I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

4Liu Jin printed a copy of his couple shot with Daiyu and had it framed. He then placed it by the bedside table, beside his little wolf.      1

"Hehe." He giggled.     

Not quite over how happy he was, he decided to look through their photos one more time. However, upon examining his copy of the magazine, he saw that there were new faces inside.     


The twins, who heard their brother's voice, giggled naughtily and gave each other a high five. Soon, however, they heard footsteps approaching their room.     

"Hide!!!" The twins looked at each other and decided in unison.     

However, before they could finish crawling underneath the bed, Liu Jin entered the room and pulled them out.     

"You little brats!" He began tickling them and they squealed and laughed heartily.     

"Surprise for Jin-gege!"     


They said in between laughs. Liu Jin laughed too. He then peppered their face with light kisses.     

"You want to have a photoshoot with your Daiyu-jiejie too?" He asked.     

Their eyes widened with excitement and they immediately nodded.     


"Then let's ask mom to have one scheduled for you."     

They nodded and wriggled out of his arms.     

"Jin-gege let's go!"     

"Ask mom now!"     

"Alright, alright. Stop pulling and calm down." He said as the twins pulled on his arms.     


When Monday came, the reception Liu Jin and Daiyu received when they arrived at the academy was very different from how it was a week before.     

"They're still staring." Daiyu observed.     

Liu Jin nodded. They were in fact getting even more stares. But the stares were no longer hostile or mocking but rather of curiosity and awe.     

"It's cause they think of you as a little celebrity now." Liu Jin explained as he gently patted her head.     

Daiyu paused before blushing, her eyes sparkling brightly.     

"Daiyu is famous!" She immediately claimed and Liu Jin laughed.     

Upon arriving at her classroom, Daiyu immediately heard Zhenzhen's familiar voice.     

"See? I already told you that Suyin girl is a fake. There's no way that Jin would fall for her." She said as she spoke to the other girls in class.     

Daiyu lowered her head and smiled. For the past week, she found a surprising ally in Zhenzhen. The latter had been defending Daiyu and Liu Jin's relationship, even behind Daiyu's back.     

Daiyu entered the room and approached Zhenzhen.     

"Thanks, Zhenzhen." She said as a beautiful smile bloomed on her face.     

Zhenzhen blushed and huffed.     

"I'm not doing it for you. If even I can't get Jin's attention, that Suyin girl couldn't possibly succeeded. It was obvious from the start that she was just doing it for attention."     

Daiyu laughed at her reasoning.     

"Still, thank you." She smiled and thanked her again.     

Zhenzhen looked away but a small smile graced her lips as well.     

"Don't lose to such a third-rate girl. You'll embarrass me." Zhenzhen said haughtily and Daiyu laughed.     


Over at Liu Jin's classroom, things were pretty awkward. The class was quiet, divided between the boys who took Liu Jin's side, and the girls who were cheering Suyin on.     

Soon, however, the silence was broken by Zhihao's boisterous voice as he entered the classroom.     

"Heeeeeeeey!!!" He greeted from the doorway and his classmates immediately laughed.     

He took his seat beside Liu Jin and began pulling out copies of their magazine from his bag.     

"Here! If you give me one of those toasted meat buns from the cafeteria, I'll give you my autograph later!" He said as he began giving his friends a copy of the magazine.     

"Who would want your autograph?!" One of his classmates teased as he accepted the magazine.     

"Yeah and in the first place, why are you even in the pictures with them?!" Another one said.     

"Why not?! I look very handsome there!" He replied.     

As Zhihao began making rounds around the room to give away copies of the magazine, he finally reached Suyin. He paused and took out his handkerchief instead.     

"Here. Use it to wipe your tears away." He said and walked away.     

"Pfffft." The boys at the back of the class did their best to suppress their laugh.     

Suyin gritted her teeth secretly. This was not the end!     


Classes continued on as usual and before long, it was finally time for the twins to have their photoshoot with Daiyu. Nana found a children's clothing line that was more than willing to use them as their ambassador and the company gave the green light immediately.     

On the day of the photoshoot, Daiyu, Mingli, and Meili wore white, baby blue, and baby pink respectively. After the staff applied light makeup on their faces and styled their hair, the three went to work.     

The poses they made were mainly unchoreographed and the cameraman just took several shots of them as they interacted together. Since the twins felt very comfortable around Daiyu, their innate playfulness came about naturally as they talked, kissed, hugged, and played with her.     

"Daiyu-jiejie, Mingli is very handsome, yes?"     

Daiyu laughed and nodded.     

"Mingli is very handsome!"     

He giggled happily upon hearing her reply.     

"Daiyu-jiejie, how about Meili?"     

"Meili is the most precious, beautiful, baby girl Daiyu-jiejie has ever seen."     

Meili's face bloomed into a beautiful smile and she immediately peppered Daiyu's face with light kisses.     

"Daiyu-jiejie too! Daiyu-jiejie is the prettiest girl Meili has ever seen!!!"     

From afar, Liu Jin smiled as he watched his siblings interact with Daiyu.     

"You sure you're okay with this?" Zhihao asked.     


"You know, the photoshoot. I'm sure after this, she's going to get even more famous. Probably could start her career as a model too. By then, you'd have too many rivals to count." Zhihao replied.     

Liu paused before nodding.     

"It's fine. She's beautiful. She'll naturally shine even without the limelight." He replied with a smile.     

"If anything, I'm proud of her." He added.     

Zhihao slowly smiled.     

"Fine. If your rivals get too tough, I'll help you swat them away!"     

Liu Jin laughed.     

"Worry about yourself first. I heard that Wen Duyi has been hitting on Ying Yue."     



As Zhihao predicted, Daiyu's popularity shot up after her second photoshoot. She began getting several modeling offers and she didn't quite know what to do with them.     

"Why don't you take them?" Liu Jin asked as he hugged her.     

Right now, they were in the balcony and she sat on his lap, her head resting on his chest.     

"… Jin, I want to become a professional singer." She replied as she looked him in the eye.     

"Sure. I'll support you." He replied without a second thought.     

"Why not use this to start your career? Take the modeling jobs for now. When you become famous, it'll be easier for you to gain an audience when you start to sing."     

Daiyu paused, taking in his words.     

"I can do that?"     

He chuckled.     

"Of course." He replied and gently kissed her forehead.     

"I'll help you. I can be your manager."     

"Really?!" She looked at him, her eyes sparkling.     

He laughed and nodded.     

"But I thought managers aren't supposed to be in a relationship with their talents."     

Liu Jin immediately pouted and she giggled.     

"Then I won't be your manager!" He immediately took his words back and Daiyu laughed.     

"How about you? What's your dream?" Daiyu asked.     

"You mean, my life goal? Or my planned profession?"     

"Mmm… both!"     

"My life goal is to marry you and to grow old with you." He said as he tucked a stray hair behind her ear.     

Daiyu blushed and giggled.     

"Then your planned profession?"     

"To help dad in his business. It'll be a long time before Mingli grows old enough to handle the company so before then, I'll keep it for him."     

"You don't want to inherit the Liu Enterprise?" Daiyu asked, quite shocked that he would willingly give it to his younger brother instead.     

"Mmm. Didn't I just say it? I want to be your manager."     

Daiyu laughed and playfully punched him.     

"I'm serious!"     

"I'm serious too. Besides, after we get married, I have to help Uncle Tang manage the Wang Conglomerate, don't I?"     

Daiyu blushed.     

"You're thinking too far!!!"     


Life went on as usual after that and Daiyu began taking in modelling jobs on the side. Liu Jin and Butler Tang helped her decide which jobs to take and accompanied her to her shoots. Soon it was finally time for Liu Jin's birthday.     

Daiyu placed a wooden table set in the garden and asked the gardeners to help her set up some wooden trellis. She then decorated them with string lights and some flowers as well.     

"Uncle Chang, is the food ready?" Daiyu asked as she peeked into the kitchen.     

"Yes. I'll deliver it to the garden when he arrives." The chef nodded with a smile.     

"Thanks, Uncle Chang!"     

Daiyu then left the kitchen and went to wait for Liu Jin's arrival. Soon, the familiar black car arrived and Liu Jin descended from it.     

"Jin!" Daiyu ran to welcome him.     

"Come here! Over here!" She excitedly pulled his hand and led him to the garden.     

She then sat him down on the wooden table set before getting up on a small stage, holding a guitar.     

"I… I made a song for you." She blushed, all her earlier confidence seemingly leaving her.     

He chuckled.     

"Go on, I want to hear it." He said with a smile.     

"Okay. But you can't laugh!"     

"I won't. I promise." He said.     

"Okay." She nodded.     

"Hold on, let me set up my cam."     

"… You'll record it?" She asked.     

"Of course." He nodded.     

"Okay, go." He said after he was ready.     

Daiyu paused and inhaled deeply. She closed her eyes for a brief second before opening them again and began strumming on her guitar.     

"I, I will always look forward     

To tomorrows with you.     

I, I can't wait to take this journey     

Through life, just us two.     

We've got a long long road ahead     

A thousand miles or maybe more.     

But every day I'll learn how to love     

You even more than before."     

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