My Crazy Housemate

He is annoying

He is annoying

3Mia smiled when she saw a message she had missed earlier. It was from Jeremy who had sent her an audio record of the lectures she had missed. He had also taken shots of his notes and sent them to her so she would see the things the lecturer had written or diagrams he drew on the white board since she wouldn't understand it by merely listening to the record.     

She was glad to have agreed to be his friend. He was a really sweet guy and she hoped things worked out well for himself and Chloe.     

There was something she had always stopped herself from doing but deicded it was best to just do it now even though she knew she may likely get hurt from it.     

She opened her browser and after hesitating for a while, she searched for 'Cherry Anderson' and held her breath as it loaded for a second before her images appeared on the screen.     

There were some images of Cherry dancing in fancy looking studios which Mia envied as she looked at it. There were also videos of her being interviewed.     

Cherry was an only child, her parents were divorced and had married different spouses and naturally, those personal informations of her were on the internet because she was famous.      

She wrote scripts for movies and was a dance choreographer especially for movies which centered more on dancing.      

Her eyes went to her birthdate and her heart sank. It wasn't because Cherry was three years older, it was because of her birthdate.      

15th of August.     

"1508" She said quietly.     

That had been the passcode for the apartment before Leo changed it to their ages.      

She began to imagine the number of times he had opened that door over the years and thought about Cherry.      

The front door opened and her heart began to race as she heard Leo come inside.     

James was right. She needed to talk about it. She had told Leo she wanted nothing from him but only wanted him to know she liked him, but she had been wrong. She wanted him to like her also and like only her. Although it sounded childish, she wanted him to use her birthdate as the passcode of the apartment so that whenever he opened the door, he would think of her alone.      

She could tell Leo was playing with Tara who was welcoming him in the sitting room so she waited patiently until he knocked on her door.       

"Hey!" He said with a little smile. He had gone to see her mother and sister without letting her know about it. He could only pray and hope she wouldn't ask where he had gone to.     

"Can we talk?" He asked her quietly. He had to know what she was planning to do with her mother and sister.      

Mia's heart literally stopped from anxiety.      

"Alright, sure. I also need to talk to you about something."      

It was Leo's turn to feel nervous but he maintained a cool composure.      

"I just have to change out of these clothes and I'll meet you here then..." He would have said he would meet her in the kitchen, but he didn't like sitting at the kitchen with her because then, he would have to sit across from her and it always made them feel distant.     

But in here, there was every possibility she may let him cuddle her and that was what he wanted.     

"Alright." Mia agreed. She also wanted the same thing.      


"What were you thinking colliding into someone's car? If I hadn't called you, no one  would have known you were involved in an accident!" Amara, Chloe's friend, who was Benjamin's older sister, scolded her.      

"Come on, it's not a big deal. It is only—"     

"What do you mean by it's not a big deal? You even fainted! Do you know how scared I was when a man picked up your phone to say you were in the hospital? And how could you lock your phone? What if someone hadn't called you earlier?" Amara continued to scold her.      

"I only fainted from the shock. I had never been involved in an accident before and besides, they were in a hurry to take me to the hospital, they could have still been able to reach someone if they searched for my ID." Chloe said with a dismissive wave like it was nothing.       

"You really need to go to your parents' hospital and get properly checked. I didn't even know hospitals like this existed." Amara said as she looked around the congested room with a wrinkled face.       

"Do you think everyone is able to afford coming to our hospital? At least, this kind of place helps a majority of people and I believe more people than the elites who are able to afford the King's Hospital. This may sound strange, but I kind of like this place." Chloe said with a grin as she lay back on the bed and looked at the elderly patient lying on the bed beside her. It was a woman who looked around her 70's, the woman was smiling at her.      

"How can you like here? Sometimes when you open your mouth to speak, I doubt you are even from the King's family.."      

While Amara kept berating her, Chloe looked at the elderly woman in confusion who was still smiling at her.      

"You are a very pretty girl." The woman suddenly said to Chloe which surprised the two girls.     

"Oh.... Th–anks.." Chloe said with an awkward smile.      

"You remind me of myself in the younger days. I was just like you."      

Amara scoffed in disbelief as she looked at the woman who looked nothing like 'pretty' and she could swear she had looked even worse when she was younger.      

But Chloe smiled at the woman and nodded. "It's obvious. You still look pretty." Chloe said which made the woman grin happily.      

"And my dear... this isn't a place you should like or be comfortable in. Everyone who is here always wants to leave, but some of us aren't very lucky. You shouldn't wish to be like those people." She advised with a sad look on her face. "So if you have the opportunity to leave, you have to leave immediately and pray never to come here again."      

"How long have you been here?" Chloe asked her curiously.       

"I've been stuck here for the past three months." She said with a sad smile.     

Chloe sat up and looked at her sadly.      

Amara knew what she was about to do and touched Chloe's shoulder, hoping that would make her return to her senses but Chloe ignored her.      

"What's wrong with your health?" Chloe asked the woman.      

Before the doctor came back with the last report and discharged her, Chloe had already promised to help the woman and transfer her to a better hospital to help her.      

"She's a complete stranger. You shouldn't always help everyone you see..."     

"I pay for it Amara... not you. So I would appreciate it if you stopped telling me what to do or scolding me like I'm a kid."     

Amara sighed and stopped walking to ask her..     

"You aren't doing all of this because of that incident right?" Amara asked curiously making Chloe stop in her tracks and turn to look at her.      

 "All lives are precious. I don't need to have a reason to be nice to people." She said and was about to walk away when she saw a familiar figure run inside the hospital.      

"Where is she? Is she okay? Where is Chloe?" Jeremy asked a nurse desperately and he looked like he was at the verge of breaking down in tears.      

"Oh wow! Who's this guy?" Amara asked in surprise while Chloe watched in confusion. How did he know she was here?     

Besides, hadn't he been snubbing her earlier? Because of him she had gotten into an accident and if her insurance hadn't covered the cost, she would have spent a lot of money trying to fix her car and the other person's car since she had been the wrong one.      

"Calm down sir, you have to meet the nurse at the counter to check the records and direct you to wherever Chloe is." The nurse said patiently.     

"There's no time. She was involved in an accident. Is any patient undergoing surgery right now?" He asked as he grasped her hands in desperation. "She didn't even eat." He said before sniffing loudly.      

"Aww... he's so cute." Amara said with a light chuckle and tried to raise her hand to get Jeremy's attention but Chloe stopped her.      

"Let him be." Chloe said as she continued to look at him with a straight face.      

"Why? Who is he? He obviously likes you. How adorable." Amara said with wide grin.      

"He is annoying." Chloe said with an eye roll.      

"The look in your face says you didn't mean that. Was he the reason you broke up with David? I'd break up with my boyfriend if he liked me."     

Amara spoke again with her eyes never leaving Jeremy.      

"Stop saying things like that. It's annoying." Chloe snapped at her.      

"Why? Jealous? Can I have him if you don't want him then?" Amara asked Chloe as the nurse who was attending to Jeremy pointed at their direction.     

Jeremy was surprised when he saw Chloe standing there looking hale and hearty.      

"If you go near him, I'll get mad. He is a student and needs to focus." Chloe warned Amara with a cold voice  while she looked at Jeremy who was now walking really fast to where she was standing.      

"Ha! I knew it. You like—" Amara stopped her whispers when Jeremy suddenly appeared in front of them and grabbed Chloe in a big hug with his face buried in the crook of her neck.      

"I thought it was serious." He said in a choked voice.     

Chloe stood there like a statue with her eyes very wide opened while Amara looked at them in shock. She hadn't thought they had gotten to the hugging stage.      

"You should have let me drive. Why did you have to go like that? Even if you disliked me, you could have still asked me to drive... isn't that what you pay me for?" He scolded lightly while still hugging her.      

"I'm... just... going to... go check my blood pressure." Amara said awkwardly and quickly excused them.      

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