I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


Liu Jin watched intently as Daiyu ate her desserts. He loved the way her eyes sparkled and how her expression would change from excitement, to shock, to bliss, and then to sadness whenever she finished her plate.1

He smiled and gently tucked away a stray hair behind her ear.

"Why don't you just take a picture? The way you're looking at her makes me think that you want to start an observation diary about her growth or something." Zhihao broke Liu Jin's reverie with his sarcasm.

"… You're right." Liu Jin's eyes glistened.

"No man! Don't do it!" Zhihao cringed.

"Let's go buy a camera." Liu Jin resolutely stated.

"Fuuuucccck no!" Zhihao buried his face on his palm and sighed.

It was too late. Liu Jin was decided.


Daiyu watched as Liu Jin played with his new camera with bright eyes. She smiled happily. Her Jin-gege was happy. So Daiyu was happy too!

Only Zhihao was unhappy.

"Are you seriously going to do this?"

Liu Jin nodded without hesitation.

"Then what? Are you going to buy an album to store her pictures next?"

Liu Jin's eyes glistened.

"Awwwwww no! No, no, no!"

"Let's go."

"Fuuuuuuuck! Me and my stupid mouth!"


Liu Jin bought himself the albums as promised. To appease the grumpy Zhihao, he accompanied the boy to the toy shop to buy some video games.

"Hey, hey! Can I sleep over tonight?" Zhihao asked.

"Sleep over?" Liu Jin raised a brow.

"Yeah. It's Sunday tomorrow. We can stay up late playing games tonight!" He excitedly suggested.

"… No. I've had enough of your face for today." Liu Jin declined with a frown.

"Awww come on man!"

"Zhihao-gege! Sleep over!" Daiyu's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"See! Even Daiyu agrees!"

"… Fine. But let's ask the old man first."


To Liu Jin's chagrin, Wang Jing agreed to the proposition.

In fact, the old man was quite impressed with Liu Jin. The Zheng's were not active in the social circle because they preferred to keep to themselves. To have the Zheng heir as a good friend was quite an asset and his opinion of Liu Jin was raised even higher.

At the dinner table, the old man watched as the three children ate heartily. Liu Jin would scoop food onto Daiyu's plate and Zhihao would sneakily take them onto his own plate instead.

He chuckled.

"The mansion hasn't been this lively in a long while…" He muttered unconsciously.

Butler Tang smiled and nodded.

"Xiao Yu, did you have fun today?" The old man asked.

Daiyu nodded vigorously. She recounted today's events excitedly, her hands moving about as she tried to explain everything she saw, heard, tasted, and felt.

Wang Jing smiled at her warmly as he listened.

"And – and Jin-gege bought a camwa!"


"A camwa!"

"A camera." Liu Jin explained for her.

Daiyu then showed her grandfather the pictures Liu Jin took of her. The camera was a little heavy for the boy so his hands were a bit shaky. Nevertheless, the pictures came out pretty well and they managed to capture Daiyu's adorable smile in each photo. There were pictures of them at the arcade, at the bookstore, and a really blurry one of Liu Jin and Zhihao bickering. Wang Jing chuckled. He could easily tell that Daiyu must have taken that one.

Then, there was a close up shot of Daiyu. She had her arms stretched towards the camera while laughing, her eyes full of warmth. Liu Jin had called for her and she had ran towards him excitedly.

"Can I have this one?"

Liu Jin nodded. He liked that picture too. But he could always take more. He was going to spend a lifetime with her anyway.

Wang Jing smiled before pocketing the photo away.


After dinner, the three children went to bathe. Liu Jin arranged for Zhihao to bathe in his room before running off to bathe with Daiyu. He knew that the bastard would call him a pedo again so he decided to stay quiet about it.

After their bath, the two boys sat inside Liu Jin's room playing video games.

Daiyu sat on Liu Jin's lap, her head resting on his chest while he had his arms around her as he held the controller. She watched them play, sometimes asking questions, sometimes squealing with excitement.

Soon enough, the fatigue from the day took a toll on their small bodies. Zhihao yawned and looked over to find Daiyu nestled in Liu Jin's embrace, peacefully asleep.

"Wanna hit the hay?"

"Yeah. We can continue tomorrow." He nodded.

"Alright." Zhihao went to tidy up their mess while Liu Jin gently carried Daiyu and laid her on his bed. His room had a king-sized bed which was big enough for the three children to share.

Not wanting to let Zhihao sleep next to his little princess, Liu Jin slept in between them.

"I don't wanna sleep next to you!" Zhihao gritted his teeth.

"Do you think I want to?!" Liu Jin replied angrily.

"Then scoot over and let Daiyu take the middle!"

"Not a fucking chance!"

He turned his back against Zhihao and faced Daiyu.

"Hehe." He giggled. His little princess was so cute.


Liu Jin gritted his teeth and kicked Zhihao's shin.


Soon, after arguing extensively, the two boys drifted off to sleep.


Liu Jin had a beautiful dream that night. In fact, it was so beautiful that it would haunt him for a while.

In his dream, he saw Daiyu curled up in bed. They were inside the room they shared at the inn of the afterlife.

Daiyu's long milky legs were exposed and only her upper torso was covered by the pure white sheets. Sunlight poured generously from the windows and her skin glowed, as if translucent.

He smiled and gently tucked a stray hair behind her ear. He watched her sleep for a long time, content to listening to her soft, even breathing.

He bent down to kiss her forehead when something caught his eyes.

"B…boobs." He gulped.

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