The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

Chapter 309 "Don't Blame Me"

Chapter 309 "Don't Blame Me"

3No! He can't...he won't stop until Tan Hua went back to his side.     

Nan Shen looked at Tan Hua direction with determined eyes. He would do anything to make Tan Hua his girl again even if he had to do a dirty trick.     


"I'm so tired!" Tan Hua plopped down to her bed after the engagement party ended. She was so tired of having to greet people from one group to another group. She was wearing heels, of course, her feet hurt. If not for her asking Lan Yanjin to stop the party, they would go on until late night!      

"Are you okay?" Shen Ling opened the door to Tan Hua's room as he brought soup for her. He didn't attend the party even though Tan Hua invited him only because he got a job to take care of. Anyway, his presence there won't be too important.     

"Thanks, I'm okay though" Tan Hua get up from the bed and took the soup Shen Ling brought for her. She hasn't eaten anything at the party since she had to greet the guests non-stop. She only ate a few cakes and that's all.     

"...what about your revenge plan?" Shen Ling hasn't been home lately so when now he had the chance to talk with Tan Hua, the man used it well. He sat down on the bed next to Tan Hua to inquire about her revenge plan.     

"It's going well. If Nan Shen didn't give up even after this engagement party, I'll consider going back with him" Tan Hua answered Shen Ling question before she took a spoonful of the hot soup and after carefully blowing it, put the spoon into her mouth.      

"How will you know if Nan Shen gives up or not?" Shen Ling tilted his head in confusion. He knew very well that Nan Shen won't give up easily but how could Tan Hua knew Nan Shen didn't give up just yet?      

"If he contacts me again and does something to win back my heart, I'll know that he hasn't given up on me just yet" Tan Hua kept blowing the soup to cool it down as she casually answered Shen Ling question.     

Right, she would wait until Nan Shen came to her with his own method. She didn't care what kind of method he might use since he was, in fact, a quite ruthless man. As long as he did something to at least ask for her forgiveness, she would stop the revenge and go on with her heart wish.     

She too didn't want to be so cruel like this but if she forgives both Nan Shen and Ren Yuan so easily, she would be seen as a weak girl who couldn't even cherish her own feeling.      

"I get it. Let's sleep now tomorrow you still have a lot of things to do" Shen Ling took the empty bowl after Tan Hua finished the soup as he walked out of the room.     

Noticing Shen Ling slightly cold attitude, Tan Hua couldn't help but furrowed her eyebrows. Shen Ling didn't look as energetic as usual, is there something wrong with him? Or maybe it's just him being tired from all his work…     

Tan Hua had a bad feeling about Shen Ling slightly cold attitude toward her but knowing that the man would never harm her, she finally prepared to go to bed. She knew for sure that Shen Ling might be like that because he had a problem and indeed, Shen Ling was having an internal problem.     


" could she still be so cheerful when her fate…" Shen Ling slammed his fist to the wall as soon as he went back to his own room. He glances at the empty bowl he put on his table as he shook his head.     

He did this for Tan Hua. If Tan Hua kept having a relationship with Nan Shen, she...she might…     

"Damn!" Shen Ling gritted his teeth in frustration. He knew something that no one knew about Tan Hua. Even his friend already warned him about this but what if the thing he was afraid of would still happen in the future?     

No. Tan Hua already had her fill in getting her revenge. Once Nan Shen did his best to conquer Tan Hua again, those two would be back together real soon and he couldn't let them be.     

Tan Hua….she's just not fated with Nan Shen but if she still insisted...there was a price she needs to pay. This is what he couldn't let her do. It would be too much for her. She should just forget about Nan Shen and fall in love with Lan Yanjin instead.     

Tan Hua….don't blame me for doing this to you. You will know one day that it's all for your well-being.      


"Why she isn't answering her phone?" Nan Shen had just gone back to his house and he already called Tan Hua several times already but the girl didn't pick up the call. Maybe she was already asleep but he was sure since the girl was a CEO like him too, she would stay up late to do her job. Just what happened?     

Little did he knew Tan Hua was already fast asleep with the help of the soup she just drank. The soup Tan Hua drank which was given by Shen Ling was already drugged!      

This novel is uploaded to with many free chps if you steal my novel at least include the link there! ┌П┐(►˛◄'!) -Zehell2218     

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