I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

2When Liu Jin saw Suyin's stunt, his eyes darkened in rage.      2

"Woah! Calm down, Jin." Zhihao immediately held him down.     

Liu Jin closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He opened his eyes, stood up, and approached the captain of the team.     

"I'm not playing today."     

"Huh?" The captain was bewildered.     

"I'm leaving."     

With that, he turned around and began walking away.     

"Jin??? Hold up!" The captain ran after him.     

"Well, guess I'm not playing today too." Zhihao stood up and started walking away with Liu Jin.     

"Wait! Come on you guys, it's no time to be joking!" The captain started panicking. These two were their best players!     

"Well, tell that to the annoying cheerleader over there. If she wants to cheer for her non-existent relationship with Jin, then she can go find a non-existent Jin too." Zhihao answered.     

With that, he swung an arm around Liu Jin's shoulder and walked away.     

"So what's the plan?" He asked with a wide grin.     

Liu Jin chuckled upon seeing Zhihao's mischievous face.     


The football match soon begun but there was no sight of either Zhihao or Liu Jin.     

"What's going on?" Daiyu asked, worried.     

"I'm not sure…" Ying Yue replied.     

She then took out her phone and sent Zhihao a message that read 'Where are you?'     

Zhihao replied with 'In your heart *wink wink*'     

Ying Yue bit her lip, trying to suppress her laugh.     

'I'm serious!'     

'I'm with Jin. We staged a walkout hehe.'     

'… You're not playing???'     

'Nope! Are you with Xiao Yu? How is she?'     

'I am. She's pretty upset right now.'     

'Tell her to meet us at the back gardens! Come with her too. You don't wanna miss this show!'     

Ying Yue rolled her eyes.     

"Xiao Yu, Jin's calling for you."     

"Huh? Where?"     

"He said to meet at the back gardens."     

Daiyu paused to think.     

"Go. If that Suyin bitch causes anymore ruckus, I'll handle her." Zhenzhen urged her.     

Daiyu looked at her and laughed.     


 Zhenzhen huffed proudly and looked away.     

Daiyu then stood up and headed for where Liu Jin was. Before following Daiyu, Ying Yue approached Zhenzhen and they talked for a bit.     


Upon arriving at the back gardens, Daiyu saw that Liu Jin was on his phone.     

"What's going on?" She asked Zhihao.     

"Wait a bit Xiao Yu. He's still getting a long lecture right now."     


Zhihao laughed and nodded.     

Not quite understanding what was going on, Daiyu decided to just sit and wait.     

After around twenty minutes of waiting, the call finally ended and Liu Jin stood up. He walked towards Daiyu with a smile.     

"Jin, what's going on?" She asked.     

He sat beside her and held her hand.     

"I talked to your grandfather… and with Uncle Tang as well."     

"About what?"     

"About our engagement." He smiled.     

Daiyu's eyes widened.     

"… But I'm still too young."     

"I know. That's why it's only a temporary thing for now. We'll have official talks and what not when you're ready. I just… want you to know that I'm really serious about you." He looked at her, eyes filled with sincerity.     

"… No promises." Daiyu replied.     

He laughed and smiled.     

"Sure. I'll wait. You can take as long as you want."     

"… What if you wait and I end up saying no?"     

"That's not possible. I'll work really hard to make you love me. I won't force you, but I'll work hard to convince you."     

"And if I still say no?"     

He paused and looked away.     

"… I'm sorry, Xiao Yu. I can give you anything and everything you want… But the one thing I can't give you… is your freedom."     

Daiyu was stunned. She had never seen this side of him before and a part of her heart was gripped with fear for this unfamiliar man.     

"Scared?" He smiled bitterly at her.     

"Your Jin-gege is this sort of man. I try to hide it… but I… I'm selfish, jealous… and possessive." He looked down and sighed, bracing himself for her reply.     

After a long pause, Daiyu finally spoke.     

"Then don't hide it. Don't try to hide it anymore."     

"… Huh?"     

"Just be you. Let me learn to love the real you."     

Liu Jin faced her, eyes full of worry.     

"… But what if you never do?"     

"Didn't you say you'll work hard to convince me?" She smiled and his hand.     

"We'll work on this together. The parts we need to change, we'll change together. We'll both learn how to become a better person."     

Liu Jin breathed in deeply, his eyes already teary.     

"You're the best." He said as he hugged her tightly, his tears streaming down freely.     

Daiyu hugged him back before cupping his cheeks with her hands.     

"Promise me that you'll be more honest from now on?"     

He nodded before wiping his tears away. She giggled and kissed each of his eyelids.     

"Let me know more about you. I only know of your good sides right now. I want to know everything. Okay?"     

He nodded and pouted cutely. She laughed before peppering his face with light kisses.     

Zhihao, who had left earlier to buy a drink for Ying Yue, saw Liu Jin and Daiyu hugging tightly.     

"What's happening??? I want to join too!!!" He handed the juice over before joining the hug as well.     

"Go away!!!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth.     


Ying Yue laughed before sending a message to Zhenzhen.     


The four teens stayed in the back gardens for a long time. They chatted and joked around, just taking their time to relax.     

Meanwhile, the entire school was already in an uproar.     

Ying Yue had sent Zhenzhen a video of a teary Liu Jin talking to Daiyu. The video had no audio so it was open to interpretation. Zhenzhen in turn posted the video on the forums with the caption 'Look how much hurt you've caused.'     

Of course, Zhenzhen's posse backed her up.     

'So that's why he wasn't in the match. He was trying to fix the mess that S***n caused.'     

'I bet that wannabe staged that fake confession to use the crowd to pressure him.'     

Soon, the forums were filled with Liu Jin's fans who were heartbroken upon seeing him cry. They channeled their hurt into anger against Suyin and began dragging her through the dirt.     

"Hey Zhenzhen. Just so we're clear, are we friends with Daiyu now?" One of her friends asked.     

"… Not really." She denied but the slight blush on her face betrayed her answer.     

Her friends secretly giggled. Zhenzhen was so cute.     


After a while, Zhihao finally caught wind of the online war happening.     

"Whoah. Zhenzhen's on our side!!! Xiao Yu, look!!!"     

Daiyu laughed and took his phone. Her eyes widened.     



"Let me see." Liu Jin took the phone too.     

Upon seeing the video, he raised a brow. Who took that? He slowly turned to face Ying Yue and saw her smiling. He chuckled.     


"No prob." She replied.     

"Mmm? What's going on?" Daiyu asked.     

Liu Jin smiled but didn't answer.     

'Silent girls are really scary.'     

"Nothing. Let's just hope Zhihao doesn't commit a blunder in the future."     


'Otherwise, Ying Yue will finish him smoothly.'     

"But why is she on our side?" Zhihao asked.     

"… I think it has something to do with Yan Yan."     

"Yan Yan? That Zhou Yan guy?"     

Daiyu nodded.     

"After the two got into a relationship, she's began to mellow down. He's a good influence on her."     

"Wait! They got together?! Someone actually likes her???"     

Ying Yue slapped the back of his head and Daiyu laughed.     

"Oh! Come to think of it, maybe they got together because of me." Daiyu began to ponder.     

"What do you mean?" Liu Jin asked.     

"It's a secret!" Daiyu giggled naughtily.     

Memories began flooding her mind and she started reminiscing about the past.     

"Zhenzhen, why don't you like Yan Yan?"     


"You keep trying to take my Jin-gege away but he's Daiyu's! Why don't you go for Yan Yan instead?" Daiyu asked, her chubby cheeks raising every time she talked.     

"Who would want him?! Listen Daiyu, smart girls aim for older boys! Like Jin!" Zhenzhen replied.     

"But Yan Yan likes you too, Zhenzhen."     

"… Really?"     

Daiyu nodded.     

"Wait here!"     

Daiyu then ran to Zhou Yan and held his hand.     

"Yan Yan, Zhenzhen is lonely. Can you play with her?"     

"O-okay, Daiyu." He blushed. He liked it whenever Daiyu held his hand.     

Daiyu smiled widely and pulled him towards Zhenzhen.     

"Zhenzhen! Yan Yan is hereeeee!"     

Zhenzhen blushed.     

'He really likes me?!'     

Daiyu watched as the two children began interacting.     

"Xiao Yu, does Yan Yan really like Zhenzhen?" Chunhua asked.     

"Nope!" Daiyu giggled naughtily. "Now Zhenzhen will leave my Jin-gege alone!"     

"Wah! Xiao Yu is a naughty girl!"     

"Bleh!" Daiyu stuck her tongue out and they both laughed.     


The rest of the sports fest continued on peacefully for Daiyu's side. Meanwhile, things were not as good for Suyin. Not only were the girls angry at her for 'making Liu Jin cry,' they were also angry that she tried to fake a relationship between them.     

"Remember those photos in the forums months back? I bet she staged those too."     

"Of course she did." Zhenzhen's voice rang across the hall.     

"Besides, just look at her! Sure she's pretty, but is she really prettier than Daiyu?!"     

Zhihao watched as Zhenzhen started converting minions over to her side. He flashed her a thumbs up and a wide grin.     

"Daiyu's boobs are enough to overshadow her!" She continued.     

Daiyu immediately blushed and Liu Jin nodded vigorously.     

"Why are you agreeing with her?!"     

"Daiyu's boobs are the best!"     



The sports fest soon ended and their academy life continued. After staging the walkout during their match, Liu Jin and Zhihao were kicked out of the football club. As such, Liu Jin joined Daiyu in the home economics club while Zhihao founded the going home club.     

Daiyu giggled as she watched Liu Jin baking with a frilly apron on.     

"What's so funny?" He pouted and she laughed.     

"You're so cute!" She pinched his cheeks.     

After their talk, Liu Jin had been more honest with his feelings. He openly showed it whenever he was jealous or angry and he acted more spoiled too. He was needier and clingier than she originally thought.     

"Like a baby!"     

"Who's a baby?!" He frowned, his brows furrowed.     

"You are. My jealous, pouty, spoiled baby!"     

"Oh yeah? Well I'm not like a baby down there-UGH!"     


Much more perverted too!     

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