I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 24

Chapter 24


Monday came and it had officially been a month since Daiyu's arrival at the Wang Mansion. Today was the start of Daiyu's private lessons with Liu Jin's tutor and also the start of her etiquette lessons.


Aside from her teachers, there were also other guests at the moment, so the mansion was quite busy. Wang Jing had called for an architect because he wanted to renovate the entire mansion. He wanted a child-friendly environment for Daiyu to grow up in and he also wanted to redecorate her room.

"Did you take note of what Ah Jin said?"

"Yes, Master Wang. We had taken pictures of the café as reference."


He had also hired new gardeners to fix the western gardens. He noticed that Daiyu loved watching the garden from the breakfast lounge every morning so he wanted them filled with beautiful flowers.

Aside from this, Wang Jing had also called for the academy's principal. He had a long talk with him about Daiyu's entrance and stay at the academy and he made sure to emphasize the fact that he was very willing to invest in the institution's projects if they took good care of her.

Of course, the principal was not aware of Xia Xiulan or her previous stay at the academy. When Xiulan entered the academy, Wang Jing had simply asked Butler Tang to process her papers without him having to show up personally. While Wang Jing had accepted her in the past, a part of him was still reluctant. As such, he had always kept her existence a secret from society.

Finally, Wang Jing had also called for event planners. Daiyu's sixth birthday was coming up and he wanted to hold a grand celebration for her.

"Take care of the guest list for me. You should know who to invite."

Butler Tang nodded. He knew that the old man wanted to filter out Daiyu's friends from this early on. If they introduced her to the right people, they could avoid unnecessary headaches in the future.


Meanwhile, a man in his late fifties sat inside a black luxury car from Davison's latest line of high-end models. The car drove up to large wooden gates that opened to reveal an enormous eastern residence.

The entire estate had earthy tones of wood, clay, and bamboo. The scent of sandalwood wafted through the air and the serene sound of water flowing through the koi ponds played in the background.

"Welcome back, old master Liu." Butler Shao bowed as the man stepped out of the car.

Liu Honghui nodded in acknowledgment.

"Father!" A coquettish voice called out to him and he instantly frowned.

Lanfen stood at the door wearing a red maxi dress with a deep V collar, showing off her generous cleavage.

"Has Shuren returned?" He asked Butler Shao, ignoring the woman completely.

"The master has –

"Shuren is still in Germany. He'll be back in two weeks." The woman replied.

Liu Honghui's frown deepened.

"Shall I prepare tea for you, father?" She offered.

"No need. How about Ah Jin?" He turned his head to face Butler Shao.

"The Young Master is still at the Wang residence."

Liu Honghui raised a brow.

"He's still there?"


'Right. That old man recently found his granddaughter.' Liu Honghui remembered. Just then, an idea came to his mind and he smiled mischievously.

"I won't be home for dinner tonight." He instructed.

Butler Shao bowed as Liu Jonghui re-entered the Liu family car. He instructed the driver to head for the Wang Mansion and the car drove off.

Lanfen gritted her teeth. Her father-in-law had always ignored her! Storming back into the residence, she called for a maid to prepare her a glass of juice.


While Lanfen sat on the sofa waiting for the maid, she thought back to Liu Honghui and Butler Shao's conversation.

'That brat has been staying at the Wang Mansion? No wonder I haven't seen him lately.'

Liu Jin had always avoided her and she never went out of her way to look for him either. In fact, she was planning to get rid of him sooner or later. However, right now, she was still busy trying to gain Liu Honghui's approval. That old man was too fixated on Nana!

Soon, a maid arrived with a glass of juice.

"How long has Ah Jin been gone?" She asked.

"The Young Master has been away for two weeks."

"Two weeks? What has he been doing for two weeks?" Lanfen raised a brow.

"Master Wang had requested his presence. Just recently, Master Wang's missing granddaughter had finally been found. She had gone missing some three years back. I heard that the child was close to the Young Master's age. As such, Master Wang wanted the Young Master to help her adjust to her new lifestyle." The maid answered.

'… Wang Jing has a granddaughter?' She thought as she took a sip of her juice.

Just then, Liu Honghui's mischievous smile from earlier flashed before her eyes.

'Is he trying to set them up together?!'

"No!" She threw the glass of juice across the room in a fit of rage. The maid jumped, startled by her action.

"I-is there something wrong with the drink, madam? Shall I replace it for you?" The maid nervously inquired.

"Get the car ready." Lanfen gritted her teeth.

If an engagement between both children were to be agreed upon, then the standing of her future children with Shuren would be in danger!

Liu Honghui hated her enough as it is. If Liu Jin manages to get Wang Jing's approval, then Liu Honghui would only dote on that brat even more!

She had to change her plans.

She had to get rid of Liu Jin as soon as possible!

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