My Crazy Housemate

The Seduction

The Seduction

3Jeremy dropped some oil in his palm and after carefully keeping the bottle by the bedside shelf, he adjusted and took a deep breath.       1

'This is it. You are going to do this. Professionally.' He said to himself. He wasn't a professional masseur, but he was going to do this professionally today and make his girlfriend proud of him. He didn't want to take advantage of his innocent girlfriend who trusted him. If Chloe ended up hating him, he wasn't sure what he was going to do.     

He led his hand to her shoulders first and came in contact with her bare skin. He didn't need to have learnt it to know what to do. He worked on her shoulders, trying to be gentle while also applying pressure. He noticed her shoulder muscles were a bit stiff so he put in more pressure to help release the tense muscles.      

A long hiss escaped Chloe's lips, "That feels nice." She encouraged in a voice filled with pleasure.      

He smiled a little and continued. Since she liked it, he was just going to keep up with that pressure.      

He continued and began to feel slightly uncomfortable whenever she moaned from the pleasure she was getting. He warned himself not to think much of it. She was just innocently enjoying his massage.      

"You shouldn't just stay in my shoulders. Take your hands down." She instructed. Her hands had been laying beside her the entire time, so she raised her hands and used them as a pillow for her head.      

It was only now that Jeremy saw the corner of her boobs which her hands had been hiding the entire time.      

He shook his head and warned himself to just give her a good massage without looking at the sides, but he kept finding himself staring and it was not helping that there was a soft music playing at the background, a dim light, his hands on her body and the sounds escaping her lips as he ran his hands around her back.      

Only a Eunuch wouldn't have reacted to this. He found it difficult keeping himself under control.      

As he looked at the lower part of his body, he almost cried as he silently prayed for it to go down. Her butt was directly under him and a slight movement downwards would surely make her feel him to know he was aroused.      

"Are you okay?" She asked. "You've stopped for a while. It was helping a lot." She said innocently.      

He snapped back to his senses and continued massaging her waist region while being rewarded or punished with soft moans to show she was enjoying it.      

He had to admit she had a very beautiful body. It was spotless and had a nice hourglass shape with everything in proportion. Her waist was thin and he could see the curve of her hip but he couldn't see much since the duvet was covering the bottom part.      

"Do... you feel better?" He croaked.      

His voice was low and hoarse. Chloe smiled in victory before answering.      

"Hmm... a lot better. You are really good at this. If you need a massage too, let me know. I'll hel—"     

"NO!" He cut in immediately. "I... am.. fine.." He could not let her see how aroused he was for her.      

"I am always up for it whenever you need it." She offered.      

Jeremy continued what he was doing without saying anything else. He was tempted to lean forward and kiss her neck and then her back. He also wanted to touch her books which were peeking out. But he could not. And the more he tried to control himself, the harder it was for him— literally and metaphorically.      

"You don't mind helping me with my front also right?" She asked in the same innocent voice.      

"W.. h.. a..t ?" He asked in disbelief.      

"I feel some kind of pain around my rib. Just a little massage would help me greatly."     

"But... you.. aren't wearing any thing." He said reasonably while stuttering.      

"If it makes you uncomfortable, I will switch the light off." She said and used her hand to locate the bedside lamp, then she switched it off, plunging the room into darkness. Since the blinds were down, there was no light filtering inside from outside.      

"Better now?" She asked.      

He pouted sadly because he wouldn't get to see her back anymore but he thought this was better.      

"You don't need to use more oils. Just rub your hands around my ribcage." She said and began to turn around.     

He watched in horror as she twisted her body under him until she was facing him directly now.      

He couldn't see her, but he could imagine all of her actions.     

"I'm ready now." She said.      

He tried not to imagine that her naked body was right before him and he was expected to touch it. With a big gulp, he tried to locate her ribcage so he started from feeling her flat belly.      

He moved slowly until he got to where he was searching for. His eyes widened in the darkness when he could literally feel the under of her boobs in his hand.     

"It's just a massage. Relax." She encouraged.      

"It's just a massage." He repeated and began to run his hands around her body. It seemed like his hands had a mind of it's own because they kept trying to go higher while he battled to leave them where they were supposed to be.      

It didn't help that she was squirming from his touch and moaning softly.      

He guessed she had a sensitive skin or maybe she had a high sexual drive? Sometimes, the people involved didn't even know it.      

While his mind was occupied, she grabbed his hands and placed them directly on her boobs.     

He sucked in air when he felt his hands on the soft twin and a hard nipple.     

He didn't know what to do at that point because her hands were still holding his in place.      

As much as he wanted to remove his hands, he could not. He liked how they felt under his hands. It was the first time he was touching her breast directly.      

They remained like that for a while or rather, he remained like that for a while because when he returned to his senses, he realised she wasn't holding his hands anymore.      

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