I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

0After Zhihao's birthday, the teens returned back to their everyday academy life.      0

Now that it was February, the high school students were busy giving chocolates to their special someone for valentine's day. Of course, Liu Jin received a ton of gifts and Daiyu wasn't happy about it. She had never celebrated valentines with him before and it was her first time seeing him receive this much attention.     

"Xiao Yu…"     

Daiyu huffed and ignored him.     

The moment they arrived at the academy in the morning, Liu Jin had already been getting several sweets. And those shameless girls didn't even care that Daiyu was with him the entire time!     

Of course, Liu Jin tried his best to ignore them but they shoved the gifts onto his face and ran away giggling immediately.     

"Xiao Yu…" He pouted cutely but it was not working.     

Daiyu walked into her classroom without even saying goodbye and Liu Jin felt his heart clench. Not wanting to part with her in such a state, he followed her inside.     

"Xiao Yu…" He held her hand and intertwined their fingers before gently kissing her forehead.     

Daiyu's eyes widened. They were inside the classroom and everyone was watching!     

"Xiao Yu…" He prodded.     

Not wanting to further draw everyone's attention, she dragged him out of the classroom and into the back gardens.     

"Xiao Yu… don't be angry with me…"     

Daiyu looked at him and saw how adorably clingy he was being. She tried her best to suppress the smile that was threatening to bloom on her face.     

"Xiao Yu… I love you… only you…" He said as he hugged her tightly.     

Daiyu lost. A wide smile bloomed on her face and she hugged him back.     

"I love you too." She replied.     

"Don't be angry anymore, okay?" He peppered her face with light kisses and she giggled.     

"Okay." She smiled.     

Liu Jin lightly kissed her lips.     

"I love you…" He repeated.     

Daiyu nodded and rested her head on his chest. They stayed that way for a while before Liu Jin spoke.     

"Xiao Yu… let me kidnap you for today."     


Liu Jin smiled widely before holding her hand and dragging her away.     

"Where are we going?" She asked but he didn't reply.     


"… We're cutting class?"     

Liu Jin grinned and nodded.     

He brought Daiyu to the car and instructed the driver to bring them to the Liu Estate.     

"… Will we be okay?" She was worried. She had never cut class before.     

"Of course. I already sent mom a message and she said that we can spend valentines at home together today."     

Daiyu blinked.     


He chuckled and nodded.     

Soon, they arrived at the Liu Estate and Liu Jin brought her to his part of the house. He then led her to his room before shuffling through his closet.     

"Here, change into this." He said as he handed her his P.E. uniform before taking out a sweater for himself.     

Daiyu took the clothes from him and just as she was about to go inside the bathroom to change, she saw Liu Jin unbutton his top, revealing his bare torso.     

Daiyu blushed and quickly covered her face with her hands. Liu Jin, who saw her reaction, began to laugh.     

"Why are you acting shy?" He asked as he hugged her, still half naked.     

Daiyu shook her head, red to the ears. He leaned down and began kissing her hands.     

"Xiao Yu… you've seen me naked so many times before." He teased. "I've also seen you-URGH!"     

Daiyu kneed his groin in embarrassment before locking herself up in the bathroom.     

He laughed. He leaned onto the bathroom door and spoke.     

"Xiao Yu… are you inviting me for a bath?" He teased.     


He laughed heartily at her reply.     

"Alright. I won't tease you anymore. Come down once you've changed your clothes." He then wore his sweater before leaving the room, a smile still on his face.     

After calming her heart down, Daiyu proceeded to change her clothes. When she was done, she secretly crept downstairs, still embarrassed.     

She then saw Liu Jin in the kitchen, preparing something. Curious, she approached him, seemingly forgetting her earlier awkwardness.     

"What are you making?" She asked as she hugged him from behind.     

Liu Jin held her hand and brought it to his lips.     

"A meal for us. Since we'll get caught if we spend the day outside, I'm preparing a date for us at home."     

Daiyu giggled happily upon hearing his reply.     

"A date?" She asked.     


"Then I'll bake the cake!" She volunteered and he chuckled.     


With that, the two of them began preparing their meal together. Liu Jin prepared the main course while Daiyu prepared the desserts.     

While waiting for the cake to finish baking, Daiyu went out to the gardens to pick some flowers. She then decorated the table with them along with some candles.     

From the kitchen, Liu Jin watched as she fussed about, happily garnishing the room. He smiled.     

He then turned the stove off before approaching the shelf. He plugged his phone onto the speakers and began playing a slow song.     

"Hey pretty lady. Can I have this dance?"     

Daiyu turned towards him and laughed.     

"How cheesy can you get?" She asked with a bright smile.     

Liu Jin didn't reply but instead wrapped an arm around her waist and held her other hand. They then began slow dancing and Daiyu giggled.     

Liu Jin stared at her, lips slightly curved into a smile, his eyes full of warmth.     

"You're so beautiful."     

Daiyu giggled.     


"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."     


"I want to hurry up and marry you."     

Daiyu laughed heartily before tiptoeing and kissing the tip of his nose.     

"Then work hard for me, my handsome wolf!"     

Liu Jin chuckled and nodded.     

"I will."     


The two of them soon had their meal. After eating to their heart's content, they took a nap together.     

When Liu Jin woke up, he saw Daiyu painting the part of the wall where she had drawn the bunny and wolf.     

A new speech bubble was added and the wolf now said, 'A Daiyu a day, keeps Liu Jin okay.'     

He chuckled.     

He got up and took the paint brush from her hand before adding a speech bubble too. The bunny now said, 'I love Jin very much!'     

"That doesn't even rhyme!" Daiyu pouted.     

"Oh yeah?"     

Liu Jin added another sentence. Now it read 'I love Jin very much! I always dream of his touch!'     

"YOU PERVERT!" She began slapping his arm and he chuckled. She tried to grab the paintbrush from him but he stretched his arms away from her.     

"Erase it!"     



After valentine's day, everyone's attention shifted quickly. After all, it was almost time for the annual sports fest again.     

Liu Jin and Zhihao practiced football every afternoon while Daiyu and Ying Yue participated in their respective club activities as well.     

Ying Yue was part of the literature club and she partnered with Daiyu's home economics club to open up a library café for the festival. This time, they planned to dress up as famous book characters as they serve their customers coffee and tea.     

Daiyu was in charge of making most of their costumes as she was very skilled in sewing and Ying Yue helped her.     

Unbeknown to Daiyu, while she was working hard, the devil was working harder. Suyin was part of the cheerleading squad and she was already planning to go all out during Liu Jin's match. She had to make up for her lost opportunity during valentine's day because Liu Jin didn't show up and she wasn't able to give him her chocolates.     

As such, everyone was busy and the days flew by in the blink of an eye. Before long, it was finally the first day of the sports fest.     

Liu Jin and Zhihao had an opening match today so Daiyu and Ying Yue were in the bleachers, ready to support them.     

To start off the match, the cheerleading squad was scheduled to have an opening performance first.     

As such, the members began occupying the field and their routine began. The performance was great until the finale came about. All the team members except Suyin held up a sign that said Jin x Suyin.     

Of course, the audience was surprised but soon, everyone began cheering for the couple. Everyone thought that it was a planned confession from Liu Jin as Suyin was obviously surprised by the signs that her teammates were carrying.     

Up on the bleachers, Daiyu closed her eyes tightly as she clenched her fists. Her blood was boiling and she didn't know how long she could keep her calm. Just as she was about to stand up, Zhenzhen held her down.     

"Don't. Let your man do the talking."     

Daiyu looked at her, surprised. Ying Yue agreed with Zhenzhen and calmed Daiyu down.     

"Relax. Jin will handle this." She smiled.     

Daiyu paused before letting out a huge sigh. Would he really be able to take care of it?     

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