My Crazy Housemate

A castle kind of cake.

A castle kind of cake.

2"Oh my god! Oh. My. God!" Mira exclaimed with bulging eyes as she checked her message.      

"What is it?" James asked as he stopped playing his video game to look at her.      

Mira was still in his house again, wearing his shirt. Since her parents were more or less workaholics, she liked to spend her time with friends.     

Mia wasn't the party type and she liked to study. But James always gave her attention and when they weren't partying, they were both talking and laughing and when they weren't doing that, they were playing video games.      

"Come see. Come see now!" Mira said in a hurry but was too impatient she had to jump on him causing him to fall back on his bed with her on top of him.      

"Look!" She turned her phone's screen to show him the picture Leo had sent her.      

"Why is the housemate there?" James asked when his eyes saw Leo who was smiling at the camera.     

"He sent it to me. Keep looking." She urged him and almost fell off his body but he placed his hands on her waist to keep her on top of him.      

"He sent it to you? You have his number?" He asked raising a brow at her.      

"That's not what's important right now! Look at the girl beside him!" Mira called his attention to it in frustration. He always saw what he wasn't supposed to see and ignored what he was supposed to see.      

"Who is that...." James words stopped and his eyes widened.      

"That's Mia?" He asked in surprise as he tried to sit up.      

Mira nodded excitedly before moving away from his body to let him sit up.     

"It's Mia! It's fucking Mia!" She exclaimed in excitement and began to quickly dial Mia's number.      

"She looks like a goddess! Oh my God! I can't believe she went out with Leo looking like this and didn't send me a picture earlier!"      

Mira stood up and began to pace around as she waited for the call to connect. The excitement was just too much for her she couldn't control it.      

"Wow!" James exclaimed again as he watched Mira who was pacing around.      

"She looks really gorgeous. I am so lucky she doesn't always look like that. She would have completely outshone me! I feel so ugly right now."      

James chuckled and shook his head at her. Typical of women. He thought.      


"Is that Mia?" Louis asked in surprise.     

"What are you talking about?" Leo asked in confusion as he slowed down.     

"Didn't you just send a picture of yourself and Mia into the family group chat? Why did you do that? Are you dating her now?"      

"What!?" Leo braked the car immediately.      

"Family group chat!!!!!!!?" He asked in shock.     

"Of course, I just took a break from work and saw your message pop in. Wait! It was a mistake?" Louis asked with a chuckle.      

Leo disconnected the call immediately. He didn't see the confused look on Mia's face as she wondered what was up with him.      

"Are you okay?" She asked seeing how shocked he looked..     

"I... am not sure." He said shaking his head as he checked his phone.      

He had sent the picture to Richard, Mira and his family's group chat! What the hell!      

"Shit! Shit!! Shit!!!!!!!"      

How had he accidentally tapped that?     

He had never sent nor replied to any message on that group chat and the first time he managed to send a message, it was this?     

The caption was probably going to contribute in sending the wrong message to them.      

He didn't want to check who had seen the message because there was no time. He quickly tried to delete the message but when he tried to tap on 'delete for everyone', because he was impatient with it, his hand tapped on 'delete for myself'. Which means, everyone else was going to see the picture except for him.     

"Noooooooooo!" He screamed in frustration as he tried not to cry.      

Mia was startled and looked at him in surprise and confusion as he kept shaking his phone as if trying to undo the mistake.      

Now, there was nothing he could do about it.     

He turned to look at Mia with a sad pout.      

"Are you... okay?" She asked. He looked like he just lost a close relative.     

"I... I... I sent our picture to my family's group chat by mistake."      

"What!?" Her eyes widened in shock.      

"H.. how.. can't you delete it?" She asked as she looked even more nervous than he looked.      

"I can't... at all.." He said shaking his head in frustration.     

"What are you going to do? Is that going to cause a problem?" She asked in worry.     

*ring ring*     

Mia's phone began to ring. She saw it was a call from Mira and cut the call before sending a quick text that she would call her later.      

"Mia Lucas... I'm doomed." He said in frustration and just then, many messages began to pop on the group chat.      

He closed his eyes and sighed deeply.      

He didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Seeing Mia looking uncomfortable already, he didn't know whether to tell her the kind of 'family group chat was actually talking about.     

It wasn't just with his family, but his aunts, uncles, cousins and even grandparents! They were about 40 people on the group chat. The King's family was large and they always liked to keep in touch with everyone both in the country and outside the country.     

"Everything is going to be fine right?" Mia asked but was interrupted when his phone began to ring.     

"Cool! My grandmother." He said as he considered taking the call or not but he decided to just take it else she was going to keep bugging him. At least he could just explain things to her and he hoped she would get it.      

"Hello mama!" He greeted with false excitement.      

"Oh my boy!" His grandmother cried... literally.     

"I am so happy you've finally moved on after what that girl did to you." He heard sounds like his grandmother was blowing her nose into a tissue and sighed.      

This was going to be more difficult than he had thought.      

"No.. grandmother..  the thing is.."     

"I have been waiting for the day you would finally move on and start living like a human. I am so happy for you...."     

'What? 'Living like a human'? Have I been living like an animal?' He asked himself with a frown.     

"She is such a pretty girl and I am happy she agreed to date a man like you...."     

'Now, what the hell!?' He thought with an even deeper frown.      

"The thing is grandmother... it was a mist–"     

"Your grandfather wants to speak with you." She said before bursting into tears and he could hear her blowing her nose.      

He turned to look at Mia and noticed the curious look she was giving him.       

"My boy. I am so proud of you." His grandfather said in a calm voice.      

"Grandfather, it was a mistake. The picture wasn't meant for this group chat!" Leo hurried to say since men were easier to talk to than women when they were emotional.      

"Yes and I am glad you made the mistake. You were hiding your girlfriend from us all this while making us think you were done with women after what that bad girl did to you..."     

"No.. I mean.. she is not my girl—"      

"Your grandmother is already making plans to throw a party for you." His grandfather cut in. "We are all so excited!"     

"What? Party? When did she make those plans?" Leo asked in shock.      

His grandfather moved the phone towards his grandmother and he could hear her giving out instructions.      

" I want the biggest cake in the universe. The kind of cake that can fit in Leo and his lady; A castle kind of cake, and decorate it with the words... 'Welcome back to love Leo King'."     

"Oh God!" Leo gasped as he used a hand to massage his temple.     

"And I do not want many people at the party... just a family thing and maybe some friends. Two hundred guest would be fair."      

He heard his grandmother continue to give out instructions and almost passed out.     

"My boy, I am proud of you. Bring your lady home soon."      

While his grandfather was talking, he noticed an incoming call was coming from Richard.      

If he wasn't so strong, he probably would have burst into tears.     

His grandfather hung up before he could clarify things and just then, a call came in fron his mother.      

"Things aren't going well, are they?" Mia asked biting her lips.     

"Not at all, Mia Licas." He managed to tell her.     

His whole family had known about Cherry and what she had done to him. Ever since then, they had been trying to show their support and convince him to forget about her since they believed he had refused to have a girlfriend because of what she did to him. He had wondered several times why they weren't bothering Louis about it since Louis was older than him and had refused to have a girlfriend.     

Seeing now that he had a 'girlfriend' he knew his family was never going to let him be.      

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