My Crazy Housemate

Drama Queen

Drama Queen

1Leo kept his eyes on Mia as she ate slowly. It was almost as if she was forcing herself to eat which was actually the case. She had said she didn't have an appetite but he knew she was still going to starve if she didn't eat so he had gone to a nice restaurant to get her her favourite. It was spaghetti. He had thought the sight alone would make her crave to devour it but really, she wasn't interested.      

"You are going to school tomorrow." He said.      

It wasn't a question. He was telling her. He was not going to leave her like that.      

"Hmm. I know." She nodded slowly. "I can't keep staying indoors." She admitted which made him sigh in relief. At least, she was thinking reasonably now.      

"Great! I thought I would have to force you to go to school."      

"I'd do with seeing a few faces and Jeremy's company is always very pleasant so I'll be good. You should eat— why are you looking at me like that?" She asked when she noticed how his facial expression suddenly changed.  It looked like he was angry about something.     

"Nothing." He said before lifting his glass of juice to his lips.      

"There is something. What is wrong?" She pressed.     

"I just think... well.. you both seem really close." He said with a shrug before packing a lot of spag and shoved it inside his mouth.      

"Who?" She asked in confusion.      

"Jeremy. You even think his presence his pleasant. Pfft.  There's nothing pleasant about him."      

"Anyways, it's nothing. Do not mind me." He forced a smile and continued eating.      

If Chloe continued to reject Jeremy's advances and by chance he fell out of love with her, what if he faced Mia instead? Especially now that he was traveling far away?      

It was Mia's turn to look at him as he ate. "You are jealous, aren't you?" She asked with a smile.      

"Scoffs! Jealous? Of who? Give me a reason why I should be jealous of him?"      

"You are." Mia said and giggled excitedly at the thought. "If he hears this, he is so going to be over the moon." She teased.      

"Do not even think about saying this to him or anyone." He said immediately and glared at her before looking down at his plate of food.     

"I'm jealous? Pfft, what a joke!" He muttered to himself and continued to stab his fork on his meal making Mia giggle even more.      

The excitement soon died down and she looked at him with mixed emotion.      

She couldn't stop thinking about how much worry she had brought him since they met. How much had he spent because of her?  He was probably fed up right? Or maybe not.      

She shook the thought out of her head.      

'Smile Mia. You only have to smile.' She reminded herself.      

"I've been thinking." She started, getting his attention.      

"About what?" He asked in alarm. He had a feeling that whatever she had thought about wasn't good but she smiled at him and her smile seemed to make him relax.      

"You were right. I don't have to think about any unnecessary thing. I will be happy."      

"Really?" He asked in surprise. That was fast, unexpected and nice!     

"Hmm. I just have to focus on the competition, focus on my exams and future. Nothing else."      

"What do you mean by nothing else?" He asked with a frown. "What about me? Won't you focus on me?" He whined.      

Mia grinned. Why was he suddenly acting like a baby?      

"Of course, including you." She corrected quickly.      

He gave her one of his best and prettiest smiles and picked up a table napkin  to clean his mouth before sitting up to look at her.      

"Mia Lucas?"  He called her.      

"Hmm?" She looked at him curiously, wondering what he wanted to say that he looked so serious.      

"I fucking love you."     

That was quite unexpected and out of the blue so she looked surprised. "Whenever you are happy, I am happy. And..." He blinked a couple of times and sighed. "I was scared since last night."     

"Why?" She asked quietly. She had also dropped her fork and cleaned her mouth.      

"I don't know. I thought you were going to leave me. You know those kind of Nobel idiocy in Korean dramas." He shrugged before looking straight at her eyes seriously.      

"Please... no matter what... do not leave me. Do not even think about making decisions for the both of us. Hmm?"      

Mia's eyes began to blink so much. She used a hand to cover her mouth and closed her eyes really tightly. She wouldn't lie and say she hadn't thought about it. It had been in her mind. She had planned to cut all ties with him once he travelled out.      

"I don't want to leave you either." She said amidst tears. "I would die."      

"Then don't. Or else I would shave my head and turn into a monk." He said lightly before leaving his seat to where she was seated and crouched down beside her.      

She looked down at him with her teary eyes. "And whenever you are going through a lot, do not try to push me away. I won't let you lock yourself in again like that. If it means whipping or spanking you to make you stop falling into a depressed state, I'll do so." He threatened before he took her hands and kissed the back of her hand tenderly.      

"I'll always do my best." She promised him.     

"I am glad you finally see things the correct way. I am proud of you sweetheart." He said with a smile.      

His smile was contagious. So she couldn't help but smile back at him.     

 "I would have kissed you, but I have spaghetti in every corner of my mouth." He said with a grin.      

Mia laughed before dropping an unexpected kiss on his lips.      

"Uh. You're being sneaky lately." He said while faking an angry frown.      

" Let's just eat." Mia said dismissively and tried to hide her blush.      

 "No. You stole a kiss from me, I have to take it back." He shook his head stubbornly and tried to kiss her but she kept moving her face away. Soon, they were both laughing and the kitchen was lively once again.      


"What happened today? You look happy." Ellie asked Jeremy and did a double take when she noticed his outfit.  "You went shopping?"      

"Hmm.." He said with a smile and began to head towards his room while she followed closely behind.      

"With whose money?" Ellie asked with a frown. "I hope they aren't expensive else you are going to return them. We need to pay the utility bill." She nagged.      

"I already told you I would take care of that."      

Ellie kept giving him a suspicious look as she followed him inside his room. "What's that bag in your hand?"      

She asked in a 'I hope that's something for me' tone.     

He turned around and winked before throwing the bag at her. "I thought you'd never ask."      

She caught it swiftly and checked inside. There was a box inside so she took it out and opened it to find different chocolates.     

"This is mine?" She gasped.      

"Hmm... courtesy of lady boss."     

"What? Chloe? You let her take you shopping?" She asked, sounding obviously displeased.      

"Hey! Hold on, that isn't what happened."      

"Then what happened? If you let her do this, she may look down on you. Do you want that?" She lectured.     

"We went shopping for her during school hours, she saw a lot of things she liked so we returned after classes. She forced this on me." He said defensively and at the new leather jacket he wore.     

When Ellie still didn't look convinced, he explained.      

"I didn't want her to but she insisted. You know how she is like and it's difficult ever winning against her. But I promised her I was going to pay back."     

She scoffed. "With whose money?"      

"Don't worry. I won't ever do anything to make her look down on me."      

"Are you sure?" She asked and looked at the chocolates with desire.     

"I promise.  So enjoy your chocolates. And make sure to call her to say thanks."     

"Alright. I'll keep some in the fridge for you. She really didn't have to get me this." Ellie said before leaving the room.     

Jeremy clearly heard her excited squeals and jumps once she exited the room and laughed.      

"Such a drama queen." He said to himself before entering the bathroom.      

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