My Crazy Housemate

It's raining outside...

It's raining outside...

3Leo's body didn't move. He really didn't know what to do. Mia did everything— rubbing her body against his, leading his hand to touch her bare belly while also touching his body. In fact, she had turned around to his back and rubbed him down from his chest down to his belly.      3

This was a really different side of her he hadn't expected at all.     

He closed his eyes and bit down his lower lip when he felt himself begin to get aroused.     

'Please not now. Not now.' He silently prayed.     

She turned to look into his eyes again and gently cupped his face.      

Her eyes were steady and she didn't look as drunk as he had thought she was.      

She stared right back without breaking the eye contact and to his surprise, he she began to move closer....     

The song was playing for the second time already. And he wondered just how long they were going to continue this.     

He watched her with furrowed brows. As much as he wouldn't like to classify Mia as 'sexy' because he preferred to use beautiful for her, tonight, she was definitely sexy!     

This whole thing was like a punishment to him and he began to regret feeling all cocky earlier as sweat began to cover his body.     

She kept moving closer until her breast was pressed to his chest. All the while, she didn't break the eye contact and neither did he.     

He wondered what she was trying to do and then saw her eyes drop from his eyes to his lips as her head kept coming closer and closer and closer and just when he closed his eyes to let it happen, she pulled back with force and spun around again till she moved closer and fell on his body. Thankfully, he was fast to return to his senses and caught her by the waist while looking into her eyes.     

As he looked deeply into her eyes, the lyrics of the song swam into his ears..     

:musical_note:*I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways...     

Maybe it's all part of a plan..     

I'll just keep on making the same mistakes..     

Hoping that you'll understand..     

But baby now..     

Take me into your loving arms...     

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars..     

Place your head on my beating heart..     

I'm thinking out loud..     

That maybe we found love right where we are*:musical_note:     

He saw Mia's lips slowly curve up in a smile as he brought her back to stand up tall.     

He placed his hands on her waist and they began to dance really slowly now.. This time, he participated while making sure she didn't move any closer so she wouldn't feel his.... 'younger brother' who was enjoying the dance far more than he was..     

"Why are you smiling?" He asked her curiously.     

"I don't know." She said before looking up again.      

"I'm usually this happy when I dance."      

"I didn't know you were such a good dancer." He said before he held her hand while she spun around again.     

"Well...." She let her words trail off and smiled before wrapping her hands around his neck.      

"You are uncomfortable aren't you?" She asked seriously.      

"Well, I am. But I can manage." He answered with a shrug.     

"Thanks... for everything.." She said with a small smile and moved closer to kiss his left cheek.     

"That was... totally unexpected." He said in surprise.     

"I know." Mia whispered with a blush before looking down.      

He tried to stop himself from smiling but he couldn't. He was thankful she was short enough not to see his face as he smiled.     

"I don't think I will ever forget tonight." He said as he looked up at the lights. Everything was magical!     

"Me too. I'm not sure I'd ever forget tonight even in my next life. It's.... wonderful." She admitted with a nod before turning around with her back to him while she led his hands to hold her waist before she wiggled her hips slowly...      

"I..." He swallowed nervously as his eyes twitched.     

"I think this is a bad idea." He said and tried to turn her around but she didn't budge.      

He knew she was obviously feeling his arousal. She was deliberately acting like she wasn't feeling it.      

"This is all part of the dance." She said before moving away from him to the other end of the room.     

It was the third time the song was playing.. Almost 15 minutes they had been there and he had been trying to keep things.. 'professional'. 'It is difficult.' He admitted in his head.     

"Watch...." She said with a smile before standing on her toes. She began to show him some ballet dance moves and he watched in awe.     

"Catch me!" She warned before running towards him. Without anymore warning, she jumped on him.     

He didn't move to catch her in time since he was lost in thought so when she jumped on him, he lost balance and fell on the floor with her on top of him.     

Thankfully, it wasn't a really serious fall so he just lay there and they both burst into laughter while he wrapped his hands around their waist.     

The laughter slowly began to die down when their eyes locked and they noticed the awkward position.     

He moved a hand away from her waist to brush off some hair away from her face before he gently tucked them behind her ear.     

"I can... feel your younger brother." She said in a whisper making him chuckle.     

"And it's a sign you should move away from my body before things gets out of hand."      

Mia said nothing but looked down from his eyes to his lips.     

"Mia.. you are drunk.." He said nervously when he saw her looking at his lips with a kind of longing look.     

"I'm not totally drunk.." She whispered.       

"Look Mia..." He said and tried to stand up but she pushed him down and shook her head.      

"Close your eyes." She said to him.      


"Close your eyes." She repeated.     

He sighed deeply before complying.     

'She is going to kiss you.  You better stop her before things get out of hand.' A voice in his head warned him loudly.      

Just then, he felt her shift up her body and she gently cupped his cheeks.      

Well, it was just a kiss. Nothing more. He told himself before relaxing but to his surprise, he felt the kiss on his forehead instead.      

"Thank you for tonight." She said when he opened his eyes to look at her.     

She gave him a small smile and was just about to stand up when he pulled her down and before she knew it, he turned her so she was now lying underneath him with him on top.     

She was a bit startled but she didn't move her eyes away from his.     

"Mia Lucas... It's raining heavily outside. Are you... going to throw me outside if I kissed you?" He asked.     

Mia looked at him in surprise and after a few seconds, she shook her head. "I won't."     

He couldn't help but smile and slowly, he dropped his head till their lips met while Tara who had been watching barked at them for doing something else instead of dancing.      

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