My Crazy Housemate



3"I'm surprised you are still here. I thought you would have disappeared back to the hospital by the time i get here." Leo said to his brother in a jocular manner when he saw Loius coming down the stairs.      3

Louis chuckled lightly.      

"I told you I'll be available for the next three days. I still have a life outside the hospital, you know?"     

"Oh really?" Leo feigned surprise. "So how do you intend to spend the next 2 days? And what did you do throughout today? Let me guess.. Read books?" He teased.     

From the look on Louis's face, it was obvious Leo was correct.      

"Medical books?" Leo continued to press. He always liked to tease his brother for being too serious.     

"Was I supposeed to read romace novels? Loius asked with a laugh.     

"You're so boring. It's why you're still single until now."      

Louis didn't comment on that, instead, he asked a question of his own.     

"So why did you suddenly decide to come home?They both moved to the couch to sit down.     

"So I can't visit my parents' house anymore?"     

"I know you younger brother. You do not come here unless you were summoned or you need something." Louis answered in a matter-of-fact tone.     

Leo laughed. "That is not very wrong anyway."     

"I'm here to get Tara." He added.     

"No way! Tara's already used to living here with us. You think she'll even remember you? Loius asked.     

"I saw her the last time I visited and she seemed really happy to see me."     

"She probably thought it was me."     

"Tara is smarter than that. You should know that by now." Leo said while draping a leg on top of the other.     

"Hmmm... Whatever you say."     

"So about the last time I was at your place...     

What was that? It was a girl right? Louis asked while raising a brow at Leo in suspicion.     

"It was." Leo admitted. Louis was a very smart person and he knew lying to him would be pointless because he would see through it.     

Louis gave him a look which could be interpreted for "Go on"      

Leo thought it wouldn't make sense to say "Chloe forged my house documents and turned my house into a sharehouse and now a girl lives with me but she has this crazy side and you witnessed one that day." So he settled for something else.     

"She is my girlfriend." Leo blurted out.     

"You are kidding me right? I mean, you just returned to the country and now you have a girlfriend who lives with you?" Louis asked in obvious shock.     

"I've known her for a long time. You know... online dating.. that sort of thing" He answewred with a shrug of indiference.     

"And now you live with her? What if mum and dad finds out about this? Besides, you know it's scandalous right?"     

"You aren't going to tell,  are you? Plus you should know by now that I do not care about what they say or think. But still do not mention it to them."     

Leo was only doing this for Chloe. Left for him, he wouldn't mind if anyone saw a lady inside his house. If only they knew how he lived the past years abroad.      

Loius sighed. "You should always live and act well. You know we look identical and I don't want you dragging that face about and getting into trouble.     

"I've always known that was your biggest worry. But do not worry brother. You won't ever get into trouble because of me." Leo assured him with a smile..     

"Now, enough about me. How's you and Doctor Lily?" Leo asked with a wink.     


Mia's classes for the day ended by 3pm but three hours later, she was still skeptical about returning home. She wandered the streets aimlessly after returning from the hospital.     

She was thankful Mira could not come pick her up from school because something came up, else, she was certain Mira would have noticed something was up with her.     

Her stomach grumbled and she knew she was going to starve to death if she didn't return home.     

With no much confidence, she began to stroll towards the direction of Leo's apartment. A few minutes later, she was standing in front of the door but still could not enter.      

How was she supposed to face Leo? She took in a deep breath and slowly typed in the passcode to open the door.     

She peered inside first to be sure he was not in the sitting room and when she was certain he wasn't,  she entered inside and closed the door after sighing in relief.      

As she tiptoed towards her room, she heard something strange and turned to look at her side.      

She got the shock of her life when she saw a little hairy dog lying there, staring right back at her.      

When their eyes met, the dog began to bark furiously and Mia screamed.     

At that moment, Leo opened his room's door and came out to find Mia running around while screaming his name for help, with the dog seriously enjoying the chase.     

"Tara!" He called in surprise.      

When Mia saw him, she immediately jumped on his body with her hands wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist.      

Tara stood in front of them and continued to bark at her, causing Mia to jump up and down his body.     

Leo's eyes widened. At that moment, it seemed like he had no idea about what was happening around him. The only thing he knew was happening was that Mia was on him and moving up and down while his hands was around her waist, trying to keep her from falling.     

Things were even more difficult because he was only wearing a short and his upper body was bare since he had been on his way to go take a shower before he heard her scream.      

Mia kept shouting and bouncing on top of him, totally oblivious to whatever was happening with Leo.     

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