My Crazy Housemate

Hunting for Mr Bill's mistress (1)

Hunting for Mr Bill's mistress (1)

2"I do not think this is a good idea." James said as he drove Mira towards the venue.      3

"It isn't? Then what is? I told you in there right? A divorce isn't just going to spring up like that. It was definitely my father's idea. And to think it was because of a really young lady who is young enough to be his daughter. I won't let her ruin my family. I will never—"     

"Maybe she isn't that young. You know Rachel can exaggerate things." He interjected quickly.     

"I do not care! Hell is going to let loose today if this whole thing is true. And I will never forgive dad for doing this. Never!'" She said with resolve as she looked ahead. Maybe she would have still had a slight doubt in her had Rachel not taken a photo of the car they had both stepped down from. It was one of her father's cars and she had driven it a couple of times. So that was definitely him inside the clubhouse. Never had she  imagined her father to be a cheat. It was heartbreaking.     

James remained quiet for a long time not knowing what else to say to calm her down.     

"So... what about your date?" He asked carefully without looking at her.      

"Date? Oh! That's true." She exclaimed and quickly took out her phone.     

It was as if nature was against her going on the date with Richard. Firstly, she had been inside the room all day and forgot the time. Now, something else had interrupted her.      

She quickly placed a call to Richard and after a few rings, he answered. She was glad she hadn't called him earlier to tell him she was ready for the date before Rachel called.     

"Hey!" Richard said into the phone. He sounded more relieved to hear from her than angry.      

"I'm so sorry. Something came up. I hope you didn't wait for me." She said with remorse.     

James glanced at her briefly and returned his gaze to the road.      

"Oh.. I'm glad to hear you are okay. Got me really worried. I didn't want you to think I was creepy else, I had planned to call Leo to ask Mia if you were alright.      

 Although not in the mood, she giggled. "I'm really sorry. Let me make it up to you tomorrow. Dinner's on me."      

"Really? Then I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Do have a great night."      

"Yea, you too. Thanks." She said with a weak smile before disconnecting the call.      

"Good thing he is a really understanding guy. It's one of the reasons I prefer older guys." She said to James.     

"Older guys?" James who had been quiet asked.      

"How old?"      

"Four to seven years older is fair... I think." She answered with a shrug.      

"Oh... but don't you think it is boring? I mean, even though we are all in our twenties, those guys are like in a different generation. They may most times say thing you do not understand and Vice versa."     

"Have you ever thought Mia and Leo's relationship as boring? In fact, I think it is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I do not think dating a younger guy would work for her. She needs someone mature, someone in charge, maybe that's what I also need."     

"So you want to... work things out with Richard?" He asked emotionlessly with his gaze still on the road.      

He didn't like the way he was feeling now but he didn't want to dwell on it. He thought maybe this sudden attraction of his towards Mira was because of all that had happened between then the previous night. Just as he had told her, her friendship was more important to him that anything else and he wasn't ready to ruin it for anything in the world.      

"The only thing I'm thinking about doing right now is to murder that bitch who is trying to ruin my family. Speed up! You are driving too slowly." She urged him.     


"So are we just going to stand here?" Noah asked Peter and Rachel.     

"Of course! Mira has to come so we'd go in together." Rachel bobbed her head up and down as she answered.     

"I think this isn't going to end well... but well, I'm not surprised. Nothing you do ever ends well." Peter said with a sigh. He had come to party and meet pretty girls, not for this!     

"And what is that supposed to mean?" She asked with a displeased frown before turning to see the amused smile on Noah's face as he looked at her.      

"And what are you smiling at?" She snapped at Noah. She didn't know whether she disliked his attitude or was indifferent about it. She was thankful he hadn't come over for the party last night because he had a 'game with the boys' as he had said. If he had been there, he probably would have asked her to go sleep upstairs. Sigh!     

"We probably should go inside. It's uncomfortable standing out here." Noah suggested as he looked around the parking lot which was almost filled with different luxury cars.     

"Besides, it's going to be really difficult finding them with the crowd that has formed inside."     

"He has a point. We should go in and try looking for Mr Bill before Mira gets here." Peter agreed.     

Rachel nodded her head and the three began to head towards the entrance.      

Noah looked at Rachel who was stomping towards the entrance like someone ready for war. Only thing left was a gun in her hand and everyone would definitely know she was ready for war.     

"Chel, you probably should stick close to m—"     

One dark glare from Peter and Noah coughed.     

"Stick close to your brother."  Noah quickly corrected.     

It was like an unspoken rule between guys to stay away from the other's sister and Peter had reminded him a million times even though he had assured him he didn't see her that way.     

"Of course! Now give me my ID" Rachel stretched out her hand with a smirk on her face.      

Noah relunctanctly dipped his hand inside his pocket and handed it over to her.      

"Anyway, I do not think it is going to be needed. Don't I look 19?" She asked the two boys with a smile.      

"Yes sure." Both agreed immediately. They knew telling her otherwise was going to make her blow up.      

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