I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 48

Chapter 48


The children went on a short walk before returning back to camp. They were going to help prepare dinner after all. Daiyu washed the vegetables, Liu Jin peeled them, while Zhihao diced them.0

"Cut them smaller! How is that going to fit Xiao Yu's mouth?!"

"Well she's going to need a bigger mouth to fit you– OUCH!" Liu Jin had hit the back of Zhihao's head.

"Switch!" He threw him aside and started dicing the vegetables while Zhihao was demoted to peeling them.

Luckily, Daiyu was so concentrated with her task that she failed to hear Zhihao.

"Uncle Tang." Daiyu approached Butler Tang and gripped his pants.

She watched with curiosity as he prepared the spices for their curry. Butler Tang smiled down on her but continued with his task.

"Let's go, Xiao Yu. It's time to cook the curry."

Daiyu nodded excitedly.

After pestering Butler Tang over and over, he finally relented and started calling her Xiao Yu. Daiyu didn't like being called young mistress. To show her point, she refused to face anyone calling her that. Now, the entire mansion called her Daiyu or Xiao Yu.

Butler Tang held her hand and led her towards the pot by the campfire. He did most of the cooking but he would hand Daiyu spices to pour into the curry. He wouldn't let her touch the ladle though, afraid that she would burn herself. Instead, he gave her the important task of taste testing their cooking.

"Delicious!!!" Daiyu cheered.

"Alright. Now, its time to let it simmer." Butler Tang stated.

"Xiao Yu! Let's go!" Zhihao called her.

"Go where?" She tilted her head to one side.

"We need more wood for the campfire. Jin and I are going to gather some. Do you want to come with us?"

Daiyu nodded. She trotted over to their side and held both their hands, Liu Jin's on her right, and Zhihao's on her left.

The maids had prepared the dry wood earlier and left them inside a garden shed for them to collect. Daiyu's task this time was to get to the shed without getting lost.

The Wang Mansion staff had used the artificial cherry blossom trees from Daiyu's birthday party to redecorate the garden to look like a forest. Fortunately, the snow had covered the leaves in white, masking their pink color.

The staff had likewise used the animal stuffed toys from the party and placed them around the garden. Daiyu enjoyed pointing out the deers she spotted and the small squirrels on the trees.

So that they wouldn't get lost, Daiyu had been dropping pebbles to mark their way, just like in the Hansel and Gretel story. However, to her disappointment, the snow had covered their tracks and her pebbles were lost.

"W-we're lost!"

"If we offer Zhihao to the forest god, he'll bring us home."



Daiyu frowned. She honestly didn't know the way home.

"Daiyu, let's collect the wood first." Liu Jin encouraged her.

"O-owkay." She nodded.

The three children then returned to their original task. To help her forget her worries, Liu Jin had asked her to sing and both boys held her hands tightly to assure her.

Upon reaching the shed, the boys loaded the wood onto their drawstring backpacks.

"Ready?" Liu Jin asked as he held out his hand.

Daiyu took it but shook her head.

"Daiyu doesn't know the way home." She furrowed her brows in worry.

"It's okay, Xiao Yu. Remember you saw a lot of deers a while ago? We'll use those as markers instead. Besides, your big brothers are here. We'll take care of you." Zhihao assured her.

"O-owkay." She then held onto Zhihao's hand too.

Zhihao opened his flashlight to light their way since it was getting dark.

"A deer!" Daiyu excitedly pointed out.

Just like that, they made their way back to the camp safely.

The boys fed the fire with more wood while Daiyu helped Butler Tang set up the table. She then called for Wang Jing who stayed inside his tent the entire time, enjoying the warmth of the blankets. He had to admit, camping at home was very relaxing.

"Grandpaw! Dinner time!"

"Oh, it's that time already?"

Daiyu nodded.

Meanwhile, the chef had finished grilling their meat too. He had also prepared melted cheese for them as well as some freshly baked bread.

"Woah!" Zhihao's mouth started watering. "Okay. I gotta say. This trip turned out even better than the real one we planned."

Liu Jin nodded. His stomach started grumbling upon seeing the feast laid out in front of them.

"Let's eat." Wang Jing gave the signal and both boys started digging in.

Daiyu took her time, enjoying the curry that Butler Tang had prepared for them.


After their meal, they sat around the campfire. Wang Jing made S'mores for Daiyu while Zhihao and Liu Jin drank honeyed milk.

"Uncle Tang! Uncle Tang! Story!" Daiyu shook his arm repeatedly. He chuckled.

"Story?" Zhihao asked.

Daiyu nodded.

"Uncle Tang is – is really cool!"

Wang Jing laughed.

Butler Tang indulged Daiyu and began telling her stories about his days as a teenager. Liu Jin and Zhihao were shocked. It turns out, Butler Tang was part of a bicycle gang in his younger days and was a complete rebel.

"Woah! Uncle Tang, you're so cool!" Zhihao looked at him with stars in his eyes and Daiyu nodded in agreement as she continued heaping praises upon Butler Tang.

Meanwhile, Liu Jin stared at him with envy.

'Xiao Yu likes the bad boy image?' Maybe he should change his style too. He pondered.

Soon, fatigue had lulled the children to sleep. Butler Tang tucked them into bed and covered them with warm blankets before leaving their tent.


The next day, the children woke up early and had a hearty breakfast. Wang Jing made salty pancakes for Daiyu and she finished them wholeheartedly.

After that, the three children played in the snow the entire day. Liu Jin and Zhihao had snowball fights while Daiyu spent her time building snow castles.

"Woah. Xiao Yu, you're really good with the cold!" Zhihao commented as he stared at Daiyu who enjoyed her time playing with snow.

"Daiyu is used to it. Daiyu didn't have a home before."

Liu Jin quickly nudged Zhihao hard with his elbow and the boy immediately clammed up. He forgot about that.

"When – when it gets cold outside, Daiyu works harder! So that Daiyu has money to eat hot meat buns. The meat buns the aunty sells by the laundry shop are really good!"

"O-oh really? Then you should take us there!" Zhihao replied.

Daiyu nodded excitedly.

"Daiyu will buy hot meat buns for Jin-gege and Zhihao-gege!" She smiled at them brightly.

Liu Jin smiled back at her, warmth filing his heart. He approached her and gently kissed her forehead.

"Okay. Take us there. We'll eat them together." He smiled.

"Hehe." Daiyu giggled.

Meanwhile, Zhihao was feeling emotional too.

"Xiao Yu is such a good girl!!!" He teared up at her thoughtful words. He then bent down and kissed her forehead too.

"Indiwect kiss! Zhihao-gege kissed Jin-gege!"

"WHAT?!" Zhihao's eyes widened with shock.

"Ew!" Liu Jin quickly wiped his mouth.

"What ew?! You're ew!!!"

Daiyu giggled.

"Again, again! Zhihao-gege kiss Jin-gege again!"

"NO!!!" Both boys rejected her immediately.

After that, they all spent another night camping before their little trip ended. Thereafter, the three children spent the rest of their winter break at home, more particularly, Daiyu's home. Both boys played video games while Daiyu practiced her sewing skills. It was almost Zhihao's birthday and she wanted to make gifts for both her big brothers as promised.


In the blink of an eye, winter break ended and it was time to return to school. Liu Jin and Zhihao came to fetch Daiyu in the morning as usual. To her surprise, Liu Jin sported a new haircut and he had a mole-sized black piercing on his ear.

"S-so cool!!!" Daiyu's eyes turned into stars.

Liu Jin smiled smugly. His decision was right!

He still had a taper fade but the shaved sides came up higher and there were two shaved lines that ran across them. At first, General Shen was not happy with his new cut and piercing. However, the old man could not deny that the boy did look fiercer.

Liu Jin had a natural honey-tone skin color which tanned a little bit more after their regular training sessions. He was also taller than boys his age, even taller than Zhihao who had foreign blood. His deep black slanted eyes and the mole under his left eye matched his black piercing quite well too.

"Jin-gege! So handsome!" She cheered.

"Hehe." He giggled boyishly.

"Your fierce look doesn't much your puppy boy attitude." Zhihao commented.

"S-so pretty!!!" Daiyu could not help but gasp.

Zhihao had blond hair!

"Hehe! It's my natural hair color. Do you like it?" He asked.

Of course, Zhihao didn't want to lose to Liu Jin in terms of showing off. Therefore, he had asked his mom to change his hair color back to blond. Victoria had forced him to dye his hair upon their move into the country to help him fit in more with the crowd. But now that he had settled into his new lifestyle, there was no longer a reason to keep dying his hair.

"Daiyu wants a haircut too!!!" She stared at them with envy.

"We'll go with you after class, okay?"


And with that, all three children boarded the car as Daiyu looked forward to her new haircut.

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