I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

3Zhihao dropped Ying Yue off first before sending Daiyu home next. During the car ride back to the Zheng Residences, his phone rang and he picked it up.      4

"Zhi. Alice and Zhichen are here." Bob's voice came through.     

"… Urgh." Zhihao buried his head onto his palm as he groaned.     

"What do I do?" Bob asked.     

Zhihao let out a long sigh before speaking.     

"… Can you prepare some clothes for me. Lock the bedroom when you leave."     


Zhihao ended the call and slumped onto the seat of the car. He let out another sigh before closing his eyes tightly.     

"Uncle Quan, let's go back to the Wang Mansion." He instructed the driver who nodded in return.     

Upon arriving back at the Wang Mansion, Bob was waiting for him outside with a bag full of clothes.     


"No prob." Bob ruffled his hair and smiled.     

Zhihao sighed and smiled.     

After taking the clothes from Bob, Zhihao went inside the mansion and straight towards Daiyu's room.     

"Xiao Yuuuuuuuuu!"     

Daiyu, who was sewing, raised a brow.     

"What's wrong?" She put her things aside and hugged the wailing Zhihao.     

"Xiao Yu. Can I stay over for a while?"     

"Sure. But what's up?"     

"My brother and his girlfriend are home. I don't wanna see them." He pouted cutely.     

Daiyu giggled.     

"Okay then. You can stay here as long as you want. But won't Aunty Victoria come looking for you?"     

"I'll talk to her when that happens."     

"Alright then. Did you have dinner yet?"     

He shook his head.     

"Then let's go. I'll whip something up."     


Daiyu laughed. Ever since Liu Jin's departure, aside from baking, Daiyu had been learning how to cook. Zhihao was her taste-tester and he always loved the food she made.     


After slurping down a big bowl of fresh hot noodles, Zhihao laid his head on Daiyu's lap as she watched TV.     



"What's bothering you?" She asked as she gently stroked his hair.     

He sighed. When it came to changes in his mood, Daiyu was always sharp. It was both a blessing and a curse.     

"Not ready to tell me yet?" She asked.     

He pouted cutely and nodded. She giggled.     

"Alright. Take your time. But you have to tell me, okay? It's not good to keep things bottled up." She replied as she continued stroking his hair.     

He smiled and nodded.     

"Thanks, Xiao Yu."     


"Aunty? Where's Zhihao?" Alice asked after dinner.     

"He's sleeping over at a friend's house." Victoria replied.     

"… Is it the same friend in the living room photos?"     

Victoria nodded.     


"Aunty, won't you ask him to come home? At this rate, the relationship between Zhichen and Zhihao will only worsen."     

Victoria sighed. She too feared of that. But still…     

"Let them be. In time, things will get better."     

"But aunt–     


She closed her mouth and pouted.     

"I'm sorry aunty. I'm just worried for them."     

"I know." Victoria smiled. "Thank you."     

Alice smiled back.     

"But let's not force things between the brothers. Okay?"     

"Okay." Alice nodded hesitantly.     

When Victoria left the room, the smile on Alice's face disappeared in an instant and she clenched her fists.     


The next day after class, Zhihao went to talk to Ying Yue to explain the situation to her. They sat in the benches behind the school, away from the crowd.     

"Sooooo… My brother and his girlfriend are home."     

"Oh. That's nice."     

"… No its not." He pouted.     

"Why? What's wrong?"     

He sighed.     

"Xiao Yue. My brother's girlfriend is a psycho. I won't let her approach you but just in case, if she ever tells you anything, don't believe her."     




"Xiao Yueeee!"     

"Well then explain things more clearly to me. Why shouldn't I believe her?"     

Zhihao hesitated.     

"Zhihao. Tell me." She smiled and gently kissed the tip of his nose.     

"So that I can understand. So that I won't misunderstand."     

Zhihao sighed and rested his head on her shoulder.     

"She thinks I'm obsessed with her. She's a psycho who likes my brother but wants to keep me on a leash too. But Xiao Yue, I only love you. You're my one and only." He said as he hugged her tightly.     

Ying Yue smiled and gently stroked his hair.     

"I believe you."     

Zhihao paused before raising his head to look her straight in the eye.     

"I love you Xiao Yue. I really do."     

She giggled.     

"I know. I can feel it." She smiled. "I love you too. So don't worry about her anymore. Okay?"     

"… Is it alright if I don't send you home for a while? While she's still here. I don't want her to see you or get to know you at all. But I'll have Bob accompany you all the time. That guy looks like a thug but he's a decent bodyguard."     

She laughed.     

"Why are you always so overprotective?" She asked as she ruffled his hair.     

"Because you're my precious Xiao Yue!" He replied as he hugged her tightly and she giggled.     


Meanwhile, Daiyu waited outside for Zhihao. Today, they were taking the Wang family car back home. To her surprise, she saw the Zheng family car nearby. After a few seconds, a woman came out of the car and approached her.     

"Hey." She called but Daiyu ignored her.     

"Hey." She called again.     

"Excuse me?"     

Daiyu stood still, not paying her any attention. Getting desperate, the girl stood in front of her direct line of sight.     

"I'm talking to you."     

"Oh?" Daiyu asked.     

"Are you Zhihao's girlfriend?"     

Daiyu raised a brow.     

"Can you ask him to come home? His mom is worried."     

"No." Daiyu replied plainly.     

"… But hi–     

"No." She repeated.     

She then turned around to walk away. If Victoria was truly worried, she would have called Daiyu already or she would have just dragged Zhihao out of the Wang Mansion herself.     

The girl then grabbed Daiyu's arm to stop her from leaving.     

"I'm not done talking."     

"Well I'm done listening." Daiyu felt that this woman was extremely pushy.     

She must be the reason why Zhihao didn't want to return home. As such, Daiyu continued to walk away but the woman tightened her grip around Daiyu's wrist.     

Finally reaching the end of her patience, Daiyu shrugged the girl's hand away but to her surprise, the woman fell to the floor.     

"Ouch!" She screamed.     

Successfully catching the attention of the people around them, the girl began to cry.     

"What's going on?" A teacher asked.     

"She pushed me!" The girl accused.     

Seeing the pretty girl supposedly injured on the floor, several people came to help her up. The teacher then turned to face Daiyu.     

"Daiyu, is that true?"     

Daiyu nodded before raising her head to reveal teary eyes.     

"It's because she hurt me." She then showed him her wrist that still had the red grip mark from the girl's hand. Daiyu had fair skin so the grip mark appeared more prominent than it actually was.     

"T-That's not true!" The girl's eyes widened.     

"And teacher, I don't even know who she is. I thought the academy was safe. But to easily allow strangers inside…"     

The teacher's eyes widened and he immediately called for security.     

"No! I'm not a stranger! Let go!"     

The teacher then hurriedly escorted Daiyu towards the clinic. As she left, Daiyu turned her head and saw the girl glaring at her. She smiled widely in return. She didn't survive six years of Zhenzhen for nothing.     


"Xiao Yu!" Zhihao burst into the clinic. Behind him, the principal was panting.     

Upon seeing Daiyu with her wrist bandaged, Zhihao quickly approached her.     

"Xiao Yu, are you alright?!"     

"Mmm." She nodded. "Luckily, Teacher Tan was there to help me. He was also able to call the security really quickly."     

"I'm sorry Daiyu. We will investigate this matter thoroughly." The principal apologized.     

"It's alright Principal Huang. I'm okay and the person has been dealt with." Daiyu smiled sweetly.     

The principal and the teacher let out a huge sigh of relief.     

"Can I go home now?" She asked.     

"Of course! Of course!" The principal then ushered them out the clinic, apologizing again and again.     


During the car ride home, Daiyu recounted the incident to Zhihao and he couldn't help but laugh. Their baby Daiyu was really growing up to be cunning!     

"Zhihao-gege. Who was that woman?" She asked.     

Zhihao paused before letting out a huge sigh.     

"She's my brother's girlfriend. I'm sorry you had to meet her, Xiao Yu."     

Daiyu shook her head.     

"I don't mind. But can you tell me more about her? I have a feeling that this won't be the last time we meet."     

Zhihao paused before nodding.     

"Yeah… I fear so too."     

He looked down and sighed.     

"When I was younger, mom used to party all the time. Even though she already had Zhichen and me, she wasn't used to being a mother. As such, she often left us alone at home.     

Due to her absence, my brother and I got attached to a girl named Alice. She was the same age as my brother, three years older than me, and she became some sort of mother figure for us.     

Whenever we were lonely, we would look for her. And she indulged us. But the more she indulged us, the more we got attached to her. Soon, we became sick in the head and became obsessed with her.     

It came to a point where we started fighting over her."     

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