My Crazy Housemate

Beautiful dream

Beautiful dream

4Mia had a dream. She looked beautiful, she smiled beautifully and danced with a beautiful man in a beautiful cottage, to a beautiful song. A smile was on her face as she remembered the dream, but she didn't open her eyes immediately. She enjoyed the song being sang by the birds, she enjoyed the cold mixed with warmth she felt, she enjoyed hearing the sea waves. Sea...!     

Her eyes slowly opened and the first thing she saw was Leo's sleeping face.      

It hadn't been a dream! It was real. She had really danced with a beautiful man inside a beautiful cottage to a beautiful song, and it hadn't been a dream!     

Tears stung her eyes at the realization. There were tears of joy. She was so happy she wanted to burst into tears.      

The light in the room wasn't on and with the window blinds down, it looked a bit dark inside. The song which she remembered he had left on the previous night had been turned off also.     

Leo looked so peaceful as he slept. She remembered she had been a bit tensed last night with the thought of Leo groping her in his sleep, but she had slept peacefully without him groping her, or maybe he did but she couldn't remember. Her cheeks flushed as she remembered how they had made out on this same bed last night and the look in his eyes when she came out of the bathroom.      

He loved her, that she believed!      

She remembered she had slept with her back to him but now, they were both facing each other, her head was resting on his outstretched arm and one of her thigh was draped over his. She knew if the duvet was pulled away, he was going to see she was naked from the waist down because her shirt had ridden high up, past her waist. Thankfully, she wore panties.     

A smile curved her lips as she continued to look at his face. Everyday, she would continue to thank God for bringing him into her life.. well, she had been the one who forced her way into his house and his life. Remembering those days were they bantered and called each other names almost made her giggle but she didn't want to wake him up so she was quiet and brought her hand to his face.      

She touched him very gently. She started with his brows, then moved to touch his lashes gently, and then to his nose before she stopped at his lips. She used her thumb to graze it gently, very cautious not to wake him up.      

'I wish you weren't a twin.'  She said in her head.     

She would never like the fact that someone else was sharing the same features with him.      

She shifted closer, enjoying the warmth of their bodies rubbing together since the room was a but cold with the fire out already.      

"You've become a pervert Mia Lucas." She scolded herself.      

Her eyes remained fixed on his lips and she closed her eyes before moving her head closer to kiss him. She had wanted it to be a short peck, but when their lips touched, she couldn't pull away. Her body unconsciously moved even closer and she sucked on his lower lip. She was too lost in it that she didn't realise in time that he was kissing her back.      

Before she realised and opened her eyes, his hand was already on her waist, pulling her even closer to his body.      

Leo swore if he opened his eyes, he would see Mia staring at him with wide eyes and he wasn't surprised when he saw her just like that.      

He broke the kiss and smiled at her. "Good Morning Baby."     

Mia blinked and quickly look away from him with flushed cheeks.      

"What? You are shy? You kissed me first!" He protested in amusement before planting a smacking kiss on her lips.     

"I thought I was going to wait forever for you to do it. I love a perverted girlfriend." He said with a cheeky grin that made her eyes widen.     

"You... were awake? How long have you been awake?"      

"I can't remember. I was too lost watching you sleep that I couldn't fall asleep. This all feels surreal."     

Mia blushed again and used her hands to cover her face which made him chuckle.      

Now that she thought about it, it made sense he had been awake because she remembered from the times she slept on the same bed with him back then that he usually had a morning erection but she hadn't felt it. Until now...     

"It poked me!" She gasped and tried to shift back unconsciously.      

Leo couldn't help himself. Hilarity claimed him and he burst into laughter.      

"What were you expecting? I'm on a bed with a hot woman who kissed me and is nearly half naked." He said but didn't pull away from her and she also didn't make any effort to move away from him.     

"If we really want to achieve a lot today, we have to get up now. Firstly, we need to make breakfast, then remember you are going to be my model and then we need to return home before Tara officially hates me, and tonight, we'd be going to my grandparents' residence." He listed.      

They both had a lot to do that day but still, none of them moved. Mia had already pulled her hand away from her face so they were looking at each other.      

"I didn't know I had so much self control in me." He confessed in a throaty whisper.     

"I... thought I had a lot." She confessed back in an equally quiet voice.      

They didn't know who initiated it but they found themselves in each other's arms, with their lips locked together in a passion‐filled kiss.     

"We have a lot of things to do today." Mia reminded him as she gasped for air.      

"We do." He agreed with a nod and went back for the kiss.      

His hands began to move sensually from her back where he had kept his hands for fear that he may do something she may not like, it went down until he stopped at her bare hips.      

His hand was cold so the impact made her suck in air and break the kiss momentarily before they continued again.      

Taking that as consent, his hand cupped one of her butt cheek and squeezed the soft flesh.      

Mia could feel herself getting more aroused with his gentle touches. Her panties was becoming quite socked and uncomfortable for her and she knew what that meant. Wasn't it too early for this? Literally.      

With her leg draped over his, one little move from him and his hard–on was pressing directly on her core area. The action made a low growl escaped both of their lips. There was only a tiny panty and a boxer brief as a barrier but they could feel the heat and wetness from both of their arousal.      

They both began to slowly ground against each other and their breathing hitched up.      

Her hand mirrored his and also touched him slowly. Even though he was clothed, he felt the impact of her soft caress.      

He bit her lip lightly and heard her moan faintly against his mouth before he broke the kiss to trail it down to her neck. When she arched her back from the impact, it made their genitals press into each other and she gasped.      

'Is she going to touch me?' He wondered as he felt her hand moving lower past his belly button.     

Just when he thought she was going to touch him right there, her hand stopped very close to his erection and she withdrew her hand shyly which caused him to groan but this time, it was from frustation.      

They broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes deeply, both panting.     

"I'm... not.. sure I... want to do.. this." She stuttered as she tried to catch her breath.      

His breathing was also laboured but as she spoke, his hand worked its way inside the shirt and he touched her bra covered breast. It was the first time he was touching her so intimately and the whole thing was almost making him go crazy especially since it had been quite a while since he last had an intimate contact with a lady.      

"I know." He answered, his gaze never leaving her face.      

Mia bit her lower lip when he touched her breast. It hadn't been a direct contact but she could feel it.     

"I won't force you. Besides, I don't have a condom and I'm pretty sure you're not on the pill. Except you are interested in carrying my baby." He said with a playful grin. "I don't mind."      

His hand drew circles on her bra as he spoke.      

"Don't be silly! How can you talk about a baby." She said with a flushed face before turning away from him but he didn't let her leave the bed. And her action gave him enough opportunity to cup her breast well.      

"I... could still pleasure you through other means babe." He whispered in her ear before nibbling her earlobe with his teeth.      

"Leo.. stop it." She said softly but closed her eyes.      

"My self control is slowly slipping away." She pleaded in an almost inaudible voice.      

He smiled at her innocent confession before turning her face so she would look at him. She thought he was going to kiss her on her lips but he kissed her cheek instead.      

"I love you." He muttered.      

Mia felt like a basket of butterfly had just been released in her stomach.      

He sat up on the bed and she noticed how he was deliberately trying to hide his erection from her.      

"I'll check to be sure the water is warm so you can shower."     

"Leo.." She called when he was about to stand up.      


"I love you too." Mia said shyly before using the duvet to cover her head.     

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