My Crazy Housemate

A tempting offer

A tempting offer

3The first time Mia met Mrs King, she was disrespectful to the woman. The second time, she was nervous and wanted to get away from the woman as soon as possible. But the third time, which was now, they were going to be speaking alone, sitting face to face. Mia couldn't avoid this.      3

If she had a tail, it would have been hiding between her legs as she went to sit down across the woman. What if she had recognized her as the girl from the park some months ago? Why else would she come find her? Unless....     

"This is my second time here." Mrs King started. "The first time was when he was dating that silly girl and I promised never to step my feet in here again. But here I am."      

Mia swallowed nervously as she waited for the woman to go straight to the point.      

"I understand how impulsive young love can be so I won't fault you. Leo is a responsible young man who is very handsome and comes from an influential family. I would understand why you fell for him especially when you lived under the same roof with him.      

Mia wondered just how much the woman knows. She was becoming really uncomfortable but she managed to keep her composure.      

"You should relax. I am not here to throw you out, neither am I here to throw water on your face or hand you money to leave my son." She assured her. This made Mia even more curious. If she wasn't here for that, what was she here for then?      

"I am not a bad person Mia Lucas. And I want my children to be happy, even if they choose to go astray. If you are Leo's choice, I do not mind."     

"Really?" Mia asked in surprise.      

"Really." She smiled. "I don't want to lose my Children even more because so the only thing I can do is to accept their choices so they won't think about removing themselves from the family. A King is always a King."     

'Wow! She is actually nice.' Mia thought to herself. But she was still a bit weary. Why was she doing this?      

"Do not be offended, but I did a thorough background check on you and your family." She tsked. "Quite pitiful, but I must say you have led a tough life. And as a doctor who is also a certified psychologist, I can understand why you behave the way you do."     

"The way I do?" Mia asked curiously. What way?      

"Silly! Do you think I do not recognize you? Of course I remember you are the rude girl from the park."      

Mia became tensed and her eyes slightly widened from the shock of her statement. She had thought the woman didn't recognize her. Just how long had she known? And why was she still being nice to her?     

"But I do not blame you. I am sorry for what happened that day because I realised you had been telling the truth and I was wrong. So I forgive you for being disrespectful to me."      

Mia was quiet for a while before asking... "Why are you doing all this?"      

"Why are you being nice to me?" Mia asked suspiciously. She knew quite well that Leo's parents didn't want her for him even though his grandparents liked her. She couldn't shake off the feeling that this woman was up to something.      

"What? I am just being nice. My son likes you, you are my daughter's friend and my in laws likes you. So I don't have any choice right?"      



Mia sat up. She always knew there was a 'but' somewhere. And she was correct.      

"Now that Leo is away, this is the perfect time to groom you. To become a member of this family, you need to be worthy of my son. So I will ask... do you think you are worthy of Leo?"      

Mia clenched her fists which were on the chair. She wasn't. She knew she wasn't.      

But she gave the same answer she had given during Leo's 'welcome back to love' party,     

"I am." She answered.      

"Hahaha! You are not. It's obvious. You are just a student with nothing." Mrs King taunted.      

"That is why, I am going to help you. Before Leo comes back, you should be worthy of him. Just do your part and graduate with a good result, I'll recommend you to a good company where you'll start working immediately. At least, make a name for yourself before he comes back. No one has to know about this. Not Leo, not Chloe. Even my husband doesn't know about this."     


"I am doing this for my son. If he marries a nobody, we are going to become a laughing stock and everyone will keep talking about him for the bad reasons. Even if he acts like he doesn't care, I know my son. He cares a lot about people's opinion especially that of the extended family. So if you love him, do this. You're gaining more from it anyway. You'll have a good job with a good salary. I think this is fair enough?"     

Although Mia felt insulted, she began to consider the offer. Honestly, she wasn't worthy of Leo. He loved her and didn't fail to remind her about it. It was only unfortunate that they weren't communicating lately. He showered her with gifts and was always there to help handle every mess and glitches in her life. What does she have? What can she offer him?     

But with a good job and salary, she would be able to cater for his needs too right? But it also meant she won't be seeing him at all during this two years because she would have to work. What was she going to tell him then?     

"Take your time to answer Mia. Your exams are coming up this week so from now until your graduation, give me your answer. But I expect you to agree to this terms." She said before standing up.     

"Do not let Chloe know I was here. I'll see myself out now."      

Mia was still dazed.      

Should she agree?     

Should she not?     

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