My Crazy Housemate

Police Station

Police Station

3Mia tapped her lap nervously as Leo drove down to the police station.      

She wondered what Mira had gotten herself into. She had called James' line again but he didn't answer. She could only hope nothing was wrong with both of them.      

"Be calm. It's going to be fine. We are almost there." Leo turned to assure her before facing the road again.     

Earlier, after Leo and Mia had returned to their rooms, they tossed and turned in bed, each unable to fall asleep.      

Leo had wondered whether it would be a wise decision to ask her to spend the night in his room instead but he had quickly discarded that thought.      

He thought it was probably the time to just tell her everything that was truly up with him so she wouldn't think he was trying to use her or play with her. He had meant it when he said he liked her but be didn't know where or how to start.     

Mia on the otherhand, although she thought about him, she had also been thinking about her life. What she was going to do? How she was going to live?     

She had been really lucky staying with Leo because now, she wasn't wondering much about what she ate since she ate his food and lived comfortably in his house while she walked to school most times since her school wasn't far from his place.     

Life had been really easy for her since she started living with him. She had also stopped having those crazy mood swings and sudden depression.      

How would she have lived had she rented an apartment far away from school or stayed alone?     

If she had agreed to Chloe's demands and moved to Oakland, would things have turned out this way? Certainly not! She would have still been killing herself, trying to pay up debts, working part time upon part time and not having a good night's sleep while also trying to keep up with school works.     

She didn't know how to ever thank Leo or repay him. Her mother had always told her never to trust boys that they never did things freely for ladies, but he had said his payment, was seeing her live freely and happily. That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to her and those words had also made her cry when she remembered it this evening.      

Also remembering how Leo had stood up for her against her mother just a few hours ago, she couldn't thank him enough.     

"We are here..." Leo announced, which brought her back to her senses and she began to worry about her friends.     

"Thank you..." She assumed he was going to leave so she quickly got down from the car and raced inside the police station.      

"Miss, who are you looking..."      

Mia ignored the policeman when she saw Mira looking so unlike herself as she sat faced a policeman who looked like he was questioning her alongside two other ladies. The lady sitting at the middle was Rachel while the last lady's face was hidden behind her messy hair so Mia couldn't see her face but she noticed the lady was wearing a jacket which belonged to the police.     

"Mira?" Mia called as she quickly went to where she was seated.     

"Mia.. thank goodness you are here." James said as he stood up from where he had been waiting with Peter and Noah.      

Mia totally ignored him as she focused on Mira who turned to look at her with red and swollen eyes. It was obvious she had cried. There were also some scratch marks on her face which proved that she had gotten into a fight.      

"What happened to you?" Mia asked with eyes filled with worry as she hugged Mira who remained expressionless.       

"You must be Mia Lucas?" The young policeman who looked to be in his thirties asked Mia who quickly nodded.      

"Why are they here?" She asked the policeman before turning to look at Rachel since Mira wasn't saying anything.      

Mia could only see the side of the last lady and since she entered, she noticed the last lady hadn't turned to look at her at all.      

"Did you both fight?" Mia asked Rachel who quickly shook her head.      

No one actually knew how to break the news to Mia that the last lady there was her sister who had been missing for four years and she had been caught having an affair with Mira's father and she was probably the cause of Mira's parent's divorce which Mia hadn't heard about.       

The policeman who had been interrogating the three girls understood why they were all quiet so he coughed to get Mia's attention.      

"Uhm... Miss Lucas.. the issue is...."     

"Your crazy bitch ass sister got into a fight with Mira and I." Rachel suddenly said as she turned to look at Mary with a nasty glare.     

There was a sudden quietness as everyone looked at Mia who had confusion written all over her face.      

"What.. are you talking about?" Mia asked as she looked at Rachel and the girl Rachel was looking at.      

"My... sis..ter?" Mia stuttered as her gaze focused on Mary whose whole body was frozen on the spot. She was doing a pretty good job hiding her face with her hair.      

Mira sniffed. She had never met such awkwardness and embarrassment in her entire life. She was here with all of her friends and most of them had seen her father with another woman. She had gotten into a fight and was thrown out of the clubhouse then she continued her fight outside until the police was called on them.      

Remembering how her father had received a business call and left without thinking twice while apologizing, she just realised what a useless parent she had.      

Although she was an adult, the police needed a guardian to be there for her and there was no way in hell she was going to call her mother, neither was her father going to come right now.      

The policeman would have actually let them go but he could guess they would start another round outside so he kept them there until Mary's guardian arrived.      

Mia slowly walked up to where Mary was seated with her heart pounding really fast and violently.     

Mary? But how could it be Mary? Where did she suddenly come out from? Why would she be here fighting with Mira?      

"Miss?" Mia called respectfully as she stood by Mary's side and waited for the lady to raise her head.     

"Miss?" Mia called again and this time, her heart thumped wildly.      

"Just fucking raise your head you bitchy motherfucker!" Rachel blew up as she nudged Mary with her elbow who yelped in pain and shot her head up involuntarily.      

"Rachel!" James called harshly before the officer began to berate her and threatened to throw her in a cell.     

Firstly, Rachel wasn't supposed to speak. She was also supposed to be remorseful and also, she was using the wrong language.      

"Hey! Don't scare her." Noah said softly to James who eyed him.      

Peter shook his head at his sister. He didn't think Rachel would ever learn her lesson. He probably should suggest to the policeman to lock her up until the next day.     

Meanwhile, Mia's wide eyes stared at Mary who was looking away guiltily.     

"Mary?" She asked in disbelief.      

Four years. Four good years, she had disappeared. And all of a sudden after the debt was paid, she was coming back?  Why? To borrow more? To make her life hell?      

"What.. are you doing here?" Mia asked quietly as her brain still kept trying to process everything.      

"Someone fucking answer me!!!!" Mia blew up, startling every single soul inside the police station as they all stopped what they were doing to look at her.      

She was so angry because no one had said a word to explain what was going on there.      

"What are you doing here?" Mia asked again.     

"Can't I be where I want to be? How dare you raise your voice at me huh?" Mary shot her a glare as she frowned at her.     

Mia couldn't believe her ears.      

"Really?" Mia asked her with a smirk.      

"You can be wherever you want to be?" Mia asked again quietly as she turned to look at the policeman.      

"She is my sister. Can we leave now?"     

The policeman shook his head. Seeing the look on Mia's face, anyone could tell she wasn't planning something good.      

"Her guardian is on her way." The policeman informed her.      

"Her guardian? Who?" Mia asked curiously.      

The policeman said no word causing Mia to become even more frustrated.     

She still didn't know why Mira and Rachel had gotten into a fight with Mary but that really wasn't her priority at the moment.      

She suddenly felt tired and drained and she needed to think for a few seconds. She didn't want to act rashly since she was inside the police station.      

She turned and moved to where James and the other boys where sitting.      

James tapped the space beside him and she went to sit down there.      

"What is happening?" She asked James in a quiet voice.      

A surprised glint flashed in James' eyes and he tried to pull the collar of her shirt to cover the obvious hickey in her neck but it didn't work. The collar was too low.     

Before James could say anything, a voice interrupted them.     

"Where is my daughter? Where is she?"      

Mia's heart skipped when she heard her mother's voice as she barged inside the station.      

Linda's eyes scanned around for Mary and she sighted her almost immediately. Since she was focused on only her daughter, no one else mattered to her so she didn't take note of Mia who was sitting at the other corner.     

'What a reunion' Mia thought in her head. Her mother must be happy to see Mary after four years.     

But the next thing that happened made Mia even more surprised and left her confused.     

Linda marched to where Mary was sitting and hit her arm angrily.     

"You stubborn girl. How many times have I told you to stop getting into trouble? I can't keep coming here everytime to bail you!" Linda grumbled unhappily.      

All heads whipped around to look at Linda and then at Mia.     

Linda's reaction only meant one thing... This wasn't the first time she was seeing Mary in four years. They had obviously been keeping in touch.      

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