I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 11

Chapter 11


Nana and Shuren prepared to leave for Germany the next day. However, before they left, Nana had asked Shuren to keep Liu Jin away from Lanfen. She was afraid that the woman would hurt him while they were away.1

"Why don't I stay with grandfather while you're on your trip?" Liu Jin suggested.

"No. He's not home right now. He'll be back in two weeks." Shuren replied.

"Then can I stay with Elder Wang?"

"… Elder Wang?" Shuren raised a brow.

Liu Jin nodded.

"I heard he recently found his granddaughter. She's near my age. I can keep her company. Besides, the Wang Mansion is really near the Liu Estate too."

Shuren looked at him in doubt. Why was the brat suddenly volunteering to look after Wang Jing's granddaughter when he has never met her before? Besides, how did he know that the Wangs have found her?

Meanwhile, a light bulb popped inside Nana's head.

'Is she my baby's crush?' She giggled.

"That's a great idea! I'm sure Uncle Wang would want a friend for his granddaughter too." Nana hooked her arm into Shuren's and looked up to him with big bright eyes.

"Alright." Shuren agreed in a heartbeat.

Liu Jin giggled inwardly.

'Having mom on my side sure is overkill.'


"Master Wang, Liu Shuren is on the phone." Butler Tang informed Wang Jing who was currently having tea with Daiyu.

She was lying on the floor with crayons sprawled in front of her, drawing a card for her grandfather.

"Shuren?" Wang Jing raised a brow.

Butler Tang nodded.

The Wangs and the Lius had deep rooted ties. Wang Jing was Liu Honghui's best friend. While Wang Fengge and Lui Shuren weren't as close as their fathers were, Wang Jing had always acted as a godparent to both Shuren and Nana.

Wang Jing stretched out his hand and Butler Tang handed the phone over to him.


"Uncle Wang, I've called to ask you a favor."

"A favor?"

"Yes. Nana and I are getting back together."

Wang Jing's eyes widened.

"That's great!" He had always been against their divorce. He hated Lanfen. She reminded him too much of Qiaoling.

"Yes. We're about to leave for Germany right now. However, my son is left without company. Father is currently away and I don't think it's wise to leave him with his stepmother. We're calling to ask if you could take him in for a while. Nana thought that your granddaughter could use some company too."

"… Send him over." Wang Jing replied.

"Thank you, uncle."

"Mmm. Leave your son to me. Go and make up with Nana. Don't associate with that Kang woman anymore. She will bring you no good."

"Yes. I understand."

"Good. Now go. Your son will be safe here with me."

"Thank you." With that, the phone call ended.

"Tang Yun, prepare a guest room for Shuren's son. He'll be staying with us for a while."

"Right away, Master Wang." Butler Tang bowed and left the room.

Wang Jing turned his head towards Daiyu.

"Xiao Yu, come here."

Daiyu got up and trotted over to Wang Jing's side obediently.

"Later on, a friend will be coming over."

"A friend?" Daiyu's eyes widened with excitement.

"Mmm. He'll be your big brother. Be good to him okay?"

Daiyu nodded.

"Owkay, grandpaw!"


Liu Jin sat inside the Liu family car.

"Butler Shao, dad and mom are getting back together."

Butler Shao, who had tagged along, looked at him with surprise.

"That's great!"

Liu Jin nodded.

"Dad found out that Lanfen had caused his divorce with mom. She had also been threatening mom and harassing her. Dad's really angry. I don't think he'd be satisfied with a divorce alone."

Butler Shao nodded.

"But dad said that Lanfen isn't working alone. So before he finds out who his enemies are, he has to keep me and mom safe. That's why I'll be staying with the Wangs for now."

Butler Shao nodded again. As expected of Shuren. He was very detailed in his plans.

"Butler Shao, while you're alone in the estate, you have to be careful. Grandfather isn't home and no one will protect you."

Butler Shao smiled and patted his head.

"I will be alright. I am tougher than you think, young master."

Liu Jin smiled. He really liked Butler Shao. Even in his past life, he had always treated Butler Shao as a second father to him.

"Please help my father get rid of her."

"Of course. I would have done that even without you asking."

Liu Jin smiled.

"Thank you." Liu Jin then hugged him tightly.

Butler Shao's eyes widened.

'My! The young master is being adorable!' He quickly hugged him back.

"Butler Shao… thank you."

In his past life, when he was kidnapped by Lanfen's men, it was Butler Shao who tried to save him. The man didn't wait for Shuren's instructions nor did he wait for the police. He had simply gone to find Liu Jin even when he knew that it was dangerous to go by himself.

However, when he found the child, it was already too late. Lanfen's men had slit Liu Jin's throat, letting him bleed to death slowly. Liu Jin couldn't shout for help. He couldn't even thank Butler Shao when he found him. He could only watch as the man cried and tried to bring him to safety.

'This time… It'll be different this time.'

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