My Crazy Housemate



0"My precious Princess. How are you?" Chloe's grandmother asked her as she pulled her into a hug. She had been so busy and hadn't had the time to say hello to her other grandkids.     

"I am okay. This is a nice party." Chloe said with a smile as she pulled away from the hug.       

"You look... unlike you. Are you okay? Sick perhaps?" Grandmother asked, looking very worried.     

Grandmother was a very observant woman. It was the reason Louis had told her she may badger her with questions if she so much as suspected something was wrong with her.     

"I am fine." Chloe managed a convincing smile which didn't really work.      

"At your age, ladies like to hide things and keep to themselves so I won't push you hard. Just be good okay? And if you need anything, do not forget to ask me for it."      

Seeing her warm smile, Chloe smiled back. "Thank you grandma."     

"It's nothing sweetheart. Have you seen Mrs Wesley? She's been asking about you."      

Chloe turned pale at the mention of that name.     

"Relax child, she miss seeing you. You should find her and say hello to her before the party is over." She told Chole before excusing herself.      

Chloe reminded in that spot before her eyes began to roam around, looking for a certain woman. From where she stood, she saw Louis first speaking with a lady. A man who was trying to pass through the little space beside Louis and the lady, missed his step and when he tripped, the wineglass in his hand tipped over and the drink poured on Louis' blazer.      

Chloe gasped. That was going to be a real mess. Louis looked frustrated as he looked down at his clothes while the man and the lady he had been talking to apologised to him but he managed a smile and waved them off before turning to walk away.      

"Poor him." Chloe said sadly.      


She heard a woman's voice call behind her and froze. She didn't need anyone to tell her that that was Mrs Wesley behind her.      


Mia was stuck inside the Men's restroom. Tonight was going to be the worse night of her life, she swore it. Whenever she was sure there was no one inside the restroom and tried to leave, someone suddenly enters. They were probably going to think she was a pervert when they saw her coming out of the men's bathroom. How was she going to explain the situation to the people if this blows up?      

Back when she was still hiding inside the women's restroom, Leo had texted her.     

"Are you okay in there?" He had asked since Mia had left a while ago and still wasn't back yet.      

"I am fine. Just a little moment and I'll be out." She assured him immediately.      

"Are you sure? I could make an excuse for us to leave here." He offered.     

"Really? But isn't it going to be weird? This party was organised for us."      

"If you aren't okay, there's no reason for this party to go on. I'm coming to you now. My battery is running out. Also need to look for a place to power it a little." He texted.      

"No need to come here. I'm coming out now." When she opened the door, there was no lady inside so she fixed her appearance and continued to breathe in and out until she was sure she felt better once again.      

"You can do this Mia." She said to her reflection before stepping inside the hallway. She took a few steps forward and stopped in her track when she saw Mrs King heading towards her direction with her phone in her ear. Mia panicked. She didn't want to meet her privately. What if Mrs King remembered where they met first? Just beside her was the men's restroom.      

If she decides to return to the women's room and go hide there, Mrs King was definitely going to see her because it was going to take her at least 7 steps to get to the door. And there was no way Mrs King wouln't recognise her back when she was dressed differently from the others.      

Without thinking much, she ran inside the Men's room and began to regret it when she realised they may be people inside. Thankfully, there was no one inside.     

When she was sure Mrs King had walked past and wanted to leave, she heard several male voices and stupidly ran inside one of the toilet cubicles to hide inside. Why hadn't she just left and apologized to them, pretending like she hadn't seen the sign that said 'Men'?      

Now, she was stuck in here. Whenever someone knocked on the door, she knocked back to let them know someone was inside. It was the only thing she could do.      

Quickly, she began to text Leo again. She prayed his phone was still on.      

Her hand was shaking so much that her phone fell on the floor.      

"Shit!" She cussed loudly but quickly used her hands to cover her mouth when she realised she had just said a word and someone was out there.      

The tap which had been running suddenly stopped and she knew she was in trouble. Her heartbeat accelerated when she heard a knock on her door. She knocked back, hoping the person would go away but the person knocked again and asked..     

"What are you doing in there?"      

Mia wanted to die at that moment. She had just been caught. But no, she was relieved instead. It was Leo's voice.      

"I'm stuck in here. Is it just you out there?" She asked in a soft whisper.      

"Mia?" He called out in surprise.     


She heard his distant footsteps like he walked out of there which made her panic slightly as she wondered why he was leaving but he knocked on the other doors and after a while,  returned. "It's just me in here. I've locked the main door, you can come out now."      

Mia sighed in relief before opening the door and smiled at him but she noticed he was a bit disheveled. His white shirt had some dotted red stains here and there, his hair was slightly ruffled and his hands were deep inside his pockets as he looked at her with an unreadable gaze.     

"What happened to your—"     

She suddenly stopped talking and looked at him carefully.      

He was staring at her differently. His shoes weren't the same white she remembered he had worn. Her brows furrowed when she caught a whiff of his perfume and then she looked behind to see a blazer which she recognized Louis had worn there.      

Her eyes slowly widened but his expression didn't change.      

"What are you doing in a man's restroom? Are you a pervert?" He asked her quietly.      

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