My Crazy Housemate

Familiar friend

Familiar friend

3Mia waited nervously for Mr Solomon to arrive. He had sounded like he knew her father very well and he had been surprised to see her. She couldn't quite remember him yet, but she knew she was going to once they started speaking.      2

He had seen the way she looked earlier and advised her to go freshen up at home and come to his office by 11 am. When he noticed how skeptical she was to leave, he assured her he would create a time for them to talk by 11 am since he had a lot of work piled up.      

He had even asked for her to be dropped off in her house.     

So by 10am, she was already waiting outside his office. She had even arrived there earlier but the security check had been quite strict even when they knew the high commissioner himself had asked her to come over.      

The building gave her a feeling of nostalgia. She remembered the first time she had followed her father into the National Assembly. Never had she imagined that she would come here again. A lot of things, especially the interior had changed greatly. The place looked grander, exquisitely furnished, clean and movements were restricted and orderly. Armed security personnels patrolled the place with, and in almost every corner, there was the national flag and coat of arm reminding her of where she was. This was the most important place in the country.      

Solomon Van appeared at exactly 10:55 am. There were a few people having a serious conversation with him and he didn't notice her presence as they all went in. Mia didn't mind. This was normal with Politicians. They may have an appointment set by 1 but at that time, they had were probably in a impromptu meeting or there is an emergency to be taken care of. Judging from what had recently happened, she knew the man wouldn't have enough free time.      

By 11:35, she was asked to go inside.      

"I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. It was an emergency." He sincerely apologized as he gestured at the seat across his. His office was twice bigger than Leo's room and also furnished exquisitely.     

"It's fine. I am glad I got to meet you at least." She said modestly as she took the seat.      

As much as she wanted to know how he knew her father, she was more worried about knowing what really happened to her father.      

"Was he... was my father really..."     

"I'm sorry Mia." He said with a sad glint in his eyes. "It... is very unfortunate that he left that way."      

Mia already knew it. But she couldn't stop her eyes from stinging with tears.      

"What about the culprit. What is going to happen to him? He won't be put on bail right?"      

"Of course not! His crime is not only a domestic crime but an international crime. He went against the universal principle of human rights of all the nations of the world. He also did illegal trades with other nationals and the victims weren't from this country alone. He has been handed over to the INTERPOL. I assure you, there is no way he can get away with it."      

 Mia nodded and cleaned off the tears that was leaving her eyes.      

"Thank you. I am glad to know this."      

"You deserve to know it." He said as he handed her a tissue. She thanked him again and used it to clean her face.      

"You really don't remember me?" He asked, looking at her face intently.      

She shook her head. She was surprised to see him laugh a little.      

"You must have forgotten my name since you kept calling me by the nickname you gave me. Remember uncle Diesel?" He asked.      

It only took a few seconds before she gasped. "Uncle... Diesel?" She asked with wide eyes.      

She suddenly remembered when she was very younger. He was her father's friend and she met him whenever she came here with him. When she heard his name was Van, she asked if he was related to the actor Van Diesel and since then, she began to call him Diesel.      

He had grown a lot older than he looked those days, no wonder she could not recognize him.      

"I see you remember." He laughed a little but his face turned sad again.      

"I was really shocked to hear what happened to your father. When I saw his name, I refused to believe it." He shook his head. "Joe was a good man and I... don't even know what to say about what happened."      

Mia nodded. She also didn't know what to say.     

"I also did my best to find him. He suddenly disappeared out of the blue like that. And then you all left. It left me worried for years." When he noticed how much the conversation was making her sad, he changed the topic.      

"How is your mother? And sister?"      

Mia sighed. She didn't know whether she was supposed to tell him the truth or not since they just met.      

"Is Daisy treating you well?" He asked again.     

Daisy? It was her mother's name. She went by that name until things turned unfortunate for them and she began to go by her middle name, Linda.     

Mia remembered he was very close with her father back then. So she wanted to try her luck to see if he knew the truth.     

"Why are you asking me that?" She asked, making him flustered.      

"Why wouldn't my mother treat me well?"     

"I was just..."      

"Did you know?"      

"Know what?"      

"Me and Daisy, did you know?"      

He sighed deeply. "Joe told me everything."      

That was all the confirmation she needed.      

They had really been very close for him to know that.      

"I also know how worried your father always was about you. He never wanted you to find out. How did you find out?" He asked with genuine curiosity.      

"Long story." Mia left it at that. She didn't see a y point of going into details.      

He didn't push further and just smiled. "You have grown a lot. I remember when you used to come here and talk about how you wanted to work here someday. Your father also wanted that. Sometimes, he called to ask me for book recommendation for you." He smiled. "Did you go to the university?"      

"Graduated not quite long."      

"Really? That's great. Your father must be very proud of you! Did you major in politics?"      


"Oh... that's not bad. I thought you were going to major in politics with how much you enjoyed knowing about it back then."     

Of course Linda hadn't allowed her!      

"Are you working already?" He asked.      

"No. Still sending out my resumé."      

He looked at her quietly before saying,     

"Look, your father was always good to me. And I know how much he wanted you to succeed. I will be a bad person if I saw this and ignored it. Since I couldn't help Joe stay alive, I should help his daughter. Why not send your resumé to my email? I do not have any vacant slot, but I'm sure there should be a spot in here for you and believe me, there are a lot of people willing to help Joe's daughter."     

Mia looked up in surprise. Was she hearing things correctly? How did it turn out this way?      

"Isn't... it like.. corruption?" She asked skeptically which made him laugh.     

"How are your grades like?"      

"Best graduating Business student."      

"Then it's not corruption. You are only reaping the goodness your father sowed." He said with a gentle smile.     

"In case you need anything else, let me know. I know it's hard losing a father, but you have to be strong and make him proud."      

Mia cleaned her eyes again when tears threatened to fall.      

"I... have one question." Mia said, looking at his face seriously.      

When he nodded for her to go ahead and ask, she asked,     

"If there are a lot of people willing to help me because of my father, why didn't you all help him when his business was going under?"      

He shook his head sadly. "Joe was a very proud man. We didn't know. He liked to handle things himself." He paused before he continued. "Before most of us knew, it was already too late. I also didn't think there was anything we could have done at that point because he was already in the red line of bankruptcy...."     

Yes, her father was proud. The family hadn't known either until the business crashed and he kept selling things in the house hoping to revive it with any amount he could gather. He had also secretly taken loans.      

"Just be good Mia. You have a long and good life ahead of you. You can take me as your father. I will help you. I promise."      

Mia thought about everything as she went home that day. She had left the house the previous day for the police station, slept outside until morning, bumped into her father's old friend and now there was a high probability she was going to get a job at the national assembly? How had it gotten to this? She should be excited, but she wasn't feeling excited. Maybe because her father's death was still weighing her down. Therapy had helped her, but the news last night had opened up the wound.      

"LOOK OUT!"      

She had been lost in her thought that she didn't take note of the delivery scooter which was almost going to hit her. But before it did, someone grabbed her waist and pulled her away from there.      

Mia didn't take time to ask herself why misfortune came whenever something good was about to happen to her. What caught her attention was the voice asking her if she was okay.      

She quickly broke free from the back hug when she realised it was Louis.      

"What are you doing holding me like that?" She turned to ask him. She knew he had just saved her, but the hug reminded her of his confession.      

He looked at her quietly and it took her a moment to also study his face. She looked at him from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet and when her gaze flashed back to his face, she was smiling.      

"Oh my God!" She gasped.     

When he spread his arms, she quickly ran into his embrace.      

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