My Crazy Housemate

Dinner was.... as usual

Dinner was.... as usual

3Some time later, the King family were all seated around the dining table with their meals served.      

"You have been really busy lately. Are you sure everything is okay?" Mr King asked Chloe who almost choked on her drink while both brothers looked at her intensely.     

They both thought it was probably that boy who was keeping her busy— Jeremy Williams.     

Chloe used a napkin to clean her mouth gently before raising her head to look at her father.      

"Yes dad. All is fine. Just a few things I need to put in place so I can't return home some times especially considering the distance. But I'm good."      

"I hope it doesn't affect your studies honey? You have to graduate with good grades just like your cousin Ella and make us proud okay?" Mrs King said with a warm smile before covering her daughter's hand with hers.     

"Yes. Sure." Chloe nodded. It was about Ella again! Even though it wasn't very obvious, the extended family were in a covert battle of who the best kids were. So if Ella did well, her parents would want Chloe to do better than Ella so she would be used as an example for the other cousins, while the other cousins would want to also do better than her.  Really crazy!     

Mr King continued with his food, not bothering to look up again so Mrs King spoke this time.     

"So Leo, who was that girl?"      

Leo had been uncomfortable eating with them especially with his father present. So being in the spotlight now made him even more uncomfortable. If he had a choice, he would have preferred to be beside Mia than come here where his father would look for an opportunity to remind him that he was a disgrace for choosing the camera over a stethoscope and making them a laughing stock amongst the extended family.      

"She is my friend." Chloe answered first when Leo remained quiet, surprising all of them. Even Mr King raised his head to look at her.      

"Your friend?" Her mother asked as she looked between Chloe and Leo while Louis observed quietly.      


"So you were the one he planned to send the picture to?" She asked again.     

Chloe didn't know anything about that but after a brief glance at Leo, she nodded.      

"So why was he with your friend if there is nothing going on between them?" She asked in disappointment. She had been happy Leo finally had a pretty woman beside him.      

"I guess they both share a lot of mutual friends now" Mr King finally said and looked up at Leo.      

"Didn't they also attend a friend's party last night?"      

"Chloe went to a party?" Mrs. Leo asked in surprise before turning to look at Chloe whose hands were fisted beside her.      

"What's all these questions for? Are we kids?" Leo finally asked in irritation.     

"If these dinners are going to be like this everytime then do not invite me anymore."      

*Bang* Mr King suddenly hit the table angrily.     

"Hell, we won't!" He spat out. "All you do is bring us trouble and nothing but trouble. And now you want to drag your younger sister into your wayward lifestyle?"     

"When did he bring trouble to this family? You are exaggerating dad." Louis said with a frown making his father scowl at him. "Stay out of this."      

"First, you disgraced the family by trying to marry that wench then you tour round the world like a homeless beggar and hook up with different useless ladies and now, there is another woman. The only thing you are known for is women! And you had to disgrace us further by showing the whole family the kind of person you are. Can't you be like your brother for even one day? I am still trying to think about what you had Mr Charles do for you and if it isn't—"      

It was Leo's turn to hit the table with great force before he stood up.      

"I am done having this conversation with you every fucking time. It's none of my business if you do not support my career. It's none of my business if you hate the women you see me with. And it's none of your business what I do with my life since I do not spend a dime of your money...."     


Leo shook his head at his mother for her not to say anything. "I am an adult. I am 27, same as Louis. Chloe is also an adult. You cannot keep telling us what to do at this age."      

Chloe didn't like how things had turned out but she sat still and watched sadly. She loved her parents even though they were strict but she also loved her brothers and Leo was right.      

Her parents even controlled her bank account. At 23, she wanted to move out and go to her own apartment but she would never raise that.      

Leo had been the only one brave enough to defy them, she wasn't sure she could even though she really wanted to. It was also why she couldn't ever let them know about David.     

"You are my children. And it is my responsibility to show you all the right path." Mr King bellowed at him.      

"Right path?" Leo snorted     

"You call comparing us to your nieces and nephews every single time as the right path?" He asked again.     

"Well, I don't fucking want to take that path!"     

He picked up his jacket and turned to look at his mother.      

"Dinner was.... as usual. Have a good night all of you." He said and began to walk out. He was just going to go meet the only one who gave him peace.     

Mrs King looked at his plate which he hadn't even touched at all and sighed.      

"And you better stay away from him!" Mr King turned to tell Chloe sternly.      


"Where are you coming from?" Ellie asked Jeremy immediately he entered inside the house.     

Her hair was tied in a messy bun, she wore a tiny apron her size and as she stood there glaring at him, she placed a hand on her hip while the other hand help a spatula which she was pointing at him.      

"From class." He lied with a sheepish smile. He couldn't say 'work' since she knew Mondays were his off days.     

"Class? It's three minutes past eight." She said as she pointed the spatula at the clock.      

"I... went to church." He blurted out.      

"You only go to church for Christmas Carols Jeremy Williams." She reminded him.      

"Were you with your boss again?" She asked with a narrowed gaze at him.     

"It's not what you think." He shook his head immediately.      

"Then what do I think Jeremy Williams? Aren't you forcing yourself on a woman who doesn't want you?" She asked and cocked her head to her side.     

Jeremy looked at the tiny girl. He could lift her with only a hand but here she was, bullying him.      

He stood tall and hoped his height and built would intimidate her.      

"I am your older brother. You can't bully me!" He said sternly.      

"Really? Then let me catch you." She said and charge at him with the spatula.      

Jeremy's eyes shone and he immediately began to run while she chased him around.     

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