My Crazy Housemate

Just wait for it...

Just wait for it...

4"You are kidding me aren't you?" Leo asked her with a surprised look.     

What was she doing? Lend her a thousand bucks? Didn't he tell her he was going to lend her a hundred thousand already? He had been patiently waiting for her to ask him to dance with her so he could see how well she danced but she was asking him this? The disappointment and displeasure was evident in his face as he waited for her to answer his question.      

"Lend me a thousand bucks" She repeated sounding more confident.      

"Are you Sara Wang?" Leo suddenly asked her.      

A frown formed on Mia's face as Mia's wondered who that was.     

"Who is Sara Wang?"      

"The main protagonist of Hello, Mr Li. It's a romance novel in Webnovel." He explained patiently.     

"What does she have to do with this?" She asked drunkenly raising a confused brow at him.     

"She always asks for the wrong things at the wrong time. Just like you are doing right now. On fact, you are like her twin" He said.     

"Wait.. you read romance novels?" She asked with wide eyes.     

His eyes twitched and he shook his head immediately.      

"No, I never said that! Why would I waste my time reading Romance novels?" He asked defensively.      

"So how did you know about it?" She continued to ask drunkenly.     

"Chloe... she told me about it." He said immediately.     

"You discuss Romance novels with Chloe?"  She asked again, the surprise never leaving her face.     

"I don't discuss— wait.. why are we having this conversation right now?" He asked with a frown. They were supposed to be discussing something else so how did they end up talking about romance novels and all?      

He quickly returned to the previous topic before she could ask any more questions.      

"I already mentioned I was going to lend you the whole money right?"      

"I know.." She nodded with a sad pout.     

"But the thing is, I already have four thousand and need a thousand to make it five thousand so I can pay up Mr Timothy tomorrow. I do not want it to extend to next week." She explained.     

"So while we are still thinking about whether or not I should accept your help, I would be searching for the one who actually took the loan so she could come pay her debts by herself.."      

"Your sister? You want to find your sister?" He asked curiously.      

"Yes. I want to find Mary. I just don't know how to go about it yet but I hope to find her so she would take over."     

"And what if she doesn't have the money?" He asked crossing his arms.     

"She has to look for a way to pay up just like I have been doing for the past four years. Right..?"     

She asked him in a low voice. She wasn't convinced this was going to work but she was just being hopeful.     

''You really don't get it do you?" He asked looking into her eyes.      

"Get what?"      

"The contract still doesn't change. If she doesn't have the money to pay up, she might be locked up in prison yea, but then the contract is still effective. They would still take you away and take your house and also the bakery." He said while maintaining eye contact with her so she would get it this time since she seemed slow with it.     

"Wow... that's true." She said with her head down feeling deflated.     

"So it really doesn't make any difference whether I find her or not?" She asked sadly. Her little hope had just been shattered.      

"That's the point, Mia" He said and felt the urge to pat her head to comfort her but he held himself back.     

By this time, it was already raining heavily outside and thunder rumbled again loudly causing Tara to run towards them in fear.     

Mia reacted immediately she saw Tara and raised her legs from the floor to hug herself on the couch while scooting closer to Leo.      

You already held her and carried her in your laps but you are still scared? He asked in amusement as he bent to rub Tara's head who was lying on his legs.     

"I think she doesn't like me." Mia said lifting her eyes to look at him.     

"She does like you. It's you who doesn't like her. How would you feel like loving someone who doesn't love you back?" He asked.      


"Are you okay?" He asked when he saw her shoulders were slouched.     

"I think I know that feeling. I know it really well." She said as she looked down at Tara sadly.      

She had loved her family all her life but received nothing but pain and a whole lot of debt to pay.     

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." He suddenly said when he saw her look and could guess what she was thinking.     

When she remained quiet, he turned and pulled her closer to his chest in a hug. It was kind of weird and awkward since her knees were raised and was in between them.     

Mia's heart began to beat very fast and she quickly pulled away from the hug and forced a smile.     

"It's fine. It's really fine." She said to him and turned to sit still.     

"So tell me, how has your dance practice been?" He still assumed that she was dancing for her school talent hunt which he had been booked for as the videographer for the occasion.      


The sound of her ringtone interrupted her speech and she sighed when she saw it was a call from Benjamin.     

She quickly silenced the phone and put it down on the couch while Leo looked at her suspiciously.      

"Why aren't you taking your calls?"      

Was it Mr Timothy by chance? He wondered with a frown.      

"It's nothing." She said and looked at his face.      

"So.. about the money I asked, I guess i should just... forget about it right?"      

"I'll lend you a hundred thousand bucks, give you a really good lawyer and pay off the debt so you can live freely and happily. It'smy gift to you Mia Lucas." He said before placing his hand on hers which was placed on the couch.     

Mia's body jumped immediately and he chuckled. He kind of liked the effect he had on her.      

"It's not funny." She said with a glare as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.      

She was thankful she had at least three people who cared about her.. maybe if she added Jeremy, it would be 4 since Jeremy always called to ask her how she was and to make sure  she was neither kissing her housemate nor his twin brother.     

He was a really naughty guy indeed.      

"I already told you I don't like being touched."      

"So how do we dance then?" He suddenly asked raising a brow at her.      

"Pardon?" She turned to look at him in confusion.     

"I know if I keep waiting for you to ask, you are never going to ask me. So... I'll just ask you myself." Leo said.     

"What?" She asked looking at his face curiously. Was it what she thought he was saying?     

"Let's have some dance rehearsals. To help you practice your moves."      

"Dance rehearsals?" She asked in surprise. "How did you— Mira!" She exclaimed. It just had to be her.     

He nodded. "Yea. Mira."      

"What did she tell you?" She asked eagerly. She hoped Mira hadn't mentioned anything about her having feelings for him.     

"That you are dying to dance with me." He said with a wink as he stood up.     

"What! How can.... how.. she.."      

"How. She... shhh!" He interrupted with a laugh. "I'm joking. She only said you needed a hand. So I'm here to help."      

"You keep in touch with her?" She suddenly asked with a frown.     

"Not really. She only called to tell me about it." He said before switching off the lights in the sitting room.     

"What are you doing?" She asked nervously when the whole room suddenly turned dark.     

"I want to show you something you haven't seen before. Something nice." He said in the dark and she could hear him approaching her.     

"What.. what are you doing?" She asked as he heart began to beat really fast.      

He sat beside her and she shifted away from him.      

"What are you doing?" She asked again anxiously.      

"Just wait for.. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1"     

Suddenly, the lights in the sitting room came on. But this time, it wasn't the usual white light. It was a red light and the whole sitting room looked like a ball room.      

Mia looked around in surprise and with agape mouth before turning to look at him. He smiled when he saw her reaction and winked at her.      

"I think this is going to be perfect right?" He asked her with a smile.     

"Why haven't I seen this before?" She asked as she kept looking around.     

"Just because." He answered with a shrug before picking up his phone. "What kind of music?" He asked.     

Mia took in a deep breath and slowly released it. She had to do this. She just had to.     

"Ed Sheeran— Thinking out loud" She said before standing up.     

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