I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 59

Chapter 59


Daiyu was excited all throughout the two-hour ride. Her face stayed glue to the windows, enjoying all kinds of scenery they passed through.3

Upon arriving at the summer house, the boys unloaded their baggage before taking Daiyu out for a stroll. This time, they saw real animals and Daiyu excitedly pointed them out.

"And then, and then, Zhenzhen called Zhihao-gege a loser!"


"A loser!"

"Then what did you say?!"

"Daiyu agwees!" She giggled naughtily.


"Daiyu said that Zhenzhen was a – a jealous bitch!"

"A WHAT?!" Liu Jin's eyes widened.

"A jealous bitch!" She repeated.

"Zhihao!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth

"HAHAHAHA!" Zhihao laughed uncontrollably.

"Then? Then what happened next?"

"She called the teacher! And then she said 'Teacher Peng, Daiyu called me a jealous bitch!' So Daiyu said 'Bad word! Teacher Peng! Zhenzhen said a bad word!'"

Zhihao continued laughing. What a cheeky brat!


After their stroll, the boys went to prepare the grill while Daiyu helped Butler Tang prepare the meat.

"Uncle Tang, Daiyu wants curry again."

"Alright. We'll make it tomorrow."

"Owkay." She nodded obediently.

That night, the boys took turns grilling the meat while Butler Tang assisted them. Daiyu watched them work hard while she sat on her grandfather's lap, eating.


After dinner, the children went out to watch the fireflies.

"Jin-gege! Why do they glow?"

"That's their butts, Xiao Yu! Their butts are glowing!" Zhihao explained.

"… Daiyu's butt wants to glow too!" She excitedly claimed and the boys laughed.

"Xiao Yu, come here." Liu Jin called her and she crawled onto his lap.

"From here you can see lots of stars." He pointed towards the sky.


Daiyu had never seen so many stars before. The city lights had always drowned them out.

"Mommy and daddy are there!" She remembered.

"Mmm." Liu Jin nodded.

"Hi mommy! Hi daddy!" She waved.

"Daiyu is having fun every day! Daiyu will work hard to smile every day! So mommy and daddy should smile too!"

Zhihao smiled upon hearing her words. Liu Jin kissed her chubby cheek softly and she giggled.

After staying out a bit more, they returned to their cabin and had a good night's rest.


When morning came, Daiyu woke up to the smell of breakfast. She quickly crawled out of her bed and came running down the stairs, still wearing her pajamas.

"Morning, Xiao Yu!" Zhihao greeted her.

"Yummy!" Daiyu ignored him upon seeing the food. Liu Jin laughed.

"Let's freshen you up first before breakfast, Xiao Yu."

She then reluctantly let her Jin-gege carry her away to get her changed.

After eating, it was finally time for Daiyu to check out the horse ranch.

"W-WOW!!!" Daiyu had never seen horses before.

"Do you want to ride one?" Liu Jin asked and Daiyu shook her head immediately.

They looked pretty but she was still scared of them.

"Daiyu will watch."

"You sure?" Zhihao asked.

"You can ride with me if you want." Liu Jin offered.

"You can ride him too if you want–OUCH!"

Daiyu shook her head.

"It's owkay. Daiyu will watch." She was happy riding her toy car. That was enough for her.

"Alright then."

With that, the boys went to ride their horses while Daiyu watched. Nao Nao kept her company.

After the boys had their fun, it was Daiyu's turn. They visited the little farm and Daiyu had a blast!

"What's this, what's this!" She asked the farmer about each and every vegetable she found and the man patiently indulged her.

"Uncle! Daiyu wants to try!"

"Oh! Sure, sure!" The man was happy to see her so enthusiastic about planting.

He quickly prepared some seeds for her and cleared away a patch of land.

"What are you going to plant, Xiao Yu?" Liu Jin asked.

"Daiyu wants to plant yummy food!"

The boys chuckled.

And with that, the farmer helped her plant some vegetables.

"When the fruit ripens, I'll send them to you."

"R-really?!" Daiyu asked excitedly and the man nodded.

"Uncle you're the best!"


After visiting the farm, of course, Liu Jin wanted to do something sweet for Daiyu.

"Xiao Yu, let's go on a stroll."


"Where are we going?" Zhihao excitedly asked.

"Without you."


"Stop being a third wheel!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth.

Daiyu giggled and held both of their hands.

"Let's gooooo!"

Defeated, Liu Jin went on the stroll with Daiyu and Zhihao. He then led them towards a huge tree. He had always wanted to try it so he began carving his name with Daiyu's onto the bark of the tree. It went Jin x Daiyu.

Of course, Zhihao didn't want to be left out so he carved his name onto it too. It became Jin x Daiyu x Zhihao.

Angered, Liu Jin carved another name. Now it was Jin x Daiyu x Zhihao x Butler Tang.

Daiyu thought they were carving everyone's name onto the tree so she added another name. The final result was Jin x Daiyu x Zhihao x Butler Tang x Grandpaw.

"GREAT! Now we're in a ship with the old man!" Liu Jin angrily stated.

"Nao Nao too! Daiyu wants to add Nao Nao!"

"No!" Both boys rejected her.


They had curry for dinner before the boys started setting up camp. Yesterday, they slept inside the cabin but they had planned to sleep outside tonight. Daiyu helped them by bringing out blankets and pillows.

When the tents were set up, they prepared a campfire as well.


"Mmm?" Daiyu had crawled onto his lap.

"Daiyu wants a story."

"A story?"

Daiyu nodded.

"Alright then. Once upon a time, there was a horse. It had three legs–

"Can't you tell her a normal story?" Liu Jin interrupted him.

"Fine! Once upon a time, there was a princess. She had three legs–

A vein started twitching on Liu Jin's head.

"Turns out he was a guy. And the other leg was his dic–OUCH!"

"Xiao Yu, come here." Liu Jin carried her away and sat her down on his lap instead.

"Jin-gege will tell you a story instead."

"Daiyu wants to know what happened to the other leg!"

"The princess was Zhihao. He didn't need the other leg so we had it chopped off."

Zhihao instinctively covered his crotch.


The next day, the children had a late breakfast before they visited the river. They sat on its bank, their legs by the water while they ate cold slices of watermelon.

"Man. Being a kid is the best." Zhihao let out a huge sigh as he enjoyed the cold treat.

Liu Jin nodded.

"By the way. What are they gonna name your baby sister?" Zhihao asked.

"Meili." He briefly replied.

"Baby sister!" Daiyu excitedly called.

Liu Jin nodded and patted Daiyu's head. She had already prepared several stories for Liu Jin's baby sister. She drew them herself and Liu Jin compiled them into a book.

"Daiyu will – Daiyu will share Daiyu's car."

Daiyu loved her pink car. But she wanted to be a good big sister too.

Liu Jin chuckled.

"Thank you, Xiao Yu. I'm sure she'll be very happy."


After they spent an entire afternoon playing by the river, they had dinner one last time at the cabin before they set off some fireworks. Daiyu had fun watching all the different colors before they finally went to bed.

The next day, as everyone was busy loading their things onto their van, Liu Jin snuck out with Daiyu. He brought her to another huge tree he found and finally carved their name onto it without Zhihao's interference.

"Hehe." He giggled. "Xiao Yu let's visit again next year. We'll carve our names here every year!"

"Owkay." Daiyu nodded and smiled. "Next year too! Daiyu wants to be with Jin-gege next year too!"

"Mmm. And every year after that." Liu Jin excitedly added.

And with that, they finally went home.


After a few more days, the Wang Daiyu foundation was finally opened. Daiyu cut the ribbon excitedly as Wang Jing carried her in his arms. They had their pictures taken together before they had Daiyu sign a portrait that was going to be placed at the entrance hall of the institution.

'Daiyu prays for your happiness!' She wrote.

Her grandfather had explained to her that the foster home was there to make sure that children left to fend for themselves on the streets would no longer suffer like she did.

"They – they don't need to work for meat buns?" Daiyu asked.

"Mmm. Grandpa will make sure that they have enough meat buns to eat."

When Daiyu heard that, she squealed in delight and excitedly hugged her grandfather.

"Grandpaw is the best!" She then peppered his face with kisses as he chuckled.

"Grandpaw, thank you!" She smiled.

Wang Jing smiled back and gently kissed her forehead.

"Grandpaw, when Daiyu grows up, Daiyu will work hard to take care of you!"


Daiyu nodded.

"Daiyu will make sure that grandpaw has enough meat buns to eat!"

Wang Jing laughed heartily.

"I will look forward to that then."

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