My Crazy Housemate

I've always had people do it for me

I've always had people do it for me

2Jeremy pulled up in the parking lot of the mall and stepped down. Chloe had told him earlier that she wouldn't be returning to the Mall but instead, would be going home. But after her meeting with David, she had changed her mind. She said she wanted to stay at the office and occupy her mind with work before returning home for dinner. She still had a bit of time.      0

"You weren't supposed to come to work today right?" Chloe asked Jeremy as she began to walk out of the parking lot and heading inside. Her eyes darted around, afraid that someone may jump on her.      

"No. How long are you planning on spending here?" He asked her as he took out his phone to check the time.      

"An hour should do. You can return home."      

"Home? This place is a twenty minutes full drive to my home. So it means, I would he spending a minimum of twenty minutes going to and fro. What am I supposed to spend twenty minutes doing at home? I should just wait around for you. Or read quietly beside you... I swear, I won't make a sound."     

He quickly added when she turned around immediately he mentioned reading beside her.     

Chloe looked at him cautiously. She still hadn't forgiven him for teasing her earlier. 'Idiot Jeremy!'      

She noticed his hair was still wet.      

'Dummy. He is going to catch a cold real soon.' She said in her head as she shook her head at him.      

"If you want to follow me inside, then make sure you are as quiet as possible." She warned and continued to walk towards her office with curious eyes peering at the both of them.      

Jeremy smiled brightly. Everyone else who were shopping, or the sales attendants didn't seem to get his attention. He knew he was slowly creeping his way into her heart. At least now, she wasn't always yelling or glaring at him.      

As they walked through a large hallway, Chloe's steps halted just beside a door.      

It was the changing room.      

"What is—"     

Chloe raised a hand to interrupt Jeremy from saying anything.      

Jeremy looked at the door which she was looking at. What could probably be in there that was making her look at it so strangely.      

He saw her place her hand on the doorknob and began to turn it gently.     

She pushed it open without making a sound and looked at Jeremy with her hand on her lips, signaling to him not to make a sound.     

He bobbed his head up and down and followed her as she stepped in.      

"Uhhh... oh... oh yes..."     

They both heard the muffled moans coming from the far end where the bathroom was located.     

The room was big and had a lot of large lockers inside. Since it wasn't time to change shifts yet, no one was supposed to be in there.     

Jeremy's eyes widened in surprise as he listened to what he thought that was.      

He looked at Chloe but couldn't guess what she was thinking with how straight her face was. But he knew one thing for certain, Chloe was mad.     

"Oh boss... you are so pretty. I've always dreamed about banging you like this... arrgh!" A young man's voice resounded with a guttural groan.     

Chloe's eyes slowly widened. Boss? Which boss was he talking about? She was the only one they called Boss around there.     

Who were those people?      

She no longer wanted to listen to those disgusting sounds and began to head towards the door but Jeremy quickly held her hand and shook his head.     

It was going to be a really weird and embarrassing scene for not only the couple there but for Chloe as well.     

"Oh.... faster. You've always imagined doing this with our boss haven't you? Touch me wherever you want to touch her. I am going to fulfil all of your fantasy." The lady moaned.      

Chloe's hand flew over to her mouth and she covered it while her eyes bulged out.      

"Is this... what I think it is?" She asked no one in particular.     

Jeremy was also startled. Firstly, the two people in there were both her employees and were supposed to be working. But not only were they making out, they were doing it with the image of Chloe? His woman?      

He was burning with rage and felt like snapping the neck of whoever that was.      

Chloe's face burned red with embarrassment as she stood here with her hands still over her mouth.      

This was the most embarrassing thing she had heard in her life.      

Their dirty moans made her even angrier.     

"I am going to count to five. If you both do not get dressed and come out, I am going to make sure I drag you both around the mall looking like whatsoever disgusting creature you both look like right now." She warned furiously.      

Immediately she opened her mouth, they heard gasps come from inside the restroom and they both began to shuffle around.      





The door opened immediately and they both ran out looking totally disheveled.      

They both wore the mall staff teeshirts.      

Jeremy recognized them. The young man was the same guy who always asked him about his relationship with Chloe and if he only liked her because of her money.      

The lady on the other hand, was the very quiet type. She rarely said anything or was amongst gossipmongers.      

They both were in the mid twenties. He wouldn't say either of them were very good looking especially now that they both looked like two crazy people. With the lady's make up ruined and the guy who had a bright red lipstick all over his face.     


"Henry and Christine" Chloe called out their names as she looked at both their nametags.      


Jeremy followed her quietly back inside her office. He didn't know what to say or whether he was supposed to say something to her to make her feel better.      

When he thought she was going to blow up at the both of them earlier or throw them out, she had simply asked them both to go home and reflect on themselves. She hadn't mentioned letting them off or punishing them, she only said that and left the room.      

Chloe sat in her office chair and stared blankly. How do people address this kind of issue? She couldn't just arrest him for fantasizing about her while having sex. Ewww!     

While she was always looking for ways to make the mall grow bigger, her staff were having sex?     

She looked at Jeremy who was looking at her across her desk but hadn't made any effort to sit down.      

"You! You always seem to have a solution to problems. What do you suggest I do to those two monkeys?" She asked, obviously still annoyed.     

Jeremy was a bit surprised she was asking for his opinion. Truthfully, he also didn't know what to do in this case. This was during work hours and they had both been having sex inside the mall instead of working!     

"Nothing?" She asked with a raised brow seeing how quiet he was.     

He was also as speechless as she was.      

"I am going to lay them both off and blacklist their names. I am letting you know now so you won't plead with me later on their behalf and try to make me change my mind."      

"Blacklist? But..."     

"You work part-time, but you were asked to sign an agreement weren't you? You read the code of conduct and if you studied it properly which I doubt that you did, you'd remember that Clause two point six mentioned this— No illicit explicit affair inside the building."     

"I know I couldn't stop the staff from dating themselves. But they were expected to not pollute this sacred place. I can't even believe this."     

She slapped her forehead before she began to massage her temple.      

Jeremy's lips formed a straight line.      

"Would you like to eat something?"      

He suddenly asked out of the blue making her slowly raise her head to look at him like he was crazy.     

 "You are hungry?" She asked him when she saw how he was just standing there with his hands around his body. It suddenly reminded her he had been standing under the rain earlier and was probably cold.      

She stood up with a sigh. "Follow me." She said and began to head towards her bathroom.      

She got inside the large bathroom which had everything ranging from soaps to shampoos which she also had at home.       

He had been inside the bathroom this morning but hadn't been in his right mind since he was a bit hungover. Now, he looked around the exquisite bathroom which didn't look like the type offices were supposed to have.      

Chloe appeared in front of him before he could take note of everywhere and handed him an hair dryer.      

"Use it. I'll ask them to send in something for you to eat." She said and began to leave the bathroom but stopped and turned to look at Jeremy who was standing there and looking at it strangely       

"Please... do not tell me you do not know how to use a hair dryer." She pleaded.     

Everyone, especially those with hair as long as Jeremy's should certainly know how to use it.      

He shook his head gently. "I've always had people do it for me." He said with a shy smile making her groan in frustration.      

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