I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

4Daiyu spent the rest of her summer at the Wang rest house by the mountains. Zhihao and Ying Yue didn't join her this time around because they went on a trip to the beach. As such, Daiyu spent her time with Nao Nao, peacefully passing the days together.     

When August came around, she returned to the city to celebrate Meili and Mingli's birthday.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!" The twins greeted her in unison and ran towards her excitedly.     

She bent down and caught them in her arms before kissing their cheeks.     

"Happy birthday!" She greeted.     

The children giggled and kissed her back.     

"Daiyu-jiejie! Come sleep over tonight!" Meili invited her.     

Mingli nodded.     

"Daiyu-jiejie! Sleep over!"     

Daiyu giggled and nodded.     


The twins squealed in delight and peppered her face with kisses.     

"Xiao Yu!" Nana called her.     

"Mom!" Daiyu stood up and greeted her.     

The twins followed her and the party continued.     

For their birthday gift, Daiyu gave the twins matching onesies with their names sewed onto the chest part. Of course, the twins were so delighted that they both wore them to sleep that night. They slept on the same bed as Daiyu, taking up one side each.     

"Daiyu-jiejie! Mingli wants to marry you!" Mingli stated as he cupped Daiyu's face with his little hands.     

Daiyu giggled and kissed his forehead softly.     

"I'm sorry Mingli! Daiyu-jiejie already promised to marry your Jin-gege!"     

Mingli pouted.     

"Mingli is more handsome than Jin-gege!" He claimed and Daiyu laughed.     

She gently stroked his hair and spoke.     

"Mingli should find a nice girl to love. Daiyu-jiejie is too old for you."     

Mingli paused before shaking his head.     

"Daiyu-jiejie is the – the prettiest girl Mingli has ever seen!"     

She giggled.     


He nodded vigorously.     

"Mingli will grow up big! And – and Mingli will take Daiyu-jiejie away from Jin-gege!"     

She laughed and peppered his face with kisses.     

"Daiyu-jiejie me too!" Meili pouted.     

Daiyu proceeded to kiss her too but Mingli pulled her face away.     

"Me too!"     

"No! Me too!"     

"Noo! Me too!!!"     


Before long, school started again and today, Daiyu was officially starting junior high.     

"Xiao Yu! Look over here!" Zhihao called.     

Daiyu faced him and smiled towards the camera. Zhihao had taken over Liu Jin's role of taking her first day of school pictures and today, she wore her new uniform. It had a white blouse with a big ribbon by its collar, a short pleated skirt, knee high socks and black shiny shoes.     

Zhihao sighed as he stared at her picture. At this rate, she was going to attract even more boys!     

Of course, Zhihao's prediction was right on the money. Before he knew it, Daiyu had already joined the ranks of the campus crushes and his job as a big brother started getting busier.     

Every day, he would come fetch Daiyu straight after class. In the past, he would wait for her by the Zheng family car. But with so many flies buzzing around her now, he was not taking any chances!     

"You're being too protective of her." Ying Yue sighed as she watched Zhihao empty Daiyu's locker that had been flooded by letters.     

Every day, he would interfere with all of Daiyu's suitors and made sure that none of their letters reached her.     

"These stupid children think that they're good enough for our Xiao Yu?! Not a chance!"     

Ying Yue sighed. Wasn't he acting like an annoying father?     

"She's going to end up hating you." She warned.     

"Xiao Yu loves me. Besides, if I don't do this, Jin will kill me!!!"     

Ying Yue rolled her eyes. She had heard about this Liu Jin person from both Zhihao and Daiyu and from the stories she heard, he sounded like a boob-obsessed perverted boyfriend. Why would anyone want a man like that for Daiyu?     


Zhihao stiffened and quickly stuffed the letters inside his bag.     

"Xiao Yu! Why didn't you wait for me in class?" He asked nervously.     

"Class ended a bit earlier." Daiyu eyed his bag that had bits of pink paper peeking through.     

"What's in your bag? Are those love letters?" She raised a brow.     

"Yes! You don't know how many people love me! Xiao Yue here always gets jealous!"     

Ying Yue buried her face onto her palm.     

'At least make up a believable lie!!!'     

"… Zhihao-gege you have admirers?"     

"Yes! They send me this much letters every day! See!" He showed her his bag that was overflowing with gifts and letters.     

"Woah. I didn't know you were this popular." Daiyu's eyes widened.     

"Right?! Xiao Yue is really lucky to have all my attention!"     

Ying Yue rolled her eyes.     

"Huh? Is that… a lingerie set?" Daiyu asked as she saw the racy pink thong peeking out of his bag.     

Ying Yue and Zhihao's eyes widened.     


Daiyu had a weird admirer that sent her lingerie every week. The lingerie would come with a letter asking her to wear them and to send back photos as proof. Of course, Zhihao intercepted them every time so Daiyu was not aware of the creep.     

"Hahaha this is… uh…" Zhihao lifted his head and faced Ying Yue.     

Ying Yue widened her eyes, warning him.     

'Don't you dare.' She mouthed with her lips.     

"This is Xiao Yue's hobby." He blurted out.     

Ying Yue gritted her teeth in anger.     

"Woah! Really?!" Daiyu faced Ying Yue with sparkling eyes.     

"Wow! Jiejie I didn't know you were so bold!" She looked at her with adoration and Ying Yue could not help but murder Zhihao inside her head again and again.     

"Yes. Ha. Ha. Ha." She stiffly replied.     

'You're dead!!!' She mouthed the words towards Zhihao as soon as Daiyu turned her head.     

Zhihao gulped, already accepting his fate.     

"But why is it with Zhihao-gege?" Daiyu asked as she tilted her head to one side.     

"She likes showing me." Zhihao blurted out in a panic.     

Daiyu's eyes widened.     

"WOAH! JIEJIE! SO BOLD!!!" Daiyu looked at Ying Yue with big sparkling eyes.     

Ying Yue smiled but her fists were clenched, ready to pummel Zhihao into dust.     

'ZHENG. ZHI. HAO!!!'     


While the three were still at school, a black car stopped by the entrance to the Zheng Residences. A boy held out his hand as he helped a girl descend from the car. The driver took out their luggage from the trunk and the three of them proceeded towards the door.     

"Aunty!" The girl greeted Victoria with a kiss to her cheek.     

She had long wavy brown hair and big green eyes. Beside her was a boy with blond hair and familiar features.     

"Alice, Zhichen!" Victoria greeted back and kissed their cheeks lightly.     

"Come inside. You must be tired." She then escorted them towards the living room where the maid served them tea.     

"How was your flight?" She asked as she took a sip from her cup.     

"It was long! I wasn't prepared for it and now my back hurts!" Alice complained and Victoria laughed.     

"I know what you mean. I've been taking the same flight for years and I'm still not used to it!"     

They laughed.     

"Where's Zhihao?" Zhichen asked.     

"Oh! He's out playing with his girlfriend."     

"Girlfriend?" Alice asked, her face turning stiff.     

"Yes." Victoria smiled brightly.     

"You don't have to worry now, Alice. She's a lovely girl and Zhihao has never been happier!" She smiled as she remembered how her idiot son has been behaving lately.     

Moving here was the right choice after all.     

"Excuse me, madam. Madam Song is on the phone." A maid interrupted their conversation.     

"Oh! Right! Tell her I'll be there soon."     

The maid nodded and left.     

"Well then. You children must be tired. Your room has been prepared upstairs. Zhichen, take care of Alice for me, okay?"     

"Yes mom."     

"Alright, excuse me then." Victoria stood up and left.     

When only Zhichen and Alice were left inside the room, he gently tucked away a stray hair behind her ear. Surprised by the sudden touch, she turned to face him.     

"Isn't that nice? He has a girlfriend now. You don't have to worry about him anymore." He said as he eyed her face before staring at her lips.     

He leaned towards her and kissed her, biting her lower lip.     

"So stop thinking about him now. Okay?"     

"… What if he's only pretending to love her? It's not nice towards the girl…"     

"That's his problem. Not yours." He cupped her face and kissed her again.     

"… But you've seen it for yourself. Zhihao is obsessed with me. Are you sure he's –"     

"Stop. Let him be. Just think of me now… Okay?" He gently kissed the tip of her nose.     


"Okay?" He asked again.     

She nodded hesitantly.     

"Good. Let's go." He then stood up and headed towards the door.     

Alice let out a sigh and followed him. Just then, she stopped for a second and turned her head towards the living room wall. There, she saw pictures of Zhihao. In all the pictures she saw, he always sat beside a cute chubby girl and another boy.     

'Is this her…?'     

"Alice." Zhichen called.     

She turned her head and continued to follow Zhichen. But before leaving the room, she turned her head back one more time, staring at the picture near the door. There, the girl was no longer a child. She was hugging Zhihao and the other boy was no longer present. It looks like it was recently taken at Zhihao's birthday.     

She smiled, a glint flashing across her eyes.     

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