I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

1"Xiao Yu… if you keep hitting my precious jewels… they might break." Liu Jin groaned.     

"I-I'm sorry!" Daiyu panicked.     

"It's fine… as long as you don't break your word."     

Daiyu blushed and nodded. They were bound to take this road together anyway so she might as well do it at her own pace and slowly get used to it.     

Liu Jin smiled and pulled her closer to him with his left hand. He then gently kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her waist.     

"We won't do anything scary, okay?"     

Daiyu smiled and rested her head on his chest.     


"I love you…" He kissed her head.     

"Love you too…" She said as she gently pecked his lips.     


Meanwhile, Zhihao and Ying Yue sat together in the gardens of the Zheng Residences. Victoria had asked her to sleep over tonight because she wanted them to make up and fix whatever it was that was bothering them. Afterall, she didn't want them to end the day on bad terms.     

Zhihao fidgeted in his seat, trying to find the right words to say. Ying Yue sat patiently next to him as she waited for him to speak up.     

"… Xiao Yue." He called.     

She turned her head to face him.     

"… Sorry."     

Ying Yue nodded.     


"I was wrong."     


"I won't hide stuff from you anymore."     


'There's more?!'     

"You're beautiful."     

Ying Yue bit her lip, suppressing her smile.     


"I love you very much."     



She laughed before pausing with a smile on her lips.     

"Zhihao. I know you hid this from me because you didn't want me to worry. But the more I don't know, the more I worry. So from now on, please be more honest with me. You always make me laugh… but you know, you also have permission to make me cry, to make me angry, and to make me sad." She gently cupped his cheek.     

"I'll treasure everything you give me… so don't be stingy and share your life with me."     

Zhihao paused before his tears streamed down his face. He hugged her tightly, basking in her warmth.     

"I DO! I'LL MARRY YOU!"     

Ying Yue laughed and pinched his tummy.     

"I'm not proposing to you!"     


"I did not!!!"     


Ying Yue laughed as she hugged him back. She then rested her head on his chest with a smile on her face.     

"I love you… my precious little idiot."     

Zhihao laughed before peppering her face with kisses. She giggled.     

"I love you too, Xiao Yue." He replied as a beautiful smile bloomed on his face.     

"You won't regret your marriage proposal!!!"     

"I said I didn–     


The next day, Liu Jin was discharged from the hospital and he could finally return home. However, Nana didn't want him to attend classes yet so he stayed at home to rest.     

Meanwhile, Daiyu and Zhihao returned to the academy.     

Zhihao was officially transferred to Liu Jin and Ying Yue's class while the thirteen boys who were bullying him were expelled. The small but numerous acts of harassment committed against him counted as one major offense while the first fight constituted another. Finally, the fight against Liu Jin was the third and final offense that merited their expulsion.     

Of course, the trio did not get off scot free. For swearing and committing assault in front of the principal, Daiyu was sentenced to ten hours of community service. She did slap Wen Duyi's mom after all.     

For engaging in a fight, Zhihao and Liu Jin were each given twenty hours of community service. While they were supposed to suffer a week of suspension, the principal caved in after severe pressure from General Shen, the Lius, and even the Zhengs as well. As such, their sentence was reduced accordingly.     


Over in Italy, Wang Jing and Butler Tang were also informed of the incident. While the old man was against having any punishment inflicted on Daiyu, Daiyu herself had convinced him otherwise.     

"Grandpa… it's okay. I was wrong in the first place."     

"It's not wrong to stand up for your friends, Xiao Yu. Especially when the other person is in the wrong!"     

Daiyu giggled. Her grandfather had not gotten over his habit of spoiling her.     

"It's okay… I don't want other people to say that grandpa is misusing his influence on the academy."     

"Don't worry about what other people say!"     

Daiyu laughed before smiling.     

"Grandpa… Daiyu misses you… Come home soon! But not too soon. Make sure to enjoy your time with Uncle Tang as well. Also, buy lots of surprises for Daiyu!"     

Wang Jing chuckled.     

"Alright, alright. Here, Tang Yun wants to speak to you. He's been eyeing me ever since the conversation started."     

Daiyu laughed.     

"Xiao Yu…" Butler Tang's voice came from the other line.     

Daiyu smiled widely.     

"Uncle Taaaaang!"     


Back at the Liu Estate, the twins were busy tending to their Jin-gege. Early this morning, when Liu Jin finally arrived home, they pestered their mom saying that they wanted to stay home and take care of their brother. As such, the two of them skipped school and were currently busy feeding Liu Jin.     

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!" Meili held a spoon up to Liu Jin's lips and he obediently opened his mouth and took a bite.     

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!" Mingli also held a spoon up to his lip.     

Liu Jin hurriedly chewed and swallowed before opening his mouth again. The twins both wanted to feed him and neither were willing to share a bowl so right now, they were feeding Liu Jin twice the amount of food he usually ate.     

"Jin-gege, yummy?" Mingli asked and Liu Jin nodded.     

"Jin-gege, yummy?" Meili asked too and Liu Jin nodded again.     

From afar, Nana giggled as she watched her three children interact with each other.     

"Hun." Shuren called her as he descended from the stairs.     

Nana went up to him and helped him with his necktie. After she was done, he went over to Liu Jin.     

"Jin. How's your arm?" He asked as he ruffled Liu Jin's hair.     

"It's fine."     

"Does it hurt?"     

He shook his head.     

"Daddy go away!"     


"It's Meili and Mingli's turn with Jin-gege!" The twins huffed.     

"What do you mean it's your turn? I haven't even had mine." Shuren answered back as he raised a brow.     

"Daddy go awaaaaaay!"     


Nana giggled.     


After finishing her classes for the day, Daiyu headed over to the Liu Estate immediately.     

"Jin…" She knocked on his bedroom door but there was no reply.     

She knocked again but there was still no answer. She then gently pushed the door open and found him asleep. She smiled.     

She went over to his side and covered him properly with a blanket. Just then, she saw the cast around his arm.     

She grinned naughtily.     


About an hour later, Liu Jin woke up groggily from his nap. He then rubbed the sleep away from his eyes when something caught his attention.     

"Hehe." He giggled.     

His cast was now covered in kiss marks. Daiyu must have arrived home from class.     

He then got up from his bed to head down when he saw his little wolf stuffed toy on top of his bedside table. It had a cast on its arm now too and it was also covered in kiss marks. Beside it was the bunny he had sewn and it was wearing a little nurse uniform. There was also a note on its lap.     

'Pain pain go away! Daiyu will kiss the owie away!'     

He chuckled.     

He picked the bunny up and kissed it before returning it back beside the wolf.     

"Time to kiss the real one!"     


Upon arriving downstairs, he saw Daiyu in the kitchen with an apron on. His first instinct was to grab his camera but he was reminded of his broken arm.     

"Tsk." He then settled for his phone instead.     

While the quality would be lower, he still didn't want to miss out on this memory.     

After he was satisfied with his snaps, he returned his phone back inside his pocket and approached her. He then wrapped his left arm around her waist before kissing her nape.     

"What are you making?"     

Daiyu turned her head and gently kissed his cheek.     

"Dinner for you."     

Liu Jin turned around to look at the table and saw that it was full of his favorite food.     

"Hehe." He smiled widely and rested his head on her shoulders.     

They stayed that way until Daiyu finished preparing their meal. That night as well, Daiyu spoon fed him.     


"You staying over tonight?" He asked as Daiyu helped him wrap plastic around his cast. He was about to go bathe.     

Daiyu blushed and nodded.     

Liu Jin gulped. He was going to finish his bath quickly!     

As such, after Daiyu was done preparing him, he immediately went to bathe. When he came out, he waited for her in bed as it was her turn to take a bath.     

Minutes felt like hours as he stared at the bathroom door. He was both excited and nervous.     

Soon, the door opened and Daiyu peeked her head out. They stared at each other for a while before she blushed.     

He chuckled and extended his arm, beckoning her.     

Daiyu hesitated a bit before walking over to his side. She was wearing his shirt which looked oversized on her.     

She got into bed and crawled her way to him before sitting on his lap as he wrapped his arm around her waist.     


Daiyu paused and nodded.     

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