My Crazy Housemate

Tempting lips

Tempting lips

4It was a really awkward moment for Jeremy as he sat in the back of the taxi beside Chloe.     2

Leo's apartment was not far from their school but he couldn't let her walk so he paid for a cab instead and followed her.      

He kept remembering the hug and her plea to not leave her or like Katie. What was that about? Was it true that Chloe liked him?      

As much as the thought excited him, he didn't want to get his hopes up. She was a very unpredictable girl.      

Chloe was also quiet. She looked ahead and didn't bother to spare him a glance. Chloe was too embarrassed she felt like the ground should open up and swallow her. Maybe it was because she wasn't in the best mood and her brain wasn't functioning properly that made her say something like that to him.      

"We are here." The taxi driver said when it looked like the two people were lost in their thoughts and were not going to step down.      

They snapped back to their senses and quickly got down. Chloe wanted to pay but remembered she wasn't with her bag or purse. Meanwhile, Jeremy already handled the payment.      

They walked side by side quietly until they got to the door. Mia had told her the code so she inputted it and they went in. Jeremy already texted Mia to let her know they were on their way so they saw Mia setting the dining table when they entered.      

"How do you feel?" Mia approached them and asked Chloe.      

Chloe nodded. "I feel better. Thanks." She said genuinely. It felt weird that these people were helping her. She didn't like to look or act vulnerable but she couldn't help it now.      

"I saw the note to change rooms so I moved your things into my room and moved mine out." Mia explained.      

"Thanks." Chloe said with a small smile.      

When she returned from school, she saw Chloe's luggage bag in the sitting room with a note on the table which read:      

 (I think I'll be more comfortable in the other room. You should stay here unless you want me to remove all the pictures hanging on the wall.)     

Mia blushed when she read the note earlier. She had forgotten about the pictures of herself and Leo all over his room. No wonder Chloe had been uncomfortable. She would have been had she been in Chloe's shoes. She spent her time moving her things into Leo's room and when she was done, she moved Chloe's things inside the room that used to be hers. She felt a little sad to give up this room. She had a lot of memories in there, but what made her sadder was the fact that Leo hadn't called her yet.      

"Have you heard from Leo?" Chloe asked, as if reading her mind.      

"I haven't." Mia shook her head. "I made you some soup." She pointed at the table.      

"I'll have it inside the room. Thanks."      

"I'll get it for you. You can go freshen up." Mia said.     

Chloe thanked her again and went to the room without sparing Jeremy any glance. He just stood there the entire time.     

"Did something happen between you two again?" Mia asked in a low voice after Chloe locked the door.     

Jeremy didn't know whether to tell her or not but after deliberating on it, he pulled her towards the dining and said in a low voice,      

"She hugged me—"      

"Wow!" Mia's eyes widened.      

"She asked me not to leave her—"     

"Oh my!"     

"And also said I shouldn't like Katie."      

Jeremy looked obviously confused while Mia's hand was already covering her mouth. Maybe she was dumb in love issues when it concerned her, but since it concerned someone else, she could clearly understand it.      

"Hold on." Mia hurried to the kitchen, got a small tray and a bottle of water.     

She place the bowl of soup on the tray with the water and handed it to him. "You should take this to her. Feed her and ask her to tell you what she meant by that."     


"Just do it."     

"Ellie is alone at home now. I think I should go—"     

"I'll bring Ellie here. I think Chloe needs you more than she needs anyone else. So just do it. Hmm?"      

Since Mia promised to bring Ellie, he relaxed a little and took the tray from her. "Okay."     

He watched Mia leave before he went to the bedroom. He tried to hold the tray with a hand and knocked once but there was no response. He couldn't hold out for long because he feared the soup may spill so he used his two hands to hold the tray and managed to use his elbow to turn the doorknob until the door opened.      

He thought she was sleeping so he walked in as stealthily as possible and gently used his back to close the door.      

"Wow. This room is wonderful." He whispered as he moved towards the bed. Chloe wasn't there. He carefully dropped the tray of food and was about to escape when he realised she was inside the bathroom, but just immediately he dropped it, the bathroom's door opened and she came out.     

He turned around to face the opposite side and used his hands to cover his face. "I am not looking!"      

He heard a light chuckle behind him, "You can look." Chloe said.      

"I don't want to!"     

"If you really don't want to, you should have left the room already, don't you agree?"      

Jeremy gulped. He really didn't have any excuse for still standing there.      

He heard her move closer and could tell she just sat down on the bed.      

He slowly turned around to look at her and sighed in relief when he noticed she was wearing a plain straight gown. She had a grin on her face as she asked, "Not what you were expecting I guess?"      

He was stupified by the grin on her face because he wasn't sure he had ever seen her smile like this ever.      

She noticed how he was staring dumbly at her and cleared her throat.     

"I thought you left already."      

He also returned to his senses and answered, "I didn't. Mia went to bring Ellie here." He said before sitting beside her on the bed and placing the tray on his lap.      

"You hurt your hand so I'll feed you." He turned his body so he was looking directly at her and inched even closer than he already was.      

"It was my left hand." She reminded him.      

He frowned when he noticed something was wrong with her. She sounded nervous and he could see her hand was shaking.      

"Are you okay?" He asked in panic. Maybe she was still sick? He shouldn't have allowed her leave the hospital.      

"I... am fine." She answered and looked away from him.      

Her tone made him confirm she wasn't okay. He put the tray on the ground and touched her forehead to feel her temperature.      

Chloe sat there stiffly and just stared at his face as he did what he did.      

"Your temperature seem fine. Do you feel pain anywhere?" He looked down at her face and noticed she was staring at him intensely.      

His brow raised slightly. They were so close that they could practically feel each other's breaths on their faces.     

The atmosphere suddenly changed when his eyes trailed down to her parted lips. It looked like they were inviting him to kiss them.      

He wanted to move away from her. He really wanted to.      

But he slowly lowered his head, everything else blanked out from his brain as the only thing he thought about was kissing her. But he suddenly remembered she was sick and he was supposed to take care of her.      

He cussed himself and was about to stand up when he felt her hands on his neck. Before he could react, Chloe had already pulled him towards her and initiated their first kiss.      

His eyes widened in shock and his body went stiff.      

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