My Crazy Housemate

Good luck

Good luck

3David had used another number to call her and when she realised it was him, she was about to hang up but he pleaded with her not to.       1

"I called to apologize." He said, taking her by surprise but she hoped this wasn't another tactic of his to ask her for more money.     

"And to thank you." He added. "My sister is better now and would be discharged later today. She told me your doctor brother was always nice to her." His voice grew lower and she heard him sniffled as if trying to suppress his sobs.     

"I thought I was going to lose her. A doctor said her condition would have been worse had she not been attended to in time."      

'I'm not the one you should be thanking' She thought. It was Jeremy. He had been the one to plead with her to help out, saying she may regret it if she didn't, and something bad happened to the girl.  He had been right. She would have regretted it because it would have felt like she had allowed another person die. She would have gone crazy. A tear slid down her face as she heard all David was saying to her.     

"I'm really sorry for everything I did to you. And if I made you uncomfortable anytime, I sincerely apologize. I... really loved you Chloe." This time, she heard him sob.     

"And I was pissed because you didn't seem to like me as much as I did you. I think a part of my conscience died with that realization and I did all I did out of anger and greed."      


"I hope you are happy with that guy. He seems to like you a lot and you seem to like him back."      

As he kept talking, Chloe had a lot of flashbacks and she remembered the moment this whole thing with Jeremy started.      

She remembered how he always stared at her, how he fought with David in school, how he blushed when they met at the mall the first time and he had also asked for her number. She remembered how he had saved her from the psycho girl who attacked her at the parking lot, also when he offered to be her bodyguard, how he always btought things for her in her office and asked her to eat, the day she slept at his house, the night of James' party when she had asked him to kiss her and he didn't, the way he always smiled at her, she remembere him asking her to help him dry his hair, she remembered how he threw up after taking the pills for his hangover. The day he had ran into that hospital and cried as he asked where she was after her accident.      

She remembered everything to the moment he pleaded with her to fire him and how he had snubbed her afterwards and the smile on his face when she gave him the sweet.     

She cried.      

"Why did he have to like a bitch like me?" She had asked herself.      

She hadn't planned to give him any sort of greenlight but she realised she had encouraged him a lot. She had told him she wouldn't date him, but she got to like his presence and the attention he gave to her. She promised herself while leaving the house that morning that she was going to stop doing anything that would encourage him, but here she was. She had told him with her own mouth that there was nothing between herself and Kelvin.     

She told him she didn't like Kelvin and had left the date almost immediately. If he was smart, he would know she had left there just to meet him at Leo's house. She even said she put Kelvin in his place. Once again, she had encouraged him. And instead of feeling bad about it, she was smiling because he looked happy again.      

She had never been this confused in her life. She didn't know what she wanted aside from the fact that she wanted to succeed and wanted Jeremy to be happy all the time. Making him happy all the time meant doing and giving him the things he liked. With the way things were going now, she guessed they would come a day where she would eventually give him what he actually wanted. That was a really big and scary decision because it was going to be her family against him. And something told her her family was definitely going to win.      


Mia muted her phone a long time ago. She had done so when Mira's call kept coming in. With Leo's help, the phone was placed inside the drawer beside the bed. She wasn't sure she would be able to speak on the phone and she didn't want to try. She was broke, devastated, in pain. She had felt a lot of pain but she hadn't felt this kind. Her heart was literally breaking. She could feel an excruciating pain in her heart which was almost making her lose consciousness.      

Thankfully, there was Leo on the bed with her. All effort to push him away proved futile. He hugged her tightly and kept assuring her that things would turn out well eventually. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe everything he was saying but she couldn't.  Nothing was going to turn out well. This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. She wasn't sure she could take anything again.      

"Mia, listen to me." Leo said with a firm voice.      

"It doesn't matter who brought you into this world. What matters is you. I know this is a really insensitive thing to say right now, but I wish you would be happy that Linda isn't directly related to you. I don't even want to talk about Mary right now."     

"This time, you have to live for yourself. I will have to put some legal measures in place to make sure Linda and Mary never comes close to you again since it affects your mental health."     

"Now, you just have to live happily. Forget about them. You have a wonderful future ahead of you. You have a competition which you have been looking forward to. You also have exams. These are the things you have been looking forward to. All you need do is push this whole thing away and pretend like it never happened. Trust me, you are going to have a great life from now on."     


"If you really think you have a bad luck, I have enough good luck in me to cover for the both of us." He assured her.     

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