I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

2"I'm sorry." Daiyu giggled as she cupped Liu Jin's cheeks and peppered his face with light kisses.     

He pouted, still upset. She laughed upon seeing his sulking behavior.     

"It's not funny! What if it died?!"     

She laughed even harder.     

"I'm sorry okay? I'll make it up to you." She said as she kissed him again.     

He remained pouting.     

"… Then, what should I do to make you feel better?" She asked.     

Liu Jin paused to think.     

"I want a kiss!"     

She giggled and gently kissed his lips.     

"Not like that, I want a deep kiss." He pouted and Daiyu blushed.     

"But I… I don't know how…"     

Liu Jin nodded.     

"If you knew how, I'd be upset."     

She laughed at his answer.     

"You're supposed to learn from me." He said as he wrapped an arm around her waist.     

"Then how bout you? Where did you learn how to kiss deeply?"     

"The internet."     

She laughed.     

"Then please teach me well, master." She said with a slight blush.     

Liu Jin gulped.     

"What?" She asked when he wasn't replying.     

"It's up again."     

Daiyu immediately hit his chest.     

"I thought you said it was dead!"     

"Shouldn't you be glad it's alive?!"     

Daiyu buried her face onto her palms, red to the ears.     

Liu Jin, upon seeing her being shy, gently wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.     

"Xiao Yu… my kiss…" He reminded her.     

When she didn't reply, he gently pried her hands away. He saw her blushing face and chuckled.     

"So cute." He commented before gently kissing her forehead, then her nose, then her lips.     

He looked at her in the eye one more time before leaning down to kiss her again, this time, he deepened it. He kissed her over and over until he felt her relax. He pried her lips open and gently inserted his tongue.     

Daiyu's eyes widened before she closed them tightly.     

Liu Jin continued kissing her until she began panting. He lifted his head and saw her lightly blushing cheeks and glazed eyes. He smiled.     

"I love you…" He said before gently kissing her lips again.     

"I love you too…" She smiled.     

He planted a soft kiss on her forehead before hugging her tightly.     

"I'm always excited to be with you. But I'll wait till you're ready. I just hope you can give me kisses from time to time, mmm?"     

Daiyu paused before nodding.     


Liu Jin smiled widely before gently lowering her on the bed. With her head rested on his chest, he gently stroked her hair until she fell asleep.     


When morning came, they freshened up before going down to eat breakfast. Liu Jin was in a very good mood and he was all smiles.     

Meanwhile, Daiyu was still embarrassed from last night and tried her best to ignore eye contact with him. Liu Jin found it cute and giggled.     

Zhihao, who had been observing them, raised a brow. Just then, he tried to connect the dots and came to a conclusion, his eyes widening in horror.     


"What?! No!!!" Daiyu immediately denied it.     

"Hehe." Liu Jin giggled.     

"OH MY GOD! CALL THE POLICE!!! CALL THE POLICCEEEE!!!" Zhihao shouted in hysteria.     


It took a lot of convincing before Zhihao finally accepted Daiyu's explanation. He was grieving the entire time, saying that his daughter had been lured by a pedophile.     

For once, Liu Jin didn't try to defend himself. He was too busy being giddy over last night that he let Zhihao's imagination run wild.     

"Hehe. Xiao Yu was so cute… being so shy…"     

"STOP! YOU MONSTER!!!" Zhihao began shaking him but he just giggled happily in reply.     

"When I inserted it, she was so shy, she became red to the ears… hehe."     


"His tongue!" Daiyu tried to clear the misunderstanding.     


"In my mouth! Where else?!"     

"WHICH MOUTH?!!!"     


After spending a few more days at the Liu summer house, it was finally time for them to head back home. Daiyu and Lui Jin carved their names onto the tree once again with Liu Jin doing his annual countdown.     

"Three more years." He said, his eyes filled with determination.     

"Jin! Let's go!" Daiyu called from below the hill.     

"Right." He nodded towards her direction before looking back at the tree once more.     

He looked at all the years they spent together before smiling. Just then, he noticed the part where Daiyu had been carving their names alone. Beside each year was a short note.     

'Daiyu x Jin (represented by Zhihao for now).'     

He laughed and smiled.     

'That idiot.'     

"Jin! Hurry up!!!"     

Liu Jin hurriedly carved a short note before turning around and leaving with Daiyu.     

Beside Zhihao's note was written 'Thanks for being there for us since day one.'     


Before summer ended, the four teens visited the Wang rest house by the mountains.     

"Hey, how come we never go to the beach during summer?" Daiyu asked.     

Just then, Liu Jin immediately pictured Daiyu in a bikini. He gulped.     

"Then let's go. I'll take care of the planning." He volunteered.     

"Really?!" Daiyu looked at him, eyes sparkling with excitement.     

He chuckled and nodded.     

"Yay!!!" Daiyu jumped for joy and hugged him.     

"You're the best!" She said as she planted a soft kiss on his lips.     

She then turned around to look for Ying Yue.     

"Jiejie! Let's go shopping for beachwear!"     

Zhihao and Liu Jin's ears perked up at the same time. They looked at each other and nodded.     


After returning from the rest house, Daiyu and Ying Yue went to the mall to go shopping.     

"What kind of style are you looking for, Xiao Yu?" Ying Yue asked.     

"Mmm… I was hoping for a one-piece swimsuit since it'll cover more…" She blushed.     

"Why do you want to cover more? You have a great body. You should be confident and proud of it." Ying Yue smiled.     

"She's right!" A voice came out of nowhere.     

The two girls immediately looked behind them but there was no one. Behind one of the store's walls, Zhihao stood strangling Liu Jin with one hand while the other covered his mouth.     

Shrugging it off, the girls continued walking.     

"Then how bout you, jiejie? What style are you going for?"     

"I'm not sure… Maybe one with frills? I'm… I'm quite flat chested so…"     

"That's not true! Your body has the right proportions! You look really good!" Daiyu encouraged her.     


The two girls again looked towards the source of the voice but found no one there. They furrowed their brows, confused at what was happening.     

Meanwhile, Liu Jin held Zhihao in a chokehold behind a store's standee. After a while, both boys took a peek to see if the coast was clear. What greeted them were Daiyu and Ying Yue's angry faces. The boys gulped.     

"What are you doing here?!"     

"OUCH!!!" Zhihao yelped as Ying Yue pinched his ears.     

"X-Xiao Yu… you look beautiful today." Liu Jin smiled innocently.     

Daiyu huffed and stomped his foot as hard as she could.     

"URGH!" He groaned in pain.     

"So? Why are the two of you here?" Ying Yue asked.     

"W-wanted to help you choose a swimsuit." Liu Jin answered as he faced Daiyu with puppy eyes.     

Daiyu blushed. So cute.     

"Don't be fooled, Xiao Yu! He just wants to see you in a bikini!" Zhihao yelled.     

"You idiot! We're teammates right now!!!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth.     

Zhihao immediately covered his mouth upon realizing his mistake. Ying Yue rolled her eyes and continued pinching his ears.     


"So you perverts were stalking us?" She asked.     

Liu Jin nodded and looked down.     

"Sorry, Xiao Yu. I was wrong."     

Daiyu hesitated but her heart had been moved. Liu Jin was always like this. He never hesitated to admit his mistakes and to apologize for it.     

"… Fine. But you'll have to pay for our shopping spree today."     

Liu Jin immediately nodded. Spending for his girlfriend?! Not a problem!!!     

Daiyu smiled.     

"Okay. I forgive you." She then held his hand. She wanted to shop with him too.     

"Hehe." Liu Jin giggled. An angry Daiyu was cute, but a happy Daiyu was even cuter.     

"You are so whipped." Zhihao commented and Ying Yue nodded as both of them looked at Liu Jin with pity in their eyes.     

Liu Jin ignored them and happily went on with Daiyu.     

In the end, Daiyu bought a red polka dot one-piece swimsuit while Ying Yue bought an olive green bikini.     

Liu Jin bought a matching red swimming trunk while Zhihao insisted on buying… a pair of pink swim shorts with a unicorn tail.     


On the day of their trip, Liu Jin brought them to the beach where they rented a cottage. He brought his camera with him and took several photos of Daiyu and Ying Yue playing by the water.     

Meanwhile, Zhihao was busy fending off the men who wanted to hit on the girls. But with his pink shorts and unicorn tail, he wasn't doing a very good job.     

"Go away!" He growled.     

"Hey lil guy. Are you their little brother? I can be a good big bro for you!"     

"Who's a little brother?! My brother down there is no where near little!!!" He hissed.     

When the sun was about to set, the four of them took a stroll on the coast, their feet in the water.     

Liu Jin held Daiyu's hand as she gazed at the setting sun.     

"Xiao Yu." He called.     

"Mmm?" She asked as she faced him, a smile on her face.     

"I hope I can always end my day with you."     

Daiyu blushed before laughing heartily.     


The twins celebrated their birthday this year with a pool party. Everyone had fun while Butler Tang and Daiyu had their suntan session together.     

"Daiyu-jiejie! Mingli wants to help too!"     

"Oh? Okay. Come here." Daiyu then poured a little bit of tanning oil in his little hands and he helped Daiyu massage Butler Tang's back.     

"Uncle Tang has – has cool stickers on his body!" He commented and Daiyu laughed.     

"Those aren't stickers, Mingli, those are tattoos."     

Mingli paused, he didn't understand. Maybe tattoos were a cooler name for stickers.     

"Uncle Tang! Mingli will help you color your tattoos! If we add blue here, it will look cooler!"     

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