to stay in!" She snapped at Jeremy but kept her voice low since David was still around.     

"He kept moving closer to you. I wanted him to be reminded I have more muscles than he does so he would stay away. It worked. He was intimidated." He whispered back across the car.     

"Intimidated? You look like a stray cat stuck under the rain."     

"Get in! You are getting wet." Jeremy said when he noticed Chloe was ready for a quarrel under the rain.      

It suddenly occured to her where she had been standing, she gasped and quickly opened the door.     

"Where you worried about me? Was that why you asked me to leave the rain?"     

"I am worried about my car and thanks! You just soaked my seat." She said rolling her eyes at him.      

Her eyes went to the direction she had just walked away from and she saw David was still standing there, looking at them with a sad face.     

Jeremy followed her gaze before sighing.       

"What if.. Gaby, who ever she is, is really sick?" He asked Chloe who turned to look at him before shaking her head.      

"Don't even try to talk me into listening to him. He is nothing but a liar." She said adamantly before ordering him to drive.      

"He looks... really sad. What if..."      


"At least, you should confirm his story right?" He asked before she got the chance to blow up at him again.     

Chloe looked at his face. He was looking at her with pleading eyes. Didn't he say he liked her and had made it obvious he was jealous of David, why did he want her to still help him? He was such a softie. Maybe it was the reason why he looked like a girl.      

"You aren't going to forgive yourself if something bad happens to Gaby." He told her.     

"You talk like you know who Gaby is." She rolled her eyes at him before opening the door in resignation.  Why was he always making her do the opposite of what she wanted to do?     

He smiled warmly when she got down from the car and began to approach David.      

They spoke together for only a few minutes before she returned.     

"There, he's going to take her to the hospital tomorrow and have my brother run some checks on her."     

"Thank you." He said with a pleasant smile she couldn't help but stare at before she snapped back to her senses and looked away.      

She couldn't believe he had just made her do that. He had also made her re-appoint the manager and head of security team at the mall. Then, made her go to a party with him, made her eat those cookies she didn't like just because she didn't want him to be sad he had wasted his money. She had also worn his clothes and slept on his bed.      

'Maybe it's a mistake letting him so close.' She told herself as she tried to think of something else.     

She suddenly turned in surprise when she felt him very close to her. Really close.     

He had leaned in from his seat and now their faces were only a few inches apart.      

"What.. are you... doing?" She stuttered as her cheeks coloured.      

"What do you think I am doing?" He asked in a very seductive voice that made her almost hiccup.      

What was suddenly wrong with him? Why was he acting like this?     

She wondered in panic as she tried to move back but there was no way for her.     

His sleek, wet hair was slowly dripping water on his back, his eyes bore into hers deeply and she was magnetized to it and couldn't look away. He was pretty. She couldn't classify him as handsome, he was the type they called a pretty man. Although he had a lowkey bad boy look, he looked prettier than most girls Chloe had seen.     

"It makes me happy you pushed him away from you. It made me jealous that he hugged you." He said as he kept inching closer.      

'WHAT THE HELL! IS HE PLANNING TO... KISS ME?' She asked herself in panic as her eyes widened.     

As if answering her question, his eyes dropped from her eyes to her lips and he looked at it longingly.     

She saw him shut his eyes and took in a really deep breath before opening it back up.      

When she noticed he was lifting a hand, she quickly raised her hands to cover her face making him chuckle as he drew out her seatbelt.      

He helped her buckle it and chuckled in amusement at her flustered reaction. "I had no idea Chloe King had this side to her." He said in a teasing voice before adjusting his own seatbelt while Chloe was still frozen there, trying to make sense of what had just happened.      

"Another thing I learnt just now is, your heart do beat really fast and loudly." He teased and this time, he hid his laughter when he saw how angry she looked.      

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