The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

Chapter 311 "Where is This?"

Chapter 311 "Where is This?"

4" Shen Ling. He lives with Tan Hua he should know something" Lan Yanjin sat down again as he looked at the ceiling with a dark face. He had a feeling that Shen Ling was behind this but just for what?       0

What did Shen Ling gain from taking away Tan Hua like this?      

Nan Shen didn't reply for a while before cutting off the call. He couldn't believe it that Shen Ling would be the one behind Tan Hua's disappearance. Shen Ling always treated Tan Hua like the most important person for him in this world why would he took Tan Hua away?     

Nan Shen went back to his mansion before looking down at his phone. He did have Shen Ling phone number but he doubts it would be of use. That man would probably change his phone number already.     

Why not look at the GPS instead to see where Tan Hua was right now?     

Nan Shen quickly turned on the screen of his phone to see Tan Hua's location with the GPS. He bet Shen Ling didn't know about the GPS so he won't possibly take it off.     

"This…" Nan Shen was stunned seeing the location appeared on the screen of his phone. To his surprise, Tan Hua wasn't in this country anymore! She went to an unknown island far away from this country, according to the GPS.     

So Shen Ling actually brought her so far away? For what??     

"Lan Yanjin. I looked up the GPS and found out Tan Hua's location but she is at an unknown island far away from this country, maybe 7 hours by plane" Nan Shen called Lan Yanjin again to inform the man that Tan Hua wasn't in this country anymore.     

"Is it really Shen Ling who bring her there, not her wanting to have a vacation?" Hearing this, Lan Yanjin frowned again. He thought that Shen Ling might be the one taking Tan Hua away but if they went to an unknown island...wasn't that just a vacation then?      

"I doubt it's Tan Hua's plan. She is a CEO now for her to suddenly take a vacation when her works are still pilling's impossible" Nan Shen shook his head not agreeing with Lan Yanjin's thought.     

Tan Hua as the owner of the company could actually just hire a CEO but the girl insists on being a CEO all by herself at least maybe until her company had really settled down.     

"I see...but I won't be able to go to the island I'm having an important meeting" Lan Yanjin wanted to cancel the meeting right away but his grandfather won't allow him to do that just to find his missing contract fiancé.      

His hands are tied!      

"I'll go there I'm free" Nan Shen secretly celebrate that Lan Yanjin wouldn't be able to make it because of his grandfather. On the other hand, his parents would support him fully if he says he would leave the company for a while to find Tan Hua.     

They might even already packed his stuff and kicked him out from the house just so he could get Tan Hua back. His parents really liked that girl to the bone!     

"Don't you dare to mess with her even though I can't go I'll still send my men to monitor you" Lan Yanjin gritted his teeth hearing Nan Shen's tone of voice was a bit excited. It's obvious that this bastard was happy that he couldn't make it!      

"It's up to me whether I'll make my move on her or not. I don't care about your men" Nan Shen snickered as he quietly packed up his things to go to the island as soon as possible. The island might be a deserted one but after he fled to a nearby island, he could just get a boat right?     

"She is my fiancé! You!! Don't you dare!" Lan Yanjin was about to rant again when Nan Shen already hung up the call, making him stupefied unable to say what he wanted to say.     

'Damn bastard!' Lan Yanjin thought in his mind as he slammed his office table out of anger. He had a bad feeling about Nan Shen going to the island but what could he do? He could only hope that he would still be Tan Hua's fiance until the end of the year just like what they agreed on in the contract.     

C Island.     

"Mn…" Tan Hua yawned as she slowly opened her eyes. She felt so tired and sleepy but it was morning already right? She should go to the office so- wait what?!      

"Ah ah ah!" Tan Hua quickly get up to see the alarm clock on the table next to her afraid that she would fall asleep and thus already late for work but then, she didn't find the usual alarm clock she had there.     

'Huh?' Tan Hua looked at the empty bedside table and only then realised that the table wasn't even the same table she had in her room.     

….where is this??      

Tan Hua looked around her to see a nice room with a nature theme soothing her eyes. The wall was made of fine wood and even the floor was made of the same good quality wood. For some reason, the room looked like a resort in Hawaii with lots of flowers and tropical vibe. she in Hawaii? How come?!      

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