My Crazy Housemate

Voices in his head

Voices in his head

4"Are you done with the zip?" Mira asked James before burping loudly.      

"Almost." He swallowed hard before fully unzipping it.     

She struggled to turn around and eventually did. With her eyes closed, she began to strip out of her clothes. It was almost a struggle for her especially with her back on the bed.     

She was finally able to remove her hand and pushed the dress down her chest a little, revealing her white lace bra to James who was no longer breathing.     

Images from seeing her naked earlier flashed in his head so he could vividly imagine what her boobs looked like with the bra aside.     

His eyes moved to her hands which were struggling to get the gown past her hips. Her body was so smooth and soft. He had seen this body a lot of times but now, it was different and it was obvious in his nether region which was growing even more.      

He saw her hand stop struggling with the gown and looked up at her face to see she was looking at him. Her face was really flushed and he couldn't tell if it was from the drinks she had or from embarrasement.     

He wanted to touch her. The devil knows he really wanted to touch her.     

"My... shoes.." She said in a whisper so he snapped back to his senses and remembered she was still wearing her shoes and she wanted him to help her with it.     

He stood up and squatted down to to help her out of her boots. He wished he hadn't moved his eyes up because when he did, he saw the line of her panties which was covering her private region. Just in that moment, she arched her back up to let the gown pass her hips.     

Finally, she succeeded and the gown fell down to her legs. His eyes widened when he came face to face with her panty claded crotch.     

"What... are you... do-ing?" He asked in a hoarse voice when he saw her trying to take off her lace panties.     

"I need to change out of these. It's uncomfortable." She managed to say with her eyes still closed. Apparently, she was in her own world.     

"No.. no.." He said and stood up. "Do not do so. I am here." He reminded her.      

"Why does it matter? Ah.. I'm so sleepy." She said and hooked her fingers on the waist band of her panties to pull it down.     

James was tempted to watch but he shook the thought out of his head and went to switch off the lights, plunging the room into complete darkness. He believed things would be better if he wasn't seeing anything.      

"I'll sleep in Peter's bedroom." He announced.     

"Isn't his girlfriend there?" Mira asked as she shuffled out of her panties.     

"I don't think so."     

"Do not leave me alone in here…" She said in a pleading voice.     

"You are drunk and naked." He said through gritted teeth.     

"oooh.. my head is spinning." She moaned and that just made him begin to have wild thoughts again.     

"Just stay with me... please..."     

James sighed in resignation before moving closer to the bed.     

He also didn't like to sleep with clothes on so he took of his clothes and was left in only his boxer brief.      

He then climed into the far end of the bed. The bed was wide enough so he was sure their bodies wouldn't have to come in contact.     

He heard her breathing softly and assumed she was sleeping.      

His back was on the bed and eyes staring blankling in the dark. If only he wasn't so tired.. maybe he would have done something about his erection which was refusing to go down. He was thankful the room was dark so she wouldn't take note of it.     

"I thought you were going to sleep with the blond tonight?" She suddenly said and rolled over to where he was sleeping but didn't get too close to him.     

"Why would you think that?" He asked turning to his side to face her.     

"I don't know... I just thought so. She was flirting with you all night."     

"I don't sleep with every girl who flirts with me." He said with an irritated tone.     

"But you kiss every girl who flirts with you?"     

"If the case arise." He answered casually.     

"So what if I flirt with you?"     

James shifted back on the bed. "You shouldn't say something like that."     


"You are drunk, naked and on my bed. You shouldn't say things like that." He said in a strained voice.     


The silence was becoming too awkward so James spoke.     

"Sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to.. you know.. barge in on you."     

"I know." She said quietly.     

"Richard.. do you like him?" He asked. This topic was safer than talking about that. He concluded.      

"Yes. He is a wonderful guy."     

"Someone you can date or just a guy you want to crush on this week?"     

She giggled hearing him say that. "He is a great guy. I don't mind dating him. At least I know he isn't pretending to like me because he needs my help to get to my parents. Besides, he is also a rich guy."     

"Hmm.. I see…"     

Mira wondered why he was sounding that way. Was that jealousy?      

"Good night." She said to him and turned to face the opposite side.     

"Night.." He said back and turned to face the opposite side. Now, their backs were facing each other.      

He prayed for sleep to come to free him from this. Only a few minutes passed and his eyes began to feel heavy. Just as he was about to sleep, he heard soft sobbing sounds coming from Mira.     

"Mira?" He turned immediately.      

"….." She sniffed.     

"Are you okay?" He asked as he shifted closer to her.     

"My parents are getting a divorce." She said without turning around.     

"What?" He asked in surprise. He would have asked why? But that wasn't a question one could ask in this case.     

"I'm so sorry." He said and tried to hug her, totally forgetting she was naked.     

He was practically spooning her with his hand on her belly and her naked back pressed to his bare chest.     

They both froze and immediately, his hard-on came back to life.     

'Shit!' He cussed silently.     

'Move away from her.' A voice in his head said.     

'Just stay there and act like you do not know what is happening.' Another voice said.      

He tried to move away but he just couldn't. It was the first time he was holding her this intimately and he knew if he moved his hand only a bit higher, he would touch those glorious twin peaks up there.     

The thought alone made a groan escape his lips and enter into Mira's ears who immediately had goosebumps all over her body.     

'What's happening?' Mira asked herself. 'Is this.... oh.. his hand feels so good.' She thought in her head.     

Both were breathing heavily now. Maybe it was the drink she drank because Mira began to feel funny. His hand on her belly, his breath on her neck and the obvious hard-on poking her butt made her feel warm all over .     

James' hand began to unconsciously move in circles in her stomach.     


"Please… tell me to stop." He said in a husky whisper. He didn't want to ruin their friendship because of this and he also didnt know how to stop but maybe if she told him to, he would eventually come to his senses.     


Mira didn't say a word.     

'James, her parents are getting a divorce. She needs a friend right now to comfort her' One voice chided him.      

'This is also a nice comfort for her' Another one said to counter the first one.      

Which voice was he going to listen to?      

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