I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

3The moment Liu Jin and Daiyu arrived at the academy, Liu Jin immediately noticed the number of people staring at Daiyu. He frowned.     

"Xiao Yu." He called.     

Daiyu looked back and Liu Jin held her hand smoothly as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Daiyu stared at their intertwined fingers before blushing. Liu Jin chuckled and brought the back of her hand to his lips, giving it a light peck.     

Daiyu blushed even harder and quickly looked away. He laughed but said nothing.     

Soon, they arrived at Daiyu's new classroom.     

"Xiao Yu!" Chunhua called excitedly upon seeing her.     

"Oh! Your Jin-gege is back!" Chunhua nodded towards Liu Jin upon seeing him.     

Liu Jin nodded back with a smile.     

"Hehe." Daiyu giggled.     

She liked the sound of that. Her Jin-gege.     

"Xiao Yu, I'll be going now." Liu Jin broke her train of thoughts.     

"Oh. Okay." Daiyu nodded but pouted. He laughed and patted her head.     

"I'll come fetch you after class."     

"Okay." She smiled.     


After bidding her goodbye, Liu Jin made his way to his classroom and soon, he could hear Zhihao's loud voice from the hallway.     

'That idiot is already so energetic first thing in the morning.' He sighed.     

Upon entering the room, Zhihao immediately rushed towards him.     

"JIN! SIT HERE!! SIT HERE!!!" He then ushered him to the seat next to his.     

"Where's Ying Yue?" Liu Jin asked and Zhihao began to wail.     

"SHE'S NOT HERE!!!"     

It seems like she had been assigned to another class.     

In a corner of the classroom, several girls were huddled together.     

"Hey, who's that guy?" A girl asked.     

"That's Liu Jin. He studied here before but he left for military school during junior high. I guess he's back."     

"Military school?"     

"Yeah. I heard his maternal grandfather's a general."     


"Not only that, his paternal grandfather's the founder of the Liu enterprise."     


The girl continued staring at Liu Jin, observing him.     

"What's wrong, Suyin? Interested in him?" Another girl asked.     

She laughed shyly, not admitting nor denying the question.     

"If you are, I'll cheer for you!"     

"Yeah! I mean, I like him too but if its you, I don't mind giving way."     

"If anyone's worth pairing up with him, it would be Suyin!"     

"Yeah, the daughter of the Wei Corporation, rich, beautiful, and smart! Totally a match for Jin!"     

She smiled but was cut off before she could speak.     

"Too bad he has a girlfriend."     

"Huh?" The girls turned around to look at the girl who spoke.     

"Earlier this morning, he came to school hand in hand with a girl from junior high."     


"Yeah. I saw them myself."     

"Are you for real? This is Liu Jin we're talking about. The only hand he'd willingly hold is Zhihao's." The girls laughed but agreed.     

"I'm serious! I really saw them!"     

"Which girl is this?"     

"Wang Daiyu."     

"Oh! I know her! They used to be really close when we were in primary school. I heard that their grandparents are best friends as well."     

"Are you serious?!"     

"Yep! I attended each and every one of her birthday parties in the past and she's always partnered up with Jin. She's really close with Zhihao as well."     

"Well… if its like that, then we can never win against her."     

"We'll never know." Suyin spoke and they all looked at her.     

"The heart is a fickle thing." She said before giving Liu Jin a fleeting glance.     


Since today was the first day of school, classes ended early.     

"I'll go get Ying Yue. Meet you by the car." Zhihao said as he packed up his bag.     

Liu Jin nodded and headed out the door to go fetch Daiyu.     

"Xiao Yu." Liu Jin called upon reaching her room.     

"Jin!" Daiyu excitedly greeted him.     

"Bye Chunhua!"     

Chunhua chuckled and waved her goodbye.     

"Let's go!" Daiyu held Liu Jin's hand and pulled him out the door.     

He chuckled.     

"Why are you so excited?" He asked.     

"Today, I joined the home economics club again. We'll be in charge of one of the cafes for the school festival in two months." She excitedly told him.     

"Oh? Planning for the festival already?"     

Daiyu nodded.     

"We're doing a maid café!" She excitedly told him.     

Liu Jin paused, an endless array of perverted thoughts running through his head. Daiyu in a maid uniform?! He gulped.     

"I'll make sure to bring my camera."     

"Mmm?" Daiyu asked, not quite hearing what he said.     


"How bout you? Which club did you join?" She asked.     

"Football with Zhihao."     

Daiyu's eyes sparkled. Her Jin-gege playing football?! She wants to see that!     

"Work hard!" She cheered and he chuckled.     

Soon, they arrived at the lockers and Daiyu opened hers to put her books inside. However, upon opening the door, several letters came flowing out. She blinked. Was this a prank?     

Liu Jin frowned. Upon looking down, he saw a sexy pink thong on the floor. He gulped.     

"Xiao Yu… I didn't know you liked wearing these kinds of things."     

Daiyu followed his line of sight and saw the thong. Her eyes widened.     

"No! Those aren't mine!"     

"No need to be shy. Your Jin-gege will fully support your hobby." Liu Jin answered sincerely.     

"No!!! They're really not mine!!!"     

"Okay. I'll buy you some more. Tell me which styles you like."     

"I said –     

Liu Jin drowned her voice out as he began imagining her in different styles and colors. He made a mental note to buy her a lot for her birthday… or maybe his birthday.     

"Jin! Are you listening?"     

"Yes. You look good in black lace." He blurted out and she blushed.     

"JIN!" She stomped on his foot as hard as she could and stormed away with a red face.     

Liu Jin groaned but laughed.     

"Maybe you can wear them underneath your maid uniform-URGH!"     

Daiyu threw her books at him.     


Life continued on following the same routine. Liu Jin would come pick Daiyu up in the mornings and send her home in the afternoons. Sometimes, they would go out and play but most of the time, they would spend their break studying at the Wang Mansion. Ying Yue would painstakingly teach Zhihao his lessons while Liu Jin tutored Daiyu. Nao Nao would join them, quietly lying beside them while asking for pats and hugs from time to time.     

Before long, it was time for the first school festival of the year.     

"Xiao Y–     

Liu Jin paused upon seeing Daiyu. She was wearing a maid uniform and had her hair up in two high ponytails. He covered his mouth and nose, trying to suppress his nosebleed.     

"Xiao Yu… you're so cute." He said as stared at her.     

Daiyu giggled. Liu Jin quickly took out his camera and began snapping away.     

"Xiao Yu, can you try calling me Master Jin?"     

"STOP! PERVERT SPOTTED!!!" Zhihao interrupted them and Liu Jin gritted his teeth.     

"Stop ruining my fantasies!!!"     

"Then I'll do it! Master Jin! Please do me, Master Jin!!!" He said as he hugged Liu Jin tightly.     

"Disgusting!!! Get off me!!!"     

"Master Jin! Do you want a lap dance or a-URGH!!!"     

Ying Yue laughed as she watched the two boys bicker around.     

"Jin! Let's go!" Daiyu called.     

Liu Jin immediately shoved Zhihao away and went to hold Daiyu's hand. Soon, they all boarded their cars and headed for the academy.     

"Xiao Yu, can you call me Master Jin?" Liu Jin asked, still not giving up.     

Zhihao and Ying Yue were in another car so no one was there to interrupt them.     

Daiyu giggled before sticking her tongue out at him.     


Liu Jin tickled her for being such a naughty brat.     

Soon, they arrived at the academy. Before descending from the car, Daiyu looked back and whispered into his ear.     

"Please come visit our café later, Master Jin. Daiyu will give you a special service."     

She giggled and quickly ran away.     

"Urrrggghh." Liu Jin bent down to suppress his raging hormones.     

'Special service?! What kind?!' Soon, his thoughts had gone haywire from all his perverted fantasies. He decided to quickly finish his assignment at the football club so that he could hurry up and be with his Daiyu.     


The football club was hosting a hawker stand. They were serving several types of street food and Liu Jin was in charge of cooking. Because of his good looks, the line of girls buying their food was never ending. Liu Jin groaned, wanting to hurry up and finish his shift.     

Soon, the two-hour mark was up and his shift was done. He quickly removed his apron and started to leave the booth.     

"Hey." A voice stopped him.     

He turned around and saw a familiar face.     

"What?" He asked.     

"Can you prepare my order before leaving?" She asked. She was already next in line but Liu Jin had served his last customer.     

"No." Liu Jin answered plainly before continuing to walk away.     

"Come on man, don't deny the pretty girl her order." A senior member commented in the background.     

Liu Jin looked at him before speaking.     

"My girlfriend's waiting for me." He nodded and left, ignoring the girl.     

Suyin watched his retreating back, clenching her fist briefly before smiling sweetly at the club member taking her order.     


Upon arriving at Daiyu's café, Liu Jin saw how many men were queued up for Daiyu's service. He gritted his teeth and glared at every single one of them.     

'Go away. Go away. Go away.' He chanted in his head as he gave them the death glare.     

Chunhua, who saw Liu Jin emitting dark energy, giggled.     

"Daiyu's Jin-gege!" She called. "Here! I'll help you cut the line!"     

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