I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

0After Daiyu and Liu Jin's wedding, they spent half a month abroad for their honeymoon. Wang Jing had booked them a private resort and Liu Jin savored each night with Daiyu.      2

Of course, it was no surprise when news came out that Daiyu was pregnant three months after. At that time, Ying Yue was already four months pregnant as well. This time, it was Daiyu's turn to be heavily pampered by the family.     

Although Liu Jin often made fun of Zhihao back when Ying Yue was pregnant with the triplets, right now, he was even more nervous than Zhihao. Under Zhihao's guidance, the two idiots renovated the Wang Mansion and made it baby-proof.     

"We need more mats here." Zhihao instructed.     

"Huh? Isn't this enough? I doubt she'll walk in the garden barefooted." Liu Jin scratched his head.     

"That's the point! Accidents happen when you least expect it!"     

Liu Jin paused and nodded in agreement. As such, the two of them spent the entire afternoon placing nonslip mats all over the garden.     

"What on earth are you two doing?!" Daiyu complained after seeing the now ugly garden.     

"Stay inside babe, it's cold here."     

"Xiao Nuan! Xiao Nuan please take Xiao Yu away!" Zhihao instructed.     

"Wait!" Daiyu struggled but ultimately lost as the Xiao twins dragged her back inside the mansion.     

Of course, Tang Yun did not lose out either. He took over all of Daiyu's work at the company and refused to let her touch any files whatsoever. Wang Jing, on the other hand, visited Daiyu every night and read bedtime stories for the baby.     

"Grandpa… are you excited?" Daiyu asked.     

"Of course! My great granddaughter will be really cute. Just you wait and see!"     

Daiyu giggled.     

"What if she looks like Jin?"     

Wang Jing flinched upon imagining a baby Liu Jin with long hair and a stiff face.     

"Don't jinx it!" He complained angrily and Daiyu couldn't help but laugh.     

Aside from nervousness, Liu Jin had to suffer from heavy psychological pressure too. You see, during Daiyu's pregnancy, she often unconsciously sought out Liu Jin's attention. She was so attached and dependent on him that Liu Jin had to hold himself back every night. Moreover, Daiyu's body was particularly soft. Whenever his innate perverted demon comes alive at night, he had to take cold showers to forcefully calm himself down.     

"Jin? This is your third shower tonight… come out already." Daiyu pouted from outside the bathroom door.     

"Just a bit more." He answered from inside.     

"But I'm lonely… and it's cold without you… keep me warm?"     

Liu Jin bit his fist and turned the showerhead on to the max. He chanted the mantras Zhihao taught him over and over again in his mind.     

The following year, Ying Yue gave birth to a baby girl. Zhihao wanted to name her Ying Yue 1 but of course, everyone rejected him. As such, the baby girl was named Yawen.     

A month after, Daiyu gave birth as well. When the delivery room's light turned off and the doctor came out, he announced the birth of a beautiful baby girl. Liu Jin immediately rushed inside the room and held Daiyu's hands. Soon, the nurse approached him and gently laid the child in his arms. He stared at the baby for the first time and he could not help but cry.     

"Yanyu… Yanyu… Daddy is here…"     

Daiyu watched in silence, her own tears falling. When was the last time she saw him cry? But look at him now. He looks so vulnerable… but she knew he would become the strongest father for their baby girl.     

"Xiao Yu… you gave me such a wonderful gift…" He sobbed. "The greatest treasure of my life…"     

Daiyu let out a laugh mixed in with her sob.     

"What are you saying? I'm your greatest treasure!" She complained and he laughed.     

As Yanyu grew up, she was spoiled to bits by everyone. Fortunately, Yanyu looked exactly like baby Daiyu. She was chubby, bubbly, and happy. She even had the same funny way of talking too. But she definitely inherited Liu Jin's cunning side.     

"Mommy can – can Yanyu have more cookies please?" Yanyu asked, her big bright eyes sparkling.     

"No. The doctor said you need to cut back on sugars now." Daiyu answered strictly.     

Yanyu pouted. Still, unwilling to give up, she approached Liu Jin next.     

"Daddy, can Yanyu have cookies?" She asked, tilting her head to one side.     

Liu Jin picked her up. He peppered her tiny face with kisses and she giggled happily.     

"Sorry baby. Listen to mommy, okay?"     

Yanyu frowned. She knew she can't win against her mom in her dad's heart! As such, she ran to Tang Yun next.     

"Grandpaw! Mommy and daddy are big bullies! Yanyu wants more – more cookies. Yanyu will brush her teeth. Give Yanyu more cookies please?" She begged, her big eyes teary.     

Tang Yun sighed.     

"Don't tell mommy. Okay?"     

"Owkay! Yanyu pwomises!" She said as she raised her chubby pinky. She knew that grandpaw would always be on her side!     

After taking a cookie from Tang Yun. She ran to Wang Jing next.     

"Graaaaandpaaaw Jing Jing! Yanyu is here to play!" She giggled happily.     

Wang Jing happily picked her up.     

"What should we play, Yan'er?" He said as he sat her down onto his lap.     

"Let's have a tea party, grandpaw Jing Jing! Then – then we can eat cookies together!" She said, a glint flashing across her eyes. More cookies for Yanyu!     


Over at the Zheng Residences, everyone spoiled Yawen too. But she had Ying Yue's temperament and wasn't as bubbly as Yanyu. Instead, she was sassy like her mom and her big brothers were often scared of her.     

"Mom! I want to visit Yan'er." Yawen said as she held the hem of Ying Yue's skirt. The two girls were naturally close to each other and became best friends.     

"Alright. I'll drive you there." Ying Yue agreed. On Fridays, the gang often meets up at the Wang Mansion to have dinner. While everyone was busy and they weren't always complete, they had a tacit agreement to show up every Friday. Of course, they brought their children along with them too.     

"Me too!"     

"I want to see Yan'er too!"     

"Me too!" The triplets chimed in. They were particularly fond of the bubbly Yanyu.     

Yawen sighed.     

"Mom, can we not take my brothers along?" She complained.     

"Why?" Ying Yue raised a brow.     

"They're very embarrassing and they don't know how to talk to girls. I feel like they won't get girlfriends when they grow up." Yawen sighed again and shook her head.     

Ying Yue laughed heartily. It was true. The triplets really liked Yanyu. But like Zhihao, they often stuttered when they talked to her. Still, one of them was a little bit different from the others.      

Of the three demons, Zihan, the eldest, was the perfect mix of Zhihao and Ying Yue. He was cheerful and funny on the outside but smart like Ying Yue on the inside. One can even say that he was a little black-bellied.     

One time, Ying Yue managed to eavesdrop on Zihan's conversation with Yanyu.     

"Yanyu. When you grow up, you have to marry me, okay?" Zihan asked as he smiled sweetly at the little girl in front of him.     

Yanyu tilted her head to one side innocently.     

"Why?" She asked.     

"Because I like you. Do you like me too?"     

Yanyu paused before nodding her head.     

"Yanyu likes you, Zihan-gege." She smiled, her chubby cheeks raising.     

"That's great." He hugged her gently.     

"Then promise me that you'll marry me?" He asked as he raised his pinky.     

Yanyu hooked her pinky onto his and nodded.     


Zihan smiled, a glint flashing across his eyes.     

"Don't tell anyone about what we just talked about, okay? Specially to your daddy. You can't tell Uncle Jin."     

"Why?" Yanyu pouted cutely.     

"Because it's our secret. Secrets are fun only if you keep them between the two of us."     

Yanyu didn't understand what he meant but she nodded anyways.     

"Owkay!" She agreed.     

"Then Yanyu, you can't like anyone else but me from now on. Okay?"     

"Why?!" Yanyu asked, aggrieved.     

"Because I'll be jealous."     

Yanyu frowned.     

"Yanyu – Yanyu doesn't know what jealous is!"     

"It means, I'll be sad. Yanyu doesn't want to make her Zihan-gege sad, right?"     

Yanyu paused and nodded.     

"Then Yanyu can only like me." Zihan said as he tried to convince her.     

"Then – then Zihan-gege must work hard too!"     


"Mom said that – that boys have to work hard to make girls like them. Like daddy! Daddy works hard to keep mommy – mommy in love with him. Because – cause feelings alone are not… are not…" She paused, trying to remember her mother's words.     

"Are not enough to keep welationships going!" She smiled brightly, finally remembering the advice.     

Zihan paused and nodded.     

"Okay. I'll work hard for you, Yanyu."     

Yanyu giggled happily and hugged her Zihan-gege.     

"Yanyu will give Zihan-gege her first kiss!" She excitedly claimed.     


"Yes! But – but not now."     

"W-When?" Zihan asked excitedly.     

"When Yanyu's boobs grow bigger."     


On the other side of the wall, Ying Yue bit her lip, suppressing her laugh. In her heart, she secretly apologized to Liu Jin.     

'Sorry Jin. Looks like my son will trouble you in the future.'     

"Xiao Yue? What are you doing there?" Zhihao asked.     

Ying Yue placed a finger against her lips, motioning for him to keep quiet.     

"W-What's going on?" Zhihao whispered.     

"Looks like your dream of becoming in-laws with Liu Jin won't be far off." She lightly chuckled.     


"Let's go. Your son is on a date right now."     

"What?! Which son?! Which demon is flirting behind my back?!"     

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