My Crazy Housemate

Lady Black

Lady Black

1Mia looked ar her reflection when she returned to the changing room. She was still panting from the rigorous dancing just now and her face was flushed. She was really excited because they were able to pull the dance perfectly before a certain someone ruined her night for her.      

On the stage, she had been scared. Although they rehearsed countless times, the parts where she climbed the back of someone two was kneeling on someone else's back and did a backflip down, or the part where they threw her up, twirled her on the air and caught her before she landed on the hard floor etc, those moments, although scared, she had been ecstatic. Hearing how silent the crowd was, had been quite uncomfortable for her and her teammates since it was unusual during street dancing competitions. But they received resounding cheers and claps after their performance which made them sigh in relief. And that was when her eyes met his.     

At first, she thought it was Leo. She prayed it was him. This can't be a mistake right? Did he come back for her? Did he want to watch her badly that he ran here? But they had stopped selling tickets for a while, so how did he get another ticket?      

When she looked closely at him, he smiled at her and cocked his head to the side.     

She saw that familiar creepy glint in his eyes and knew instantly that it wasn't Leo. It was Louis! Leo would smile brightly at her, wave her, blow her a kiss or something, Louis expression had been odd and she didn't need to go closer to him to know the difference between the two of them. From disappointment, it moved to anger. Why did he have to do this again? She thought they were over it. Why did he do this to her?     

"Mia, someone is here to meet you." She heard Ally's voice behind her and turned in surprise. Who would come inside the changing room meant for the dancers?      

Ally stepped aside and Mia caught a glimpse of a young man behind her. She didn't get to see his face clearly since he was wearing a hat, so it shocked her when the young man pulled her into a hug unexpectedly.     

"Oh my dear, you were excellent!" He complimented excitedly. "He knew all this while and didn't tell me?" He asked.      

Mia would have already pushed him away roughly if not for where they currently were. Why couldn't people understand that it wasn't everyone who loved being touched and hugged by others?      

She was also calm because his voice sounded familiar and it was someone that didn't mean any harm. So she freed herself from the hug and looked at Richard's proud face.      

"Who know what?" She asked in confusion.     

"That you are Lady Black. That punk kept it from me." He huffed in displeasure.      

"I... am lost... here." Mia said. She looked genuinely lost which made Richard surprised. "You... didn't tell him you were Lady Black? Or wait... you didn't know about Lady Black?" He asked. Was this some kind of fate at work or were they destined to be together?     

He remembered how heartbroken his friend had been after the ordeal with Cherry. He had been the one to pull Leo with him because he enjoyed dances like this and was a sponsor but he preferred being there as part of the audience because he knew he wouldn't feel the same vibes if he sat with the VIPs. So, he always knew about Lady Black even before Leo became entranced by her. No one knew what she looked like until this evening. He had really been stupefied to find out it was her. But judging from Mia's reaction, she didn't understand what he was saying which meant, Leo probably knew nothing too.      

"Oh my God!" He gasped. This meant Leo was going to be definitely shocked when he sees the video he had sent him.     

Immediately he realised that the dancer on stage was Lady Black and figured she wanted to reveal her identity when her mask began to peel off gradually, he sent a quick text to Leo and began to make a video. In the text, he wrote: Your mystery lady is going to reveal her identity. You are probably going to break up with Mia soon. I think she is very pretty!     

But that lady was his girlfriend?! He had been really stunned and immediately Mia's face came into view, the video he was recording stopped and was sent to him automatically.      

"Leo is going to be so proud of you. Thank you." Richard hugged her again. He didn't mind the eyes watching them or the fact that he was being very annoying to Mia now. She didn't understand what he was saying and he was sorry he couldn't explain further. It was best to let Leo speak with her so they would be shocked at the same time. Too bad Leo left. Too bad he was still on the flight now. Too too bad.     

"Why is Louis here?" Mia decided to ask him.      

He released her from the compulsory hug but a smile never left his face, "Oh! I bought two tickets initially, hoping your friend Mira would go with me. After giving you two, I had a spare left so I asked Louis if he was interested and told him you were dancing tonight. But I didn't know you were Lady Black!" He exclaimed again.     

Mia nodded and sent him a smile. She still didn't understand what he had been trying to say to her, but that was the least of her problems because she was nervous about their result.     

"You shouldn't be here. How did you even get here?" She asked calmly while looking around her. Just then, a moderator came to announce to all the dancers that all groups were done dancing. It was going to take about 20 minutes before they would all be called on stage and the winner would be announced. They only had prizes for first and second place but they were 11 groups in total.      

They all began to feel very nervous. Their many weeks of rehearsals was going to take 20 minutes to be judged.      

"You will do well." Richard assured her with a smile before he left the room.      

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