My Crazy Housemate

"I'm Ellie"

"I'm Ellie"

1Chloe tried not to seem surprised when Jeremy pulled over in front of where she believed was his apartment.      

"This is where you live?" She asked pointing at the building.      

"Yes." He nodded and soon began to wonder how they were both going to get to the door when they were not with umbrellas and it was still raining heavily.      

Chloe looked at the apartment. It was a big flat. They were outside but she could guess it had up to four rooms inside. It was a really nice building and she began to wonder why someone who lived in this kind of place would be taking up different part time jobs. She thought he was probably going to be living in a small apartment with his sister.     

"Do you by chance have another umbrella?" He turned to ask her.     

She slowly shook her head. "I don't have another."      

She had given her only umbrella to that family earlier.      

"I guess we have to run. Sorry." He said while giving her an apologetic look.      

"Well.. then we better start running." She said before opening the door but the heavy downpour made her shut it immediately.      

She turned to look at Jeremy in surprise and he tried not to laugh when he saw her hair dripping water.      

"If you laugh I will kill you." She said under her breath with a cold face and that just set him off and he began to laugh.     

"I... am sorry." He said and tried to stop laughing but he couldn't help it.     

"Let's go. You don't seem really eager to see your little sister." She pointed out.      

"I am. But I am just worried about you getting wet." He said and smiled when he got an idea.      

"What... are you doing?" She asked in panic when he began to pull of his shirt.      

"Stop!" She yelled when he didn't answer her and he stopped to look at her.      

"You should cover your hair with my shirt." He explained when he saw her flustered look.     

"I... I don't want it." She said before quickly turning away to look at the window.     

"Sorry." He quickly apologized and smiled when she wasn't looking.      

He didn't know the ever cold Chloe got easily flustered seeing guy's naked bodies.      

"Let's run in three." He said and she nodded.      

They both counted down from three to one and immediately opened the door.      

Chloe gasped when the water hit her but they both ran straight to the door.      

By the time they got there, they were already soaked from head to toe and Chloe's hands was wrapped around her.      

It was obvious she was really cold and he began to feel bad.     

Jeremy quickly opened the door and led her inside. The light inside was on so Chloe quickly looked around.      

The interior even looked better than she had thought.      

It had nice looking and expensive cushions, there was even a piano in one end of the sitting room. A beautiful chandelier dangled from the ceiling in the centre of the room and...     

"Jeremy?" A little girl's voice interrupted her thoughts.      

She turned her head towards the girl who just came out of a room. Ellie Williams. She was little, pretty and clutching onto a teddy bear. She looked really frightened.     

She ran to hug Jeremy immediately she saw him and he quickly pulled her away from his body.      

"What are you doing? I am wet."     

"I was scared." She cried and hugged him despite his protests. "What took you so long? You promised to always come home before 9." She kept sobbing as she hugged him tightly.     

"I'm sorry. It was raining so much." He said before stooping down to look at her face.     

"I'm sorry I came late. We should change your dress so you can go to bed."      

Ellie suddenly noticed Chloe behind and looked at her curiously.      

"Who is she?" She asked while wiping off her tears with her hand.     

"Hi! I'm Chloe" Chloe quickly said waving a hand at her.      

Again, Jeremy was a bit surprised because she wasn't acting as cold as he knew her to be. Or was it that she was just like that to her classmates and workers?      

"I'm Ellie" She said and looked at Jeremy for him to tell her who she was.      

"You've never had a friend over. Is she your girlfriend?" Ellie asked with an hopeful smile.      

Chloe's brows furrowed in surprise. She didn't know little kids knew about boyfriends and girlfriends and those stuff. When she was her age, she was buried in her books and knew nothing else.     

"Uhm..." He looked at Chloe and back at Ellie before saying. "She is my employer. I work for her." He explained.      

"Employer? I thought all employers were old?" She said looking Chloe up and down.     

Chloe smiled but said nothing. She left it all to Jeremy to handle.     

"Well, this one is young." He said with a smile and began to lead her towards the room.     

"So why is your employer here?" Ellie asked as she kept looking back at Chloe.     

"It's raining heavily and I have to drop her off but I wanted to check on you first." He said before he signalled to Chloe to follow them.      

"Why are you dropping off your employer?" Ellie asked again and he sighed.      

This was what he faced everyday. She kept asking lots and lots of questions.     

"Hope you had dinner?" He asked and stopped walking when they got to her room's door.     

"I did. I left some for you."      

Jeremy quickly turned to look at Chloe who was trying to hide the fact that she was shivering.      

"You can use that room. You'll find a towel and whatever you think you can wear." He said and pointed at the door next to Ellie's room and when she opened her mouth to protest, he opened Ellie's room's door and led her inside while he followed.      

"She is pretty." Ellie said as Jeremy arranged her bed.      

"I know." Jeremy responded with a smile. It was as obvious as day that she was really pretty and he was proud of her parents for making such a goddess for him. He made a mental note to go thank them one day.     


Chloe looked around the room and threaded carefully. She hadn't known it was his room when she entered. She thought it was probably a guest room since there were three other doors in the hallway.      

His room was awfully neat. She always heard tales about guys being messy but her brothers weren't messy at all and neither was Jeremy. But David her ex-boyfriend really was messy. His room was always untidy with his clothes scattered everywhere.      

There were stacks of books on a table beside his laptop with other writing materials. His bed was well laid and the place was warm. It was smaller than her room but quite comfy.      

After drying her hair with the towel she found, she began to look around for something to wear. She was really cold and needed to take off her dress but what was she going to wear?      

She picked up her phone and quickly dialed his number.      

He picked up almost immediately and asked her if anything was wrong.      

"What am I going to wear?" She asked immediately. "I don't see any lady's clothes."      

Jeremy snickered when he heard her. "I'm coming inside. Are you...." He stopped talking and cleared his throat awkwardly.      

"You can come in. I'm still dressed." She said before quickly hanging up.     

In less than a minute, he knocked on the door and peeked inside to be sure she was really dressed before he entered making her scoff at him.     

"I don't have any lady's clothes since I am obviously not a lady but I do have something..." He said as he checked through his closet and took out a tee shirt and joggers.      

"This should do." He said as he handed it to her before taking a shirt and short to also change into.     

"Your clothes?" She asked as she looked at the clothes in her hand with a 'not-so-sure-about-this' expression on her face.     

"That's all I have, unless you want my mother's." He said with a sudden change of look.      

"Uhm.. well, this is fine." She forced out a smile when she noticed his sad look and began to head towards the bathroom.     

"You can come to the sitting room when you are done. I'll change in the guest room." He said before leaving the room for her.     

A few minutes later, he smiled brightly when he saw her enter the sitting room wearing his shirt and joggers with her hair still a bit wet.     

"What's making you so happy?" She asked as she sat down opposite him.     

"It's my first time seeing you look this casual. I love it." He said to her.     

"Are you always this open about the way you feel?" She asked with a raised brow. She wasn't sure there was anything he would say again that would make her surprised.     

"Yes." He admitted with a nod making her sigh.     

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