The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

Chapter 129 "She is a He"

Chapter 129 "She is a He"

0GRAB!      3

Someone grabbed Lan Yanjin hand which was rubbing Tan Hua lips and that someone was none other than the missing Nan Shen.     

"What are you doing to my GIRLFRIEND" Nan Shen lips twitched and his face became dark when he saw Lan Yanjin acting so intimate with his supposed girlfriend.     

He just went back from talking to business partner and when he search for Tan Hua at the food corner, he didn't find her there. He went panicked and thought she was lost in this big hall so he began to search for her everywhere.     

After 10 minutes searching he finally saw her and was about to call her over when he saw there was that bastard Lan Yanjin next to her. They were talking casually as if they really had known each other for a long time!     

Not only that just now he saw Lan Yanjin rubbed Tan Hua lips to help her wash the macaroon crumb on her lips!! Now he had a feeling that Lan Yanjin realized Tan Hua was a girl.     

This...must not happen! It was one thing if Ren Yuan was the one who knew Tan Hua secret but why it had to be this bastard?! He never like this Lan Yanjin guy.     

With a death glare, Nan Shen pulled Tan Hua by her waist and slapped away Lan Yanjin hand acting like a jealous boyfriend who caught other man flirting with his girlfriend.     

"Uh oh the 'boyfriend' is here" Lan Yanjin pretended to be sacred of Nan Shen but the way he said 'boyfriend' made Nan Shen knew this Lan Yanjin had realize that he wasn't Tan Hua boyfriend at all.     

Damn it Tan Hua why you have to tell this guy out of all people?!     

Nan Shen wanted to scold Tan Hua right there for her foolishness but remembering that they were acting as a lovey dovey couple, he restrained himself.     

"Xiang'er there will be a dance in a minute let's go there shall we?" with a sweet smile Nan Shen took Tan Hua hand and went pass through Lan Yanjin.     

But as he went pass through Lan Yanjin, Nan Shen stopped for a second and whispered with the right volume where no one aside from Lan Yanjin could hear what he said.     

"You know this girl, even though she is like this. She is a man! Don't get a wrong idea" Nan Shen thought Lan Yanjin didn't know that Tan Hua was a girl and was only confused for a second because of Tan Hua appearance now so he went as far as telling 'the truth' to Lan Yanjin. a he! So don't think of anything indecent if you are not a gay.     

This was what Nan Shen wanted to convey but when Lan Yanjin heard about it, he suddenly had the urge to laugh.     

He thought Nan Shen would already knew Tan Hua was a girl but from his words seemed that what Tan Hua said was true! Nan Shen still didn't know the truth!     

Just know he said even if Tan Hua was this pretty her identity was still that of a man. was hilarious!!     

Lan Yanjin hold back his laughter as he immediately ran away from Nan Shen afraid that Nan Shen would see his smiling face. He really wanted to laugh out loud for Nan Shen foolishness!     

But thanks God Nan Shen didn't know Tan Hua was a girl so he wouldn't have any indecent thought about her. Their relationship now was also fake so...maybe one day he could made Tan Hua his girlfriend for real?     

Well let's just see if he had enough interest in that midget.     

"Em b- I mean honey..." Tan Hua immediately felt awkward when Nan Shen 'dragged' her away when she was talking with Lan Yanjin. She indeed felt guilty to be seen this intimate with Lan Yanjin as now she was playing as Nan Shen girlfriend.     

It would be a scar to Nan Shen reputation if someone saw his girlfriend was being so close to other man which literary his 'enemy'. But she couldn't do anything she also felt shocked when Lan Yanjin rubbed her lips.     

Maybe his intention was good to help her clean her dirty lips but wasn't it too intimate for a man like Lan Yanjin?! She was also taken aback okay?     

She was about to refuse Lan Yanjin help when suddenly Nan Shen butted in making her couldn't do anything aside from watching.     

Now...she felt that Nan Shen was in a bad mood. He must be because his reputation could been destroyed anytime with her being intimate with Lan Yanjin in public!     

Oh my she had made a grave mistake! Now Nan Shen would surely deduct her payment :loudly_crying_face:     

Nan Shen himself was indeed feeling angry after he saw how intimate his 'girlfriend' was with Lan Yanjin but he just couldn't know why the hell he would be angry.     

Tan Hua wasn't his real girlfriend anyway she was free to be intimate with any other man outside. It was just...why it had to be with Lan Yanjin? If she was with other man maybe...     

Maybe...maybe he won't be that angry? Wait. But he would still be angry. But....just why he would be angry??     

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