I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 32

Chapter 32


Liu Jin led his mother inside the mansion. While the maids brought her belongings up to her new room, the mother and son pair had tea inside the living room. 3

"Mom, this is Daiyu. Xiao Yu, go say hi." Liu Jin gently pushed her forward.

"H-hello Awnty." She shyly greeted.

"My! What an adorable child!" Nana watched as the chubby Daiyu hid behind Liu Jin's back after greeting her.

Liu Jin nodded his head vigorously.

"Baby Daiyu is the most adorable baby ever."

Nana laughed. Well, isn't her son generous with his praise?

"Is she your girlfriend?" Nana asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Daiyu is Jin-gege's wife!" Daiyu declared, somehow forgetting her earlier shyness.

"Oh!" Nana covered her mouth with her hand. She didn't know that they've progressed this far! Her son sure works hard!

"When did you get married?" She asked.

Daiyu shook her head.

"Not yet! When – when Daiyu's boobs grow bigger!"

"… Boobs?"

Daiyu nodded.

Liu Jin sweated nervously.

"Oh my! Children these days sure are mature." Nana commented as she looked at Daiyu. Maybe she learned it from the streets?

"Well, anyway. Mom, I'm sure you're tired from your trip. Why don't we go have dinner now so you can rest up early?" Liu Jin tried changing the topic quickly.

Nana nodded. She was indeed tired.

"Alright. Let's go then." She smiled and held Liu Jin's hand by instinct before leading him out the room.

Daiyu watched the mother and son pair holding hands.

"Xiao Yu?" Liu Jin noticed that Daiyu was not following them. He held out his hand, signaling her to take it.

Daiyu smiled and took his hand.


During dinner, Daiyu watched as Nana continuously heaped food onto Liu Jin's plate. Nana would wipe his mouth, refill his glass of juice, and attend to him like a busy mother hen.

She asked him about school, about his grades, and about his friends. She listened intently as he talked about his stay at the Wang Mansion and as he complained about how annoying Zhihao was.

"You can't say that about your best friend, Ah Jin."

"Best friend? He's not my best friend! He's my worst friend!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth and Nana chuckled.

Daiyu watched them talk happily before looking down and staring at her own plate. Tonight, she ate little and stayed quiet.

"Xiao Yu? What's wrong? Here. You need to eat more of this." Liu Jin then scooped food onto her plate before wiping her mouth.

Daiyu smiled.

'It's owkay. Daiyu doesn't have a mom but Daiyu has Jin-gege!'

She giggled.

"Mmm?" Liu Jin asked, unaware of why she was happy.

"Daiyu has Jin-gege!" She excitedly claimed.

Liu Jin blushed before nodding with a smile.

"Mmm. Daiyu has Jin-gege."


After dinner, Nana wanted to bathe with Liu Jin.

"N-no!" Liu Jin blushed shyly. He loved his mom but he was literally a twenty-three year old man inside a child's body. He didn't want to, you know, see his mom naked!

"Oh, don't be shy now. We used to bathe together all the time!" Nana tugged on his arm.

"No!" Liu Jin closed his eyes tightly and looked away.

Nana giggled. Her son was growing up so fast!

"My baby doesn't love me anymore. Huhu." She pouted and pretended to cry.

Liu Jin panicked.

"N-no, I –

"Then let's go!" Nana picked him up and carried him away.

"Wait! No!"

It was too late. Nana giggled as she brought the struggling Liu Jin into the bathroom.


Meanwhile, Daiyu sat in her room, waiting for her Jin-gege to bathe her. She waited and waited but Liu Jin didn't come for her! Soon, she heard her bedroom door opening and she excitedly ran towards it.

"Jin-gege!" She hugged him tightly. Just then, she noticed the fresh soapy scent coming from him.

"Jin-gege?" She pouted as she looked up to him. Her Jin-gege bathed without her!

"Sorry Xiao Yu, my mom wanted to bathe with me." He answered with a blush.


Daiyu let go of him and looked down. She pouted and ran off to her bed, burying her little head onto the pillows.

"Xiao Yu?"

She didn't move nor did she answer him.

Liu Jin slowly approached her and sat on her bed.

"Xiao Yu? What's wrong?" He gently rubbed her back.

Daiyu liked the warmth that his hands brought her. Unable to resist him, she crawled onto his lap and hugged him tightly.

"Daiyu doesn't have a mom…" She pouted as she clung onto him.

'Is that what's bothering her?' Liu Jin looked at her sadly.

"… That's not true." Liu Jin gently patted her head.

Daiyu shook her head. She knew. She didn't know a lot of things, but she knew she had no mom and dad. She used to sit by the streets, watching as families passed by her happily. She didn't have that… a mom to hug her, a dad to hold her hand.

"Xiao Yu… do you know how babies are born?"

Daiyu looked up to him and shook her head.

"A baby is born when a mommy and a daddy gets together. That means, for baby Daiyu to have been born, you must have had a mom and dad too."

"Then where is Daiyu's mommy and daddy?"

"They've moved to another place. To a place where there are lots of clouds and stars."


"Mmm. We've been there too. You just don't remember." He kissed her forehead.

"You stayed there with me for a long time. We ate a lot, kissed a lot, and fuc –

He paused.

"Had fun a lot."

Daiyu paused.

"Daiyu doesn't remember." She pouted.

"Mmm. It's your Jin-gege's job to remember. Xiao Yu's job is to be happy."

"... Did we see Daiyu's mommy and daddy too?"

Liu Jin shook his head.

"Not yet. We will have to stay here for a very long time before we get to see them."

"Why?" Daiyu frowned.

"Because Xiao Yu will have to become a mommy first." He grinned naughtily.

"… But Daiyu wants a mommy and daddy too." She plopped her head back onto his chest with a pout.

"Mmm? But you do have one right now."

Daiyu looked up to him.

"Didn't you say that you were my wife? When you become my wife, we become family. That means my mommy becomes your mommy too."



Daiyu's eyes sparkled.

"Then, daddy?"

Liu Jin nodded.

"My dad is also your dad now too."

Daiyu's eyes were filled with excitement.


Liu Jin chuckled.

"Mmm." He kissed her forehead gently.

"Xiao Yu has two mommies and two daddies. Xiao Yu is lucky." He smiled at her.

Daiyu looked deeply into his eyes before nodding.

"Daiyu is lucky." She then hugged him tight, rubbing her face against his chest.

Liu Jin chuckled.

"What are you doing?"

Daiyu stopped and rested her head on his chest.

"Daiyu is lucky." A tear rolled down her chubby cheek.

Liu Jin gently rubbed her back. Was she still sad?

He wanted to know what was bothering her. He hesitated, not wanting to invade her privacy but he couldn't resist the temptation. Ultimately, he decided to use his skill on her.

After realizing what was bothering her, he smiled.

"Xiao Yu, your Jin-gege will always be with you."

A moment of silence passed.


"Mmm. I promise."

He cupped her face and softly kissed her lips.

"You'll never be alone again."

Daiyu looked deeply into his eyes before smiling.

"Hehe." She rubbed her face vigorously against his chest.

He chuckled.

To Daiyu, she had only ever remembered being lonely. She spent her childhood trying to survive, begging for food and spare change. She had no one to talk to, to cry to, to hug, and to kiss. The streets were cold, and so were everyone's stares.

When she was reunited with her grandfather, things started to change. She gained an Uncle Tang who was strict but loved her dearly. She had Xiao Nuan and Xiao Ning who played with her often. She had her Zhihao-gege who would always make her laugh. And most of all, she had her Jin-gege – her Jin-gege who taught her what it feels like to be warm.

'Please don't take Daiyu's Jin-gege away.'


Lanfen sat on the bed, beckoning Shuren. He approached her before speaking.


Lanfen obediently listened to him and started taking her clothes off. Meanwhile, Shuren sat on the bed and opened the suitcase in his hand. Inside the case were several bottles of clear fluid and a syringe. He uncapped a bottle and filled the syringe with its contents.

"Shuren?" Lanfen watched him with curious eyes.

"I bought this in Germany for you." He replied before facing her. He patted his lap, signaling her to come over to him.

She hesitated before crawling onto his lap. Shuren then took one of her arms and tried to give her a shot but she protested.


"What's wrong? Relax. It's not addictive. It's only supposed to heighten your senses."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Do you think I'd buy this many if it were addictive?"

Lanfen glanced at the suitcase filled with glass bottles.

"It'll make you feel good. I promise." He gently kissed her head.


He smirked and gave her a shot.

"Relax." He gently whispered into her ear.

"You'll feel so good… you'll be drowning in pleasure."

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