My Crazy Housemate

I liked it

I liked it

2She looked at one of the pictures she took with Leo. They were also laughing and her hands was around his waist. She remembered this particular moment.     

He had set his camera on the tripod and joined her in the water but tried to run away when he realised how cold it was. There was another picture where he was scolding her for remaining inside the water when she could have just told him it was cold and left there.      

There were pictures of the both of them dancing inside the cottage that night, there were also some which he took of her inside the cottage.     

She had no idea of the exact moment he took some them.     

The last picture on the wall was the first photo they took together. The one they had taken inside his car before he mistakenly sent it to his family's group chat. Altogether, the pictures were about 15. It was her first time seeing a picture of herself hanging on a wall. It was her first time seeing such beautiful photos of herself. It was her first time taking photos with a man who was holding her very intimately and she liked every moment of it!      

Leo held her shoulders and turned her around to face him.      

"Maybe it's cringeworthy... I don't know. I have never done this for anyone before. And I thought the photos were probably too much, but it looks really pretty here."      

Mia didn't know what to say. She just continued to stare at the wall filled with their photos.      

"Hey." He held her shoulders and turned her around to face him.      

"You are the best thing that has happened to me, Mia Lucas." He saw the flicker of doubt in her eyes and continued, "You may be rude, sometimes loud,  you bang doors and even throw me out of my own house... oh! you only cook pasta—""Haha! Sorry." He quickly apologized when he saw the look on her face changing to a frown.      

"Look.." He turned her around to look at the photos again.     

"I want you to always look at this photos and remember that you are capable of smiling like this."     

"Even when I'm not here, you should always smile beautifully. You must remember you are a good dancer. You must remember you are a good student. You must remember —"     

"Stop it!" She said coldly with her eyes down. "Just... stop" She took in a deep breath before stepping away from him then she left the room in a hurry and returned to hers, leaving Leo utterly confused.      


"Mia? Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Leo asked as he kept knocking on her door.      

"You know I won't take silence for an answer.. I'm coming inside." He warned before opening the door.      

Cherry was really fond of throwing tantrums. She always locked him out of the room whenever she was angry. He felt it was better to ignore her and only approach her when it looked like she was calm.     

But he realised it wasn't the case for Mia. In fact, he always barged inside the room even when they weren't friends. And be did so again now.     

She was sleeping on the bed in a fetal position, the duvet was covering her. But he could still see she was still fully dressed.      

"Please tell me I didn't do anything wrong." He said before sitting down on the bed. He touched her arm but she shook his hand off and said in a quiet voice, "Don't touch me."     

"Wait what? You are really mad at me?" He asked in surprise. He stood up from where he was sitting and walked to the other side so he could see her face clearly but she turned her face to the other side so he wouldn't look at her.     

With a confused frown, he dove under the duvet and cuddled her from behind.      

She didn't push him away this time but he realised she was sobbing quietly.      

"Please talk to me. Didn't you like the surprise?"      

She shook her head. She liked it.      

"You didn't like the fact that I printed the photos we took together? I really wanted to ask you first but I thought I would ruin the surprise and the pictures looked pretty so I—"     

"I liked it." She answered. "I liked them a lot." She said before sniffing again.      

His hand was around her waist so he gently pulled her towards him so the back of her head was now touching his chest.      

"So talk to me. I need to know. You looked happy but suddenly got angry and I can't guess what exactly is wrong with—"     

"I am scared okay!?" She suddenly sat up and said in a raised voice.      

"No one has ever been this nice to me. You showed me those beautiful things and began to sound like I will never see you again or you are planning to break up. You... (sniffs) didn't have to... sound like that." She began to cry so she used her hands to cover her face.      

Leo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But amusement danced in his eyes.      

"I'm sorry. I wanted to be romantic and passionate. I didn't know it would turn out like this."     

"It isn't funny!" She said in between sobs and picked a pillow to hit him with it. Without looking at his face, she could tell he was finding the whole thing amusing.     

"Come on. Stop being a baby. You must have seen a lot of horrible movies to think so." He hugged her forcefully, bringing her head to his chest.      

"And don't ever scare me like that again. I thought I did something wrong." He said with a sigh.      

She only sniffed but didn't answer.     

"Now, open your left drawer and check inside."     

"What? Why?" She raised her tear streaked face to look at him.      

"Just do it. You ask too many questions." He used a finger to poke her forehead and pointed his chin towards the drawer.      

Mia slowly climbed down from the bed and went to the drawer. She opened it and was surprised to find a small wrapped gift inside. Another surprise?      

She picked it and looked at him to see he was smiling at her. "Go on, open it." He urged her excitedly.      

She slowly began to unwrap it until a small jewelry box came into view, making her eyes widen.      

"Don't... t..ell me you want... to ask me to marry... you?" She stuttered and blinked at him.      

Marriage, was she ready? She didn't think she was. But did she not want to marry him? That wasn't a bad idea. But she wasn't sure she was ready.      

"Aish! I'm so confused." She cried.      

Leo watched in amusement and began to laugh. "Just open the box already, silly!"      

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