My Crazy Housemate



3"Chloe?" Leo called in surprise. He hadn't expected Chloe to be there at all.     0

Chloe looked up at him in shock. Since the party hadn't started yet, herself and Jeremy had gone there to sit and wait since the main sitting room was kind of busy with people moving about. She had been complaining about how much she hated going to parties earlier but Jeremy had kept trying to convince her about how it was a good idea coming out once in a while which had gotten her upset and she had asked him to stop talking.     

"What are you doing here?" Chloe asked standing up immediately.      

Jeremy also looked at him in surprise before standing to whisper to Chloe. "Told you he may come here."     

Chloe frowned at him for still coming close to her when her brother was there watching the both of them.     

"I didn't know you attended these parties." Leo said but he didn't sound really strict. His eyes went to the boy beside her. It was this Jeremy again! He had known from when he saw him the previous morning that this boy had something up with him.     

"Hey! Nice to meet you." Jeremy said not knowing whether it was a good idea to offer his hand for an handshake considering the kind of look Leo was giving him.     

"I was invited by a friend so I came." Chloe answered Leo's question the same time Jeremy spoke.     

"Jeremy right?" Leo asked looking at him.     

"Yes. Nice to meet you again." Jeremy repeated awkwardly. He wasn't usually the type who quickly got intimidated by people but he was really cautious around Leo. Probably because he was Chloe's older brother.     

"Let's talk outside." Leo said in a non-negotiable tone before walking away.     

Jeremy turned to look at Chloe and noticed how she was looking at him with worry. "You don't have to go. I'll go talk to him myself." She said and was about walking away when he pulled her gently.     

"It's fine. I have to do this. Do not worry about me—"     

"I wasn't worried about you silly! I'm just worried about what you might tell him." She snapped at him making him almost laugh.     

"I won't tell him I am your bodyguard or about David." He assured her with a small smile before walking away without giving her any chance to say anything else.     


"Hey!" Benjamin said with a bright glint in his eyes when he saw Mia approach the car park with Mira.     

"Hey… " Mia greeted back not knowing what else to say.     

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Mira. Mia's friend" Mira extended a hand to him with a smile on her face and he happily shook it.     

"Pleased to meet you too Mira, I remember seeing you at my party. I'm glad to meet you again." He said before turning to look at Mia.     

"You look great. You seem to look even better everytime I see you… and different." He said looking her up and down.     

"Well, thanks." Mia said with a small smile as the three began to head towards the house.     


Leo looked at Jeremy as if sizing him up. Jeremy was very uncomfortable with his stare but there was nothing he could do other than let Leo do his thing. This was his potential brother in law so he just had to be respectful.     

"You wanted to talk." Jeremy reminded him when Leo's stares took longer than he had expected.     

"So…" Leo started.     

"You are friends with Mia?" Leo asked making Jeremy raise a brow in confusion. Why was he asking about Mia when he had been with Chloe just now?     

"My sister mentioned it yesterday. She said you were also Mia's friend" Leo said as he continued to look at him. Jeremy had the body and features of an entertainer. Was he by chance Mia's dancing partner? He couldn't help but wonder.     

"I thought we were here to talk about your sister?" Jeremy asked in confusion making Leo suddenly remember the most pressing issue at hand so he cleared his throat and put up the big brother face.     

"You are more than just friends with Chloe aren't you?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.     

'I wish.' Jeremy said in his head but in reality, he shook his head. "We are just friends."     

"Don't give me that. I know there's more. You like her don't you? Or you are the type to play around with women?" Leo asked as he continued to look at him suspiciously.      

The thing with men who had a lot of flings was that, every other man around any woman in their lives becomes a suspect. They always assumed he was also just like them and they didn't want such people to come close to any lady they cared about.     

"I don't play around with women. And I like Chloe but unfortunately, she's made it pretty clear that I am not her type and I do not intend to push it... yet." He remenbered to add.     

Leo had been slightly pleased to see Jeremy knew his stand but hearing him add the 'yet' to it, he knew this boy was going to be trouble not just for him but to Chloe as well.     

"Well, I am not in any position to tell you what to do, or try to control Chloe's life. But one thing I can do is act as her big brother. If I find out you have some other ulterior motive….. do you have any younger one?" He paused to ask.     

"Yes. A little sister." Jeremy answered.     

"Even better! Then you should understand me. You know what brothers can do for their sisters right?" Leo asked him.      

"I understand what you mean" Jeremy answered with a nod.     

"Good then! Enjoy the party."     

Leo was about to turn around when Jeremy called him.     

"What is it?" Leo asked.     

"I have a question of my own.."     

"What is that?" Leo asked even though he was wondering what right Jeremy had to question him when he could have just let him leave like that after his cool speech.     

"Mia is my friend. And I tend to care a little too much about people I see as a part of my life." He paused to watch Leo's reaction before he asked… "Do you like her or you are the type to play around?" He asked brazenly which surprised Leo.     

"Jeremy?" Mia called in surprise when she recognised the boy's back. Mira hadn't told her she had invited Jeremy.     

When he turned to look at Mia, Leo was visible to all of them and Mia gasped loudly surprising Benjamin as he wondered why she was reacting that way.     

Mia felt like she had just been caught doing something terribly wrong with her standing there beside Benjamin and Mira at the other side of Benjamin.      

"Oh Jeremy, when did you come?" Mira asked as she moved closer to give him a friendly hug.     

Leo was taken aback by everything but he tried not to show any emotion on his face. Firstly, he was standing face to face with Benjamin who also looked really surprised to see him there. He was also surprised at the friendly way Mira was hugging Jeremy. It seemed like he was getting uncomfortable on behalf of his sister. But then, Neremy had said Chloe didn't like him back and a hug didn't really mean much right? He asked himself, all the while, his eyes was moving from Mira to Benjamin to Mia.     

"I wasn't expecting to see you here" Benjamin said with a smile.     

Leo quickly played along and shrugged. "I'm actually surprised to see you also. Didn't know you were friends with James." Leo said returning his smile.     

"James?" Benjamin asked in confusion.     

Apparently, he also didn't know who the party was being held for. Mia had only told him to tell the gatekeepers he was going to the Black's residence for a welcome party.     

Seeing Benjamin didn't seem to even know who the party was for, he knew this was either Mira or Mia's doing. He scrapped the latter… he wasn't sure this was Mia's doing. Which led him to conclude that Mira had invited him.     

"Mia invited me." Benjamin informed Leo crashing into his thoughts as his head whipped to the side to look at Mia who looked like she would rather be anywhere else than there.     

"I didn't know you both keep in touch." Leo said trying to sound normal.     

James and Chloe bumped into each other on the door as they both also came outside to search for the others.     

Chloe had been worried about Leo doing something to Jeremy while James wanted to know why his friends weren't coming in.     

Seeing all of them gathered there, Chloe didn't have much reaction but James watched with interest. 'This isn't looking good.' He said in hs head.      

"Oh.. we are dance partners." Benjamin informed Leo before turning to look at Mia who finally realised she was in deep shit. This wasn't what she had expected.. but what had she expected exactly?     

She saw how Leo's eyes slightly widened when Benjamin said that.     

Leo looked at Mia as if waiting for her to deny it but she didn't while Mia quickly looked at Mira who was just watching both boys as if waiting for some kind of reaction.     

Leo's lips curved to one side slightly as he snorted. He looked at Mia quietly, said nothing and carelessly walked past her. Mia's heart stopped beating immediately and ut tightened in her chest.     

She tried to stop her hands from shaking by clenching her fists together and thankfully, it worked a bit.     

Leo only succeeded in taking three steps before he stopped walking. He shook his head and turned around and to everyone's surprise, he returned and pulled Mia's hand to pull her away .     

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