The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

Chapter 325 "This Can't Be!"

Chapter 325 "This Can't Be!"

1"I'm on vacation with Shen Ling so of course, I'm alright but now let's not talk about that. I want to talk about our contract" Tan Hua crossed her leg as she spoke over the phone with a serious face.      2

She had to solve this as fast as she could because she didn't know when her time would arrive. Since she had done that with Nan Shen...she assumed that it wouldn't be long anymore.     

"The engagement contract?" Lan Yanjin looked at his butler and with a hand gesture, commanding every servant in the room to go out. No one should know about the engagement contract other than his trusted butler.     

"I want to exterminate the contract right now. Is there anything I can offer so you can accept that?" Tan Hua spoke directly to the main matter not giving time for Lan Yanjin to prepare his heart.     

The poor man got another heart attack!      

"What do you mean? Do you want to exterminate the contract before it ends? So suddenly?" Lan Yanjin wiped his mouth with a handkerchief after Tan Hua's word successfully make him spat the coffee he was drinking.      

Can this girl not make another surprise to his fragile heart?      

"Yes. Me and Nan Shen is getting married next week so…" Tan Hua didn't know that her next word would actually make Lan Yanjin choked on his own saliva, almost leading to his death.     

"What???" Lan Yanjin coughed several times as his butler helped him. His heart skipped a beat when Tan Hua casually dropped another bomb to him. Getting married? Out of the blue?!      

"Yes this is true so is there anything I can do so you want to exterminate the contract?" Tan Hua furrowed her eyebrows when she heard Lan Yanjin was coughing on the other side of the phone.      

"So you're getting married...did Nan Shen chase you to your vacation place?" Lan Yanjin didn't immediately answer whether he wanted to exterminate the contract or not. He didn't even say what he wants as compensation, yet.     

"Yep, he did, what's up with that?" Tan Hua felt goosebumps when Lan Yanjin guessed what happened accurately. This man must also think like Nan Shen before. Wonder what made him unable to come.     

"...I bet you two already did it" Lan Yanjin let out a big sigh as he smiles stiffly. The man's eyebrows were dropped down and a hint of sadness could be seen in his eyes.     

So Nan Shen already made his move earlier than him…     

"W-what?! Why are you asking that??" This time it was Tan Hua's turn to get choked on her own saliva. The girl looked at Nan Shen direction ensuring that the man didn't hear the conversation on the phone. That would be very embarrassing!      

"So you did. Well if that's the case what can I do?" Lan Yanjin laughed but his eyes didn't look happy at all. His face was gloomy and his eyes were empty, dead without his usual spirit.      

"I…" Tan Hua could vaguely sense a tinge of sadness in Lan Yanjin's voice. The girl was stumped of word and cooking speak for a while, confused as what to say.     

She knew it was cruel for someone who loved her but she hoped that Lan Yanjin would move on and met a new girl he deserves to get.      

"I get it. I won't become a thorn in your path. You guys already did it and will be married next week what can I do? I'll just ask for compensation since you exterminate the contract"      

Lan Yanjin sighed as he gripped his cup of coffee tighter than before. It would be a lie if he said he was alright even after knowing this shocking news but he too had his principles. He didn't want to obstruct someone else's happiness when it was already set.     

It was clear he didn't have any chances to get Tan Hua again so why should he persisted and bring misfortunes to others instead? What he could do now was to silently give them his blessings and threatened Nan Shen to never make Tan Hua cry.     

"Just tell me what compensation you want later I'll surely fulfil it. I...I'm sorry I can't accept your feeling but thank you for playing along with my plan" Tan Hua smiled bitterly as she says her last goodbye to Lan Yanjin. She hoped the best for the man but it surely, the best for Lan Yanjin wasn't her.     

"I get it. See you" Lan Yanjin hurriedly hang the call as he strode to his room. He didn't let his butler followed him as he let out his frustration alone in his room.     

"...see you" Tan Hua also hang the call and stood up. She saw that Nan Shen already finished doing the house chores and was now calling Ren Yuan to tell him about them getting married next week.     

She bet Nan Shen wanted to ask Ren Yuan to be his spokesperson at the wedding as his best friend. Should she also tell Mi Shu so she could be her bridesmaid? But Mi Shu surely won't like this news since this Mi Shu wasn't her best friend.     

"What? They're getting married?" Mi Shu eyes widened in shock when Ren Yuan told her with a bright face.      

This...this can't be!      

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