My Crazy Housemate



3Mia continued to stare at Leo in bewilderment. His line of thought made a lot of sense.       2

If she loved someone else more than herself, who was going to love her for her?      

She had spent years of her life loving her mother. Everytime, she did only what would please her, but then, her mother hadn't showed her a bit of love, neither had anyone else actually loved her the way she loved her mother. No wonder she had been living like that.      

"I have been so stupid" She said to herself.     

"Are you okay?" Leo asked in worry when a tear slid down her eyes.     

"Why are you crying?" He asked as he sat beside her on the bed and used his hand to wipe off her tears.     

Mia looked into his worried eyes. She suddenly felt too emotional and burst into tears.      

Those eyes he was staring at her with.... aside from Mira and James who had been her friends for long and cared for her, he was the first person she wasn't very close to but the look in his eyes was one thing she had always craved for. To know someone was seriously worried about her.      

To know that if she was in trouble, she could talk to her folks at home and they would answer her because they were worried about her.      

Leo had showed her that he was genuinely worried about her and she was grateful.     

This time, she was the first to move closer to him and buried her head on his chest as she cried.      

Leo looked down at her in surprise and wrapped his arms around her.      

"It's okay, Mia. If there is something bothering you, you should tell me about it..."      

Mia continued to sob as she raised her head to look at him with teary eyes...      

"My mother hates me.." She said in between her fits of tears and burst into loud sobs again.      

"I don't know what I ever did to her.. I did everything she wanted."      

Leo hugged her tightly as his countenance turned sad. He had heard from Mira that Mia was obsessed with pleasing her mother and it always didn't go as planned for her which always threw her into bad moods and terrible mood swings and also depression.     

What was up with her mother? He wondered with a frown.      

The previous night when he had been searching for her, he had called Mira when Mia's line wasn't going through and asked whether there was anyone she thought would come and pick Mia up with a car and some guards.     

When Mira said no and asked why he was asking her, he decided to let it slide. He didn't want to worry her so he told her not to worry and hung up.     

"It's alright Mia... shhhhh... please stop crying.. I don't want you to fall sick." He pleaded with her as he moved closer so she would be uncomfortable.      

This time, all of his body was on the bed with his back resting on the head of the bed.     

Mia's tears gradually began to subside but the whole idea that her mother had signed that document without her knowledge still made her heartache.      

"It's okay Mia.. do not think about anything.."      

Lee didn't know how to console young girls. The last time he seriously consoled a young girl was many years ago and it was his sister Chloe.     

"It's okay.." He whispered again and he was happy to see her sobs was reducing..  "I'll get you some Ice cream okay?"      

When Mia heard him, she couldn't help but chuckle lightly.     

Ice cream? Seriously?     

"You're laughing.." He said with a proud smile on his face.      

She gradually pulled away and looked at his face.      

"I'm sorry for that..." She said in an embarrassed voice and pointed at his chest which was now a bit wet from her tears."     

"It's fine." He gave her a small smile and inched closer to help her clean the tears from her face with his hand.      

As he touched her face, he suddenly locked eyes with Mia and noticed she was looking intently at his face. He froze right on the spot and stared back into her eyes.      

He saw the look in her eyes gradually begin to change and before he could guess what it was that she was thinking, he saw her move closer towards him.      

'This is not good!' He said to himself as her face neared his with every passing second. He saw her eyes drop to his lips and he didn't need anyone to tell him what she was thinking.      

When their noses touched, she stopped and looked into his eyes.     

The look he saw on her eyes got his heart beating very fast. It was obvious from her look that she wanted to kiss him and she was seeking for his permission.      

He continued to stare at her, not knowing what to say or do at that point.      

What the hell was wrong with him? He was Leo King! How come a girl was making his heart race so much?     

Her brows furrowed. He could guess she was wondering why he wasn't saying or doing anything...     

He swallowed hard and opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out.      

She had kicked him out the previous night because he kissed her. He didn't want to make the same mistake again even though she was initiating it.     

"M-i-a?" Her name finally made a way out of his throat in a guttural voice. Her lashes fluttered before she closed her eyes and sealed his lips with hers before he could say anything else.     

Whenever Leo watched some movies where there was a kissing scene, he always asked himself why an actor's eyes widen just because he/she was kissed. Isn't it just a kiss? He'd ask himself in mock humor.     

But now, his eyes widened. Firstly, Mia had made the move. Secondly, he had expected her to back away but she had gone on with it. Thirdly, she was kneeling on the bed with her hands around his neck.     

She kept planting soft kisses on his lips which made it obvious she didn't know what she was doing.     

Seeing he wasn't participating, her eyes slow fluttered open and she looked at his wide eyes which were staring at her.      

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" She asked as she moved her face away so she could look at him properly.     

Her heart was beating really fast and she feared it was going to burst and finally kill her. She didn't know what she was doing. She didn't know why she had kissed him, but she just wanted to go on with it. She wanted to forget all that had happened with her mother and think about something else.     

Leo blinked a couple of times. The atmosphere was suddenly so hot and he could feel himself getutng aroused by the mere thought of her wanting to kiss him...     

"You've kissed me twice." She reminded him in a low voice. "Now's my turn. Just stay still okay?"      

Leo looked at her in surprise. 'Run away...' Something in his head whispered to him.     

He knew Mia in her right senses wouldn't do this. She wasn't thinking straight and it would be wrong of him to take advantage of her. He reminded himself that. But as he saw her coming closer, he couldn't seem to control his feet.      

"It won't be quick" She whispered as she looked into his eyes. He felt shivers run down his spine as their lips met once again.      

Hers were still as soft as he remembered. He tried to remain still but he couldn't help it.     

His hands wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer so she was kneeling directly in front of him and his eyes lids finally closed. He parted his lips slightly as he welcomed her to explore.     

He felt her body stiffen. It was obvious she hadn't expected him to reciprocate. Only five seconds passed and she tightened her grip around his neck and continued with the kiss.     

Her body unconsciously moved closer till their bodies were pressed together and her knees were spread out on both sides of his thighs.      

A groan escaped his lips as he slipped his tongue inside her mouth and she moaned in response.     

She took cue and did same. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and heard him moan in pleasure as his hand left her waist and began to rub her arm up and down, making goosebumps to appear all over her skin.     

She felt herself getting hot and the 'Granny's clothes' she wore didn't help and she began to feel sweaty.     

That was the farthest she had gone with him and she knew if they continued, then there would be no stopping. But at that moment, nothing else mattered to her.     

Her knees began to feel weak so she sat on his thigh and her female part fell directly on his arousal, making them both to groan in pleasure as the kiss deeped.     

'Mia stop it!' Something whispered to her but she couldn't. She was enjoying it and she liked the feel of their parts touching. Her waist involuntarily began to move back and forth and the sound of their pleasured moans filled the room.     

His hands began to crawl inside her dress and immediately he felt the smooth skin on her stomach, he stopped and broke athe kiss.     

His breathing was ragged, so was hers. Maybe she wasn't thinking straight but he was in his right mind and he didn't want to take advantage of her even though he had done pretty much that.     

Mia's eyes remained closed as she tried to catch her breath. Her face was flushed and her lips, slightly swollen. Her chest heaved up and down and it took everything in him to not continue what they had just been doing and take her right there. He was so hard. Hard for her. But he couldn't continue.     

She slowly opened her eyes and stared into his that was filled with desire. He pulled her closer and hugged her instead as he buried his face in her neck.     

"I'm sorry Mia... I didn't mean to take advantage of you."     

"You didn't.." She said in a very low voice. She had initiated it, hadn't she?      

He rubbed his hand on her back like a child he was trying to console. "You aren't in your right mind now. I'm certain you would regret it later."      

She was quiet for a while before she muttered... "Thank you.." and to his surprise, she kissed his forehead.     

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