I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

2Daiyu frowned upon hearing the story.      0

"Then just get rid of A!"     

Zhihao laughed at her response and Daiyu continued to gently stroke his hair.     

"I don't care what other people think but Zhihao-gege, your happiness is important to me." She bent down and kissed his forehead.     

"So go and get your happiness. Don't let it slip away. Daiyu will help you." She stretched his cheeks and smiled.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     

She bent down and playfully bit his shoulder.     


"If you mess up, you can always return to me and Jin. You can be our third wheel forever."     


She laughed.     

"Zhihao-gege! Daiyu wishes for your happiness always!"     

He smiled. His heart felt warm. He was really lucky in this lifetime to have both Jin and Daiyu supporting him.     

"Xiao Yuuuuuuu!" He hugged her tummy tightly.     

She giggled.     

After his conversation with Daiyu, Zhihao tried his best to capture Jiang Ying Yue's heart. Of course, a part of him was still hesitant. Still, what Daiyu said was true. Ying Yue was his happiness and he was going to work hard to take her back. As for the problems he'd have to face in the near future… he decided to brace himself for now. He had time. He'll work it out in time.     



Ying Yue laughed. Zhihao was waiting for her outside the school with a bouquet of yellow flowers. They had been going out for three months now and lately, he had stopped stuttering whenever he talked to her. He had also become bolder with his actions.     

She slowly went down the steps and took the flowers from his hand.     

"Where to?" She asked.     

"Follow me!" He smiled widely.     

He then hopped onto his bicycle and Ying Yue sat behind him.     

"Hold on tight!"     

She wrapped an arm around his waist and they drove off.     

Zhihao took her to many places that day. They rode by the market, the park, and all the way to the nearby coast.     

"Aren't you tired?" She asked as she held on to his waist.     

"A man needs stamina to keep his woman happy!"     

She laughed and pinched his waist. What a naughty boy!     

After finding a good spot to park his bicycle, they got off. Zhihao then took Ying Yue to a nearby bench before draping his jacket over her shoulders.     

"Wait here."     

He then left to buy some refreshments.     

Ying Yue sat by the bench, enjoying the cool sea breeze. From the distance, she could see children playing near the water. Some couples laid out blankets and were enjoying the view.     

"Here." Zhihao's voice interrupted her.     

She turned her head and saw him handing her a hot can of coffee and a steaming meat bun. His nose and ears were red from the cold but a wide smile painted his lips.     

She smiled and took the food from him. He then sat down beside her.     

"Aren't you cold?" She asked.     

He shook his head and smiled.     

"My heart is warmer than it ever was before."     

She blushed and looked down. This man. He knew just what to say to move a girl's heart.     

"Are you this sweet to all the women around you?"     

"Aside from my mom, there's only you."     

She blushed and playfully punched his arm.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     

He then faced her and smiled.     

"Xiao Yue. Be mine."     

She paused, shocked from his sudden confession.     

"In this lifetime and in all other lives I will live after this, I will only love you." He smiled brightly.     

"I will take care of you, treasure you, and love you. I know this sounds pretty sudden but, I really want you to know. Now that we're still young, when we grow up, and all the way till we grow old – you'll be my one and only." He then flashed her a beautiful bright smile, his eyes sparkling.     

"Every day, I want to wake up to your face. And every night, I want to hold you close. You might not believe me but, I'm a keeper!!!"     

She laughed.     

"And I'm good in bed too!"     

She laughed even harder.     

"And how do you know that?" She asked.     

"I imagine it every night."     

She continued laughing. How shameless can he get?     

"So, Xiao Yue… be mine." He smiled and tucked away a stray hair behind her ear.     

"I'll be the most loving, doting, handsome boyfriend ever!"     

She laughed and playfully kissed his cheek.     

"Fine. Better not forget those words!"     

Zhihao's eyes widened. He paused, trying to process her reply.     

He quickly stood up.     

"Is that a yes?"     

She nodded.     

Zhihao paused again before running towards the sea.     


She laughed at his words. He then ran back to her before quickly picking her up in his arms. He then peppered her face with kisses and she giggled.     

Just then, an idea came to him.     

"Hold on, I gotta go buy a camera!"     

"A camera? Why?"     

"Gotta show off to Jin!!!"     


Just like that, Ying Yue and Zhihao started dating. Of course, Daiyu was very happy for them. She had become really good friends with Ying Yue and they would often bully Zhihao together.     

Zhihao didn't mind. In fact, he was really happy. Daiyu had begun smiling a lot more and she would often join them on their dates.     

"Hah! Who's the third wheel now?!" He huffed.     

"You are!" Daiyu and Ying Yue retorted in unison and giggled.     

The days continued to pass by peacefully and soon, it was finally June. Daiyu decided to skip her birthday party that year. While she had regained some of her bubbliness back, a big part of her was still lonely.     

Still, Liu Jin wouldn't allow her to spend such a happy day being sad. As such, he had asked Zhihao to prepare a small surprise for her on his behalf.     

Daiyu woke up that morning to see her room overflowing with pink and white flowers. By the foot of her bed, there was a stuffed bunny clumsily sewn together. On its chest, the word 'Jin-gege' was sewn in big bold letters.     

She laughed.     

"Did he sew this himself?"     

The bunny was holding a pink envelope. She took it and slowly opened it. Inside, there was a photo of Liu Jin smiling brightly. Daiyu blushed. Her Jin-gege was really handsome. She flipped the picture over and behind it were a few words.     

'Happy Birthday. I love you. Wait for me.'     

She smiled and wiped away a tear.     

She scrambled towards her desk and quickly took out her camera. She then ran out of her room to look for Xiao Nuan.     

"Xiao Nuan-jiejie!" She called.     

"Yes, dear?"     

"Can you take a photo of me? I want to send it to Jin."     


Daiyu handed her the camera and they returned to her room.     

After taking the photo, Daiyu began to sew another stuffed toy for Liu Jin. This time, she made a wolf. Her Jin-gege was no longer a puppy! She sewed her name onto its chest before applying a thick layer of lipstick onto her lips. She then gave the little wolf a kiss on its forehead.     

She smiled as she eyed her work. She then took the photo that Xiao Nuan had taken earlier and wrote a few words on its back.     

'I'll be waiting.'     

She didn't write her feelings down. She wanted to tell him those three precious words herself. After sealing the photo inside an envelope, she asked their driver to send the package to Liu Jin.     


Liu Jin received the wolf and the letter a few days later. When he saw the kiss mark on its forehead, he quickly kissed it back.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     

"You're such a creep." Chen An commented.     

Liu Jin ignored him and opened the envelope that came with the wolf. Inside was a photo of Daiyu. She sat on her bed, hugging the bunny he made while surrounded by flowers. She was still in her night gown, her hair a bit messy and her face bare without make up. Still, her lips were curved up into a beautiful bright smile and her eyes were sparkling.     


"She is." Chen An agreed as he took a peek at the photo.     

Liu Jin flipped the photo and saw her reply. He smiled.     

"What? Did his girlfriend send him another package?" The boys who had just finished training asked as they entered the room.     

"Yup. And the lovesick puppy's drooling over her again."     

"Let me see! Let me see!"     


Soon, summer came around and Daiyu returned to the Liu summer house. She carved her name along with Liu Jin's onto the bark of their tree, just like she promised. After that, she sat beneath its shade, reminiscing the last summer she spent with him here.     

"Two more years."     

"It'll pass by sooner than you think."     

Daiyu turned her head and saw the farmer who always played with them when they were younger.     


He smiled and sat beside her.     

"Xiao Yu, every year you grow more and more beautiful. I'm sure that little brat misses you more than you think."     

"He better!" She playfully threatened and they laughed together.     

"Xiao Yu! Oh, hey old man!" Zhihao's voice interrupted them.     

"You brat! Why are you letting your girlfriend run around in this heat? Give her some shade!"     

Ying Yue laughed.     

"Hey, hey! Can we roast some corn again tonight?"     

"You're eating up all my harvest!" The old man scolded Zhihao and Daiyu laughed heartily.     

She smiled and watched as Zhihao continued bickering with the old man.     

'Come home soon, Jin. I really miss you.'     

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