I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

2Daiyu blushed and quickly covered her face with her hands.     

Liu Jin chuckled, his deep voice filling her ears.     

"Xiao Yu…" He called and he felt her tense up. He smirked.     

He then held her closer before whispering directly into her ear.     

"I missed you."     

Daiyu blushed until her ears turned red and Liu Jin continued chuckling.     

"Not going to reply?"     

She shook her head.     

He then began slowly kissing her hands, forcing her to push him away and revealing her face.     

He smiled.     

"Xiao Yu… I missed you so much."     

She blushed and closed her eyes before nodding. She then slowly opened them again, shyly looking at his face before finally staring at him.     

She looked into his eyes for a long time. Suddenly, a rush of emotions engulfed her and tears started streaming down her face.     

"I… I missed you too."     

Liu Jin quickly held her close, gently wiping her tears away.     

"Why are you crying?" He asked before softly kissing her forehead.     

She shook her head and buried her face onto his chest.     

"Missed you…" She sobbed. He smiled.     

"I-I missed you too!!!" A familiar voice came.     

Liu Jin's smile immediately disappeared and a vein started pulsing on his head.     

"Why are you here?!" He gritted his teeth. Just when they were finally having a touching moment!!!     

Zhihao ignored his words and jumped into Daiyu's bed while hysterically hugging Liu Jin.     

"I MISSED YOU! I MISSED YOU TOO!!!" He cried.     

"Get off me!!!" Liu Jin tried pushing Zhihao away but the boy held on to him tightly.     

Daiyu watched as Liu Jin and Zhihao bickered.     

"STOP PRETENDING! I KNOW YOU MISSED ME TOO!!!" Zhihao held on to him even tighter.     

She laughed, reality finally sinking into her.     

He was back.     

He was finally back.     

All three of them were together again.     

"Go away!!!"     


Daiyu giggled before joining their hug.     

"Welcome home." She greeted.     

Liu Jin blushed before quickly hugging her back. Zhihao, not wanting to be left out, pried his arms open and inserted himself in his hug.     


After their heartfelt reunion, the trio had breakfast together. As usual, Daiyu made toast for her two big brothers like she always did when she was younger.     

However, when Liu Jin received his toast, he frowned. He stared at it for a while before finally voicing his concern.     

"Xiao Yu… you don't love your Jin-gege anymore?" He asked, eyes filled with worry.     

Daiyu raised a brow before looking at his toast. She giggled and took it back. She then smothered it in cream and honey before giving it back to him.     

"Hehe." He giggled and ate it happily.     

Zhihao cringed.     

"You spent three years in military school and you're still a lovesick puppy?"     

"I heard your girl asked you out instead of the other way around." Liu Jin retorted.     

"HAHAHA I don't know what you're talking about!" Zhihao immediately clammed up and ate his toast obediently.     


After breakfast, Liu Jin forced Zhihao to go home. While Zhihao wanted to stay behind and bother Liu Jin some more, he knew that the pair needed some time alone. As such, he obediently left the Wang Mansion and headed to Ying Yue's house to bother her instead.     

Right now, Liu Jin and Daiyu were currently in the gardens, enjoying their time alone. They laid a blanket on the grass as they sat among the flowers.     

Daiyu watched as Nao Nao ran in the distance, chasing some butterflies in the garden. Liu Jin in turn watched Daiyu as she smiled at Nao Nao's antics.     

Daiyu, who felt his stare, turned to face him. Upon seeing his face, she blushed and quickly looked away.     

He chuckled.     

"Xiao Yu… did I return home as handsome as you wanted me to be?"     

Daiyu blushed but didn't answer. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.     

"Why haven't you been talking to me? Mmm? You've been ignoring me all morning."     

After welcoming him home, Daiyu had not spoken to him again. It had just been him and Zhihao bickering the entire time with Daiyu occasionally laughing. But other than that, he hasn't heard her voice again.     

Daiyu paused and looked down.     

She had so many things she wanted to say, so many stories she reserved, but now that he was here, she just didn't know how to say it. He felt like a different person, someone she wasn't used to.     

"I… I'm shy!" She honestly confessed as she buried her face onto her palms. He laughed.     

"It's okay. I'm still the same Jin-gege. Your Jin-gege." He replied as he hugged her from behind.     

"… Daiyu needs time." She replied with a cute pout. He chuckled and softly kissed her cheek.     

"Okay. We'll take it slow. We'll take our time to get to know each other again." He replied as he gently tucked away a stray hair behind her ear.     

Daiyu looked up to him, her eyes full of curiosity. He smiled.     

"Xiao Yu… you've grown even more beautiful."     

She blushed but huffed proudly, accepting his compliment. He chuckled.     

"Since I've been away for so long, I heard from Zhihao that you've matured quite a lot?" He asked.     

"Not anymore! Now that you're back, you have to spoil me again!"     

He laughed heartily before nodding.     

"Mmm. I'll spoil you as much as you want." He replied before kissing her cheek.     

She smiled and rested her weight onto his chest.     

"You have to feed Daiyu."     


"Lots of food."     

"Of course."     

"And you have to spend time with me."     


"Lots and lots of time."     

He chuckled before nodding.     

"I will."     

She smiled, content with his answer.     

"So where do you want to go this summer?" He asked.     

Daiyu's eyes widened upon the question and immediately answered.     

"The summer house!!!"     

He chuckled.     

"We planted sunflowers last year with the twins and they should be blooming by now!"     

"You went with the twins?"     

"Yes, and –     

Liu Jin smiled as Daiyu continued to talk, seemingly forgetting her earlier shyness. He listened to her voice, a sound he held so close to his heart.     

Meanwhile, Wang Jing, who heard that Liu Jin had finally returned, went to the garden to greet him. Upon seeing Daiyu seated on Liu Jin's lap and excitedly telling him her story, Wang Jing smiled.     

They looked just like they did when they were younger. The old man chuckled. Some things never change.     

"Tang Yun, tell the chef to increase the portion of her meals. I have a feeling she'll have her appetite back soon."     

Butler Tang smiled and nodded. Looks like their peaceful and happy days were back.     


After lunch, Daiyu accompanied Liu Jin to the Liu Estate. Since he went to visit Daiyu first thing in the morning, he wasn't able to unpack yet.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!!!" The twins came running to greet her. She giggled and carried them in her arms.     

"Daiyu-jiejie, come over to play?" Mingli asked.     

"No, I'm here to help your Jin-gege unpack." She said as she kissed his forehead.     

Meili pouted.     

"Daiyu-jiejie come play with us! Jin-gege can unpack by himself."     

Daiyu laughed and kissed her too.     

"Will Meili and Mingli help Daiyu-jiejie? My arms will hurt if I do it by myself." She pouted cutely.     

The twins quickly nodded their heads.     

"Mingli will help!"     

"Meili will help!"     

Daiyu giggled and gently lowered them to the ground.     

"Okay! Then let's work hard together!"     

The twins nodded and huffed.     

"Work hard together!" They replied in unison.     

Liu Jin chuckled. They were so adorable.     

With that, the four of them started working on Liu Jin's new room together. At some point, Nana came over to check on them and brought them some afternoon snacks.     

Liu Jin watched as Daiyu helped the twins eat, wiping their mouths clean and helping them hold their glass of juice while they drank.     

He lowered his head and smiled. It felt just like yesterday when he used to do that for her.     

"Jin." Daiyu's voice came and he looked up.     

Daiyu then wiped the side of his mouth. He chuckled.     

"Xiao Yu, come sleep over tonight."     

The twins, upon hearing his invitation, quickly supported him.     

"Sleep over!"     

"Daiyu-jiejie sleep over!" They urged.     

She giggled.     



"Daiyu-jiejie, make cheesy croquettes!"     

"Cheesy croquettes!"     

Liu Jin raised a brow.     

"You know how to cook now?" He asked.     

Daiyu nodded and huffed proudly. It was time for her to show off!     


Daiyu made dinner that night and the twins ate heartily. Of course, Liu Jin enjoyed Daiyu's cooking too.     

"How is it?" She excitedly asked.     

He chuckled and patted her head.     

"Good." He replied.     

A beautiful smile bloomed on her face and she giggled.     

"But I'm better." He smirked.     

Daiyu immediately pouted and he chuckled.     

When Liu Jin saw how quickly Daiyu lost weight, he immediately resolved himself to feed her a lot when he returns. As such, he had been working hard to learn how to cook and to hone his skills, he had been making meals for his dormmates at military school.     

"Then you cook tomorrow." She dared.     

"Sure." He smirked.     

"But if I prove to you that I'm better, do I get a prize?" He teased.     

Daiyu paused before nodding.     


Liu Jin smiled naughtily.     

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