I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

0Chunhua helped Liu Jin cut the line and soon, he was inside the café. He was seated near the window and he watched as Daiyu happily served the customers. He smiled.     

Daiyu, who just finished taking a customer's order, turned around and saw Liu Jin. She immediately smiled and waved. Liu Jin waved back enthusiastically.     

After that, Daiyu quickly returned to the kitchen and came out with a mini cake. She then approached Liu Jin and placed it in front of him.     

"Master Jin, for you." She smiled and gave his cheek a light peck before scurrying away. He chuckled.     

He looked at the cake and saw that there was a wolf and bunny on top of it drawn using icing. There was a little pink heart in between them too. Underneath the plate, a small card was inserted.     

'Special service for my Jin-gege!'     

He laughed. This was the special service? He covered his mouth and smiled. So adorable! He looked at the cake again before taking out his camera and snapping a picture of it.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     

He then began eating his cake. After finishing it, he stayed at the café and kept ordering whatever he could to get Daiyu's intention. Every time she passed by him, he would have a new order and by the end of Daiyu's shift, he had ordered everything on their menu.     

"Jin! My shift's done. Let me go get changed and then let's walk around the festival."     

"No! Don't get changed!" Liu Jin panicked.     


"I mean, let's not waste time. I have a bunch of things I want to try." It was rare for her to wear such an adorable costume, why would he let her change out of it so soon?     

Daiyu slowly nodded.     

"Okay then."     

With that, Liu Jin held her hand and led her out the café. They walked around the festival, enjoying all the booths that caught their eye.     

At some point, Daiyu wanted to try the basketball game. Liu Jin gave it a try and lost terribly. Daiyu laughed. She tried it next and won a prize.     

"Jin! Look! I won, I won!" She proudly showed off her pig stuffed toy.     

Liu Jin frowned. Wanting to redeem his image, he dragged Daiyu to the shooting range where he scored 10/10. He smiled smugly and looked at Daiyu, waiting to be praised.     

Daiyu giggled. Look at him showing off like that.     

"Wow! My Jin-gege is so cool!" She indulged him.     

Liu Jin huffed proudly upon hearing her praise and Daiyu secretly giggled.     

After walking around a bit more, the two of them went up to the rooftop to watch the sunset together.     

"It's so pretty!" Daiyu commented upon seeing the skyline dipped in an orange tint.     

Liu Jin gently hugged her from behind and rested his head on her shoulders.     

"Mmm. Pretty." He replied.     

Daiyu rested her weight on his chest and they stayed that way for a long while.     

"Xiao Yu, I haven't asked for my prize yet."     

Daiyu suddenly remembered the cooking competition.     

"Oh right! What do you want?" She asked as she glanced over at him.     

"Can you help me decorate my room? It feels a little bare right now."     

Daiyu's eyes widened with excitement.     

"I do! I do! I want want want want –     

Liu Jin chuckled upon hearing her excited reply.     

"Let's ask Zhihao-gege to help too–     

"NO!" Liu Jin immediately frowned. Just imagining himself sleeping in a room decorated by Zhihao gave him the creeps.     

Daiyu laughed.     

"Okay then. Just the two of us!"     

Liu Jin nodded and smiled.     

"When do we start?" She asked.     

"We have a long weekend ahead so let's do it tomorrow?"     


Just like that, they spent their weekend together decorating Liu Jin's room. They painted the walls together, changed the curtains, and Daiyu even sewed him a set of bed covers.     

"Mmm? Did you draw this?" Liu Jin smiled upon seeing a wolf and a bunny painted on the wall in the corner of the room.     

"Hehe!" She giggled and nodded.     

Liu Jin bent down and took a permanent marker. He added a speech bubble on the wolf's head that said 'Woah! Check out this beauty!'     

Daiyu laughed. She took the pen from him and added a speech bubble on the bunny's head that said 'Woah! A pervert!'     

They laughed. Liu Jin hugged Daiyu and peppered her face with light kisses.     


After spending their weekend together, their academy life continued on as usual. Before long, it was finally time for the seniors to go on a field trip outside town.     

"How long will it be?" Daiyu asked.     

"Three days and two nights." Liu Jin replied.     

Daiyu pouted and Liu Jin chuckled.     

"What? Missing me already?" He playfully asked as he started packing his things.     

Daiyu nodded cutely, staring at him with big sparkly eyes. He laughed.     

"I'll be home before you know it." He gently kissed her forehead.     

"Okay. Bring home lots of food."     

He chuckled and nodded.     


The next day, Daiyu sent Liu Jin off with a soft kiss to his cheek.     

"Take care." She smiled sweetly.     

"I will." He smiled and hugged her before turning around to board the bus.     

Inside, he checked for his seat number and stored his luggage overhead before proceeding to sit down. Beside him sat a familiar face.     

"Hey." She called with a smile.     

Liu Jin nodded before turning his head.     

"Looks like we'll be partners for the trip." She spoke again but no reply came.     

She turned her head and saw him looking out the window with his earphones on. He had a wide smile on his face as he waved to the girl outside.     

She gritted her teeth but said nothing.     

Soon, the bus began to leave and they headed for their destination.     

It was a long ride but Liu Jin stayed silent all through out. He either slept or listened to music, ignoring Suyin who sat beside him.     

Upon finally arriving at the hotel, Liu Jin stood up and took his luggage.     

"Hey, can you help me with mine?" Suyin asked.     

Liu Jin nodded and took her luggage too. Suyin smiled and thanked him. They then proceeded to the lobby where Liu Jin dropped of her things.     

"Thanks!" She smiled sweetly.     

Liu Jin nodded and left to look for Zhihao.     


The rest of the trip went on smoothly. They used the same bus to tour different sites and had the same seating arrangement all throughout.     

At one point, as they visited a nearby temple, it began to rain. Liu Jin took out the umbrella that Daiyu had packed for him and casually made his way to the bus. Soon, however, Suyin joined him underneath the shade.     

"Sorry, I didn't bring mine." She apologized.     

Liu Jin contemplated. He didn't want to share the umbrella with her but he couldn't leave it with her either. It was Daiyu's after all. He shrugged it off and just decided to walk faster instead. After reaching the bus, they made their way to their seat and Suyin offered him her handkerchief. Liu Jin shook his head.     

"No thanks."     

"But you're wet here." She replied before wiping away rain drops on his shoulder.     

He frowned.     

"I'm fine." He replied before shrugging her hand off.     

He then took out his hooded jacket, wore it, and blasted music on his earphones.     

Soon, the trip came to an end and it was time for Liu Jin to return home. He smiled. He bought lots of treats for Daiyu and he couldn't wait to see her excited face upon seeing all the food.     

"Hehe." He giggled upon imagining her hamster cheeks.     

"What's so funny?" Suyin asked.     

"My girlfriend." Liu Jin turned to face her and replied with a wide smile.     

Suyin paused, not knowing how to react. Just before she could speak, however, Liu Jin stood up to take his bags. He left the bus and made his way towards the Liu family car where they headed straight for the Wang mansion.     


"Jin! Welcome home!" Daiyu greeted him with a tight hug and Liu Jin hugged her back.     

He stayed over that night, feeding Daiyu all the food he brought home.     

The next day, however, trouble was already brewing.     

"Jin!" Zhihao called him first thing in the morning.     

Liu Jin groggily rubbed his eyes. He stayed up late with Daiyu last night watching movies. He looked over and saw her still asleep. He covered her with a blanket before getting up from the bed and approaching the balcony where he continued the call with Zhihao.     

"What is it?"     

"Have you seen our academy's only forum?"     

"No. What's up?"     

"There's tons of pictures of you and Suyin!!! Look at it right now!!!"     

"Huh?" Liu Jin scratched his head. So what if there were pictures of him?     

"Jin, they made it look like you two have a thing going on. Check it out now before Xiao Yu misunderstands."     

Liu Jin frowned. He ended the call before going back inside Daiyu's room. He turned her computer on before logging into the forums.     

A dark scowl painted his face.     

There were several photos of him and Suyin in misleading situations. There was a shot of them talking at the bus, of him helping her carry her luggage, another one where they shared an umbrella, one where she helped dry him off with a handkerchief, and one where he smiled brightly as he talked to her.     

"Jin?" Daiyu's sleepy voice came from behind him.     

She just woke up and found the bed empty.     

Liu Jin sighed.     

"Xiao Yu, come here." He called, extending his arms to hug her.     

Daiyu made her way towards him, returning the hug.     

"Look at this." He said as he pointed towards the computer screen.     

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